Tea Party is the biggest threat to the GOP

Do you mind, then, when someone who supports the Tea Party talks about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as negatives, when they propose shutting down several government agencies? Do you think that appeals to moderates and independents?


the tea party has loons like every other group,. The things you mentioned are not tea party policies. Once again you seem to be a victim of media lies and propaganda.

Go to a tea party rally, listen to what is being said. Go on the website, look at the policies that are being promoted. its not even close to what the libs are saying. the left is very afraid of a pro-constitution, pro-freedom movement because it will rob the government of some of its control, and rob the dems of much of their financial backing.
Shutting down the government was a Tea Party Policy
Defaulting on our debt is a Tea Party Policy
No compromise is a Tea Party Policy

wrong on all 3

obama shut down the govt, no party or congress has the power to do that
no one has said we should default, just balance the budget and begin to pay off the debt--how radical!
no compromise with failed socialism is the right thing to do. on that topic, where has obama offered to compromise?

Teatard revisionist history does not change the facts. Teatards forced the shutdown. TeaTards celirated the shutdown. Teatards fought to keep the shutdown from ending

nope, you are the revisionist. obama shut down the government. obama put barracades around national monuments. the minority of tea party members of congress had no power to shut down anything.

obama shut it down because he refused to consider any compromise on the budget. obama shut it down the way Hitler shut down debate in pre-WW2 Germany. BTW, Hitler also had a policy of taking guns from ordinary citizens-----------sound familiar?
Really?....the Hitler card........wow.......
Tea Party Platform:

No compromise.
Political stunts that would make a toddler blush.

If the GOP could once again become the adults in the room, they might have a chance with moderates. It ain't gonna happen if they've got the Tea Party dumbshits attached.
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

The founders had no money. We were deeply in debt

They had no choice but to be fiscallyconservative

The FF didn't want a big Fed Govt. They wanted the States to have the power.

They were conservative because thats the way folks were back then. They didn't expect anyone to give them money or take care of them. They took care of themselves.

Hell. They'd turn over in their graves if they could see the Fed Govt of today and the people with their hands out for other peoples money. Doubt they would like what they see at all.
the tea party has loons like every other group,. The things you mentioned are not tea party policies. Once again you seem to be a victim of media lies and propaganda.

Go to a tea party rally, listen to what is being said. Go on the website, look at the policies that are being promoted. its not even close to what the libs are saying. the left is very afraid of a pro-constitution, pro-freedom movement because it will rob the government of some of its control, and rob the dems of much of their financial backing.
Shutting down the government was a Tea Party Policy
Defaulting on our debt is a Tea Party Policy
No compromise is a Tea Party Policy

wrong on all 3

obama shut down the govt, no party or congress has the power to do that
no one has said we should default, just balance the budget and begin to pay off the debt--how radical!
no compromise with failed socialism is the right thing to do. on that topic, where has obama offered to compromise?

Teatard revisionist history does not change the facts. Teatards forced the shutdown. TeaTards celirated the shutdown. Teatards fought to keep the shutdown from ending

nope, you are the revisionist. obama shut down the government. obama put barracades around national monuments. the minority of tea party members of congress had no power to shut down anything.

obama shut it down because he refused to consider any compromise on the budget. obama shut it down the way Hitler shut down debate in pre-WW2 Germany. BTW, Hitler also had a policy of taking guns from ordinary citizens-----------sound familiar?
Really?....the Hitler card........wow.......

the similarities are real. I am not saying that obama is hitler, only that there are similarities.

Okay, then, let's drill down a bit and see where folks stand on some specifics, based on stuff I've heard Tea Partiers say. Maybe they don't represent the movement.

1. Should we eliminate the Department of Education?
2. Should we eliminate OSHA?
3. Should we eliminate unions?
4. Should we eliminate the Internal Revenue Service?
5. Should we impeach Barack Obama?
6. Should we eliminate Medicaid?
7. Should we eliminate Medicare?
8. Should we have a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion?
9. Should we have a constitutional amendment outlawing gay marriage?
10. Should we eliminate Social Security?
11. Should we eliminate the minimum wage?

1. yes
2. no
4. no, but we need a new tax code
5. probably, but its not going to happen
6. no
7. no
8. no, but its use should be limited to saving the life of the mother, rape, or incest
9. no, its a state issue. let the voters of each state decide
10. no
11. yes, let the laws of supply and demand set the price of labor, 1% of the workforce makes minimum wage, its a non issue.
Majotity of America think Tea Partiers are wrong.

The majority of the country only knows what the media wing of the democrat party told them about the Tea Party...sadly, that includes all the lefty posters here in this thread....

indoctrination by the govt controlled media------------can you say Pravda and Politburo? The fricken stupid libs have no idea what they are asking for.
Majotity of America think Tea Partiers are wrong.

The majority of the country only knows what the media wing of the democrat party told them about the Tea Party...sadly, that includes all the lefty posters here in this thread....

indoctrination by the govt controlled media------------can you say Pravda and Politburo? The fricken stupid libs have no idea what they are asking for.

I've seen members of this forum being fully supportive of what 'the media wing of the democrat party' has said these bumpkins have been doing. Are you saying these aren't the 'real' Tea Partiers?
Shutting down the government was a Tea Party Policy
Defaulting on our debt is a Tea Party Policy
No compromise is a Tea Party Policy

wrong on all 3

obama shut down the govt, no party or congress has the power to do that
no one has said we should default, just balance the budget and begin to pay off the debt--how radical!
no compromise with failed socialism is the right thing to do. on that topic, where has obama offered to compromise?

Teatard revisionist history does not change the facts. Teatards forced the shutdown. TeaTards celirated the shutdown. Teatards fought to keep the shutdown from ending

nope, you are the revisionist. obama shut down the government. obama put barracades around national monuments. the minority of tea party members of congress had no power to shut down anything.

obama shut it down because he refused to consider any compromise on the budget. obama shut it down the way Hitler shut down debate in pre-WW2 Germany. BTW, Hitler also had a policy of taking guns from ordinary citizens-----------sound familiar?
Really?....the Hitler card........wow.......

the similarities are real. I am not saying that obama is hitler, only that there are similarities.
There are similarities between Hitler and you.

You both have two eyes. You both have serious anger at liberals. You both call the other guys revisionists. I could go on.
That's what the Tea Party CLAIMS to be.

But in reality, it is about Right-Wing extremism, bordering on fascism, especially on social issues.
Gee, sticking up for the right of babies to live. Yeah, real fascism there.
Why don't you go fuck yourself, junior?

A Tea Party that claims to be for fiscal responsibility and yet, spends a lot of time hating on gays and minorities.

BTW, I am pro-life. I don't think abortion is right. But the Tea Party injects itself in things that have nothing to do with fiscal politics at all, so the Tea Party is brazenly lying about it's raison d'etre.

As for your other sentence, I prefer women. Your sexual proclivities, no matter how weird (color me surprised) are not really very interesting to the rest of the world.
The TPM is actually for fiscal irresponsibility
The moderate vs conservative war in the Republican Party has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt's presidency. It went ballistic when they had to choose between Rockefeller and Goldwater. Now, the conservative wing is on warp drive. The two sides would not even be able to decide where to have lunch, much less agree on a platform. Since the moderates have always been about compromise and pragmatism, it is the Conservatives who leave their fingerprints on policy and platform of the republicans. Trying to get the majority of Americans to agree to their extremism is a hopeless task. So far the republicans have been able to get away with letting the conservatives pick the election agenda, and then the moderates only give lib service to the same after the election (Reagan was a master at doing that). The Tea Party is getting wise to that, and are starting to hold the moderates accountable after elections. This is where the real fun begins....

conservatism is not extreme. the founders were fically conservative, the constitution is a conservative document. freedom is a conservative belief. the problem is that it is very hard to remove people from the government teat once they are attached.

The founders had no money. We were deeply in debt

They had no choice but to be fiscallyconservative

The FF didn't want a big Fed Govt. They wanted the States to have the power.

They were conservative because thats the way folks were back then. They didn't expect anyone to give them money or take care of them. They took care of themselves.

Hell. They'd turn over in their graves if they could see the Fed Govt of today and the people with their hands out for other peoples money. Doubt they would like what they see at all.

The Founding Fathers were the biggest liberals of their day. All men are created equal and all that. The conservatives supported the crown
They were unable to have a strong federal government. Communications and transportation took weeks. Delegating down to the states was the only option at the time. It wasn't so much they dod not want.....but couldn't do

Our founding Fathers would be very proud of our society. It offers more freedom than their society did
Unfortunately, when one google tea party platform, generally it pulls up a bunch on meaningless platitudes, with substance running like Impeach Obama, Repeal Obamacare

2014 The Resurgence of the Tea Party - Tea Party News

However, they did influence the Farm Bill to have less pay for not farming and more aid for crop insurance. It's a truism that its pretty impossible to kill any govt program. The TPM has made it impossible to use federal money to build a lot of needed infrastructure. Of course, many can identify "bridges to nowhere pork.

But yeah, when they go off on race or social issue, they're just nuts.
Unfortunately, when one google tea party platform, generally it pulls up a bunch on meaningless platitudes, with substance running like Impeach Obama, Repeal Obamacare

2014 The Resurgence of the Tea Party - Tea Party News

However, they did influence the Farm Bill to have less pay for not farming and more aid for crop insurance. It's a truism that its pretty impossible to kill any govt program. The TPM has made it impossible to use federal money to build a lot of needed infrastructure. Of course, many can identify "bridges to nowhere pork.

But yeah, when they go off on race or social issue, they're just nuts.
That last sentence....therein lies the dilemna for the Tea Party.

In reality...IMO...the presidential administration can affect the economy about + or - 10% either way depending on how smart, or how stupid they act.

The rest is foreign policy and social issues.

If the Tea Party adheres, Ron Paul style, to non interventionalism, but assumes a socially conservative position on those issues......they will be absolutely hated by the end of their first term.
Unfortunately, when one google tea party platform, generally it pulls up a bunch on meaningless platitudes, with substance running like Impeach Obama, Repeal Obamacare

2014 The Resurgence of the Tea Party - Tea Party News

However, they did influence the Farm Bill to have less pay for not farming and more aid for crop insurance. It's a truism that its pretty impossible to kill any govt program. The TPM has made it impossible to use federal money to build a lot of needed infrastructure. Of course, many can identify "bridges to nowhere pork.

But yeah, when they go off on race or social issue, they're just nuts.
That last sentence....therein lies the dilemna for the Tea Party.

In reality...IMO...the presidential administration can affect the economy about + or - 10% either way depending on how smart, or how stupid they act.

The rest is foreign policy and social issues.

If the Tea Party adheres, Ron Paul style, to non interventionalism, but assumes a socially conservative position on those issues......they will be absolutely hated by the end of their first term.
Yeah, but their problem is also their absolutism. "Repeal Obamacare" That obviously has gone nowhere. Now if they want to do to Obamacare what they did to the Farm Bill and basically make it more open to free markets, but use govt to help people be in those markets, they'll be fine, and a positive. But Reagan saw it clearly that once there's a govt program, even one that's arguably a good thing like medicare, you cannot end it. You just don't have the votes. And, like Medicare, when the GOP doesn't pass anything to actually address a need, like millions without insurance, and the Dems get 60 plus in the Senate, control the House and the WH, the dems will shove a big program down their throat.
Funny how several posters have been manipulated by the media. The Tea Party is all about Constitutional rights, freedom, personal accountability, and fiscal responsibility. Rather a simple blueprint within the context of the founding fathers vision. Like how this country was built, and no Elizabeth Warren, it wasn't done by the bureaucratic establishment in Washington, regardless of what you learned at Harvard.

Mainstream media, the left, and yes mainstream progressive compassionate blue blood Republicans are all about compromise, cronyism, and capitulation, at the expense of the middle class, the economy, and the country. So maybe it is time the GOP was overhauled, or better yet stop worrying about what party controls what and stay true to the message.

Then again that requires character and conviction, we all know how that plays out!
I love it..a bunch of witless dems lying about the Tea Party.

Yeah, they're not worried.

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