Tea Party Baggers Use Tea Bag as a term

When are you liberal progressives going to get it through your thick skulls that not all us conservatives listen to Beck's radio show, watch his program or live by every word he says?

( shaking head and rolling eyes )

What a presumptuous group y'all are.
i would rather be a tea bagger than a progressive.

Really? Do you even know what a progressive is, or just that limpballs now uses it as a "bad word" along with "liberal" and "socialism" on his shouty radio show. I'm going to guess the latter...

God, you cons are dumb. Really?

Simple definition.

Progressives believe in slowly increasing the governments role in our daily lifes in an effort to benefit all mankind. Their downfall is that their ideals do not transfer into reality.

Here is a brief history of the birth of progressivism in america.

Progressive Party legal definition of Progressive Party. Progressive Party synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
When are you liberal progressives going to get it through your thick skulls that not all us conservatives listen to Beck's radio show, watch his program or live by every word he says?

( shaking head and rolling eyes )

What a presumptuous group y'all are.

the same people you are talking about don't even realize that there are some conservative progressives too.

What is the opposite of a progressive? A libertarian.
Progressives believe in slowly increasing the governments role in our daily lifes in an effort to benefit all mankind. Their downfall is that their ideals do not transfer into reality.

BZZT. Wrong answer. Can you look at ANYTHING objectively? Is your brain so clouded by righty propaganda that you can no longer do that?

Did you even READ that definition you posted? All of the things that were fought for by "progressives" - labor laws, women's suffrage, consumer protections, workplace safety laws were all GOOD things (well, I guess not if you're a corporatist). If anything, the conservative social agenda seeks to be much more intrusive in people's lives.
Progressives believe in slowly increasing the governments role in our daily lifes in an effort to benefit all mankind. Their downfall is that their ideals do not transfer into reality.

BZZT. Wrong answer. Can you look at ANYTHING objectively? Is your brain so clouded by righty propaganda that you can no longer do that?

Did you even READ that definition you posted? All of the things that were fought for by "progressives" - labor laws, women's suffrage, consumer protections, workplace safety laws were all GOOD things (well, I guess not if you're a corporatist). If anything, the conservative social agenda seeks to be much more intrusive in people's lives.

You didn't read what I posted. Many Conservatives and Liberals are both Progressive.

I stated in a VERY simple defition that progressives want to increase the governments role to benefit all mankind....JUST LIKE YOU DESCRIBED IN YOUR RESPONSE.

Who is the one blinded by propoganda again?
Progressives believe in slowly increasing the governments role in our daily lifes in an effort to benefit all mankind. Their downfall is that their ideals do not transfer into reality.

BZZT. Wrong answer. Can you look at ANYTHING objectively? Is your brain so clouded by righty propaganda that you can no longer do that?

Did you even READ that definition you posted? All of the things that were fought for by "progressives" - labor laws, women's suffrage, consumer protections, workplace safety laws were all GOOD things (well, I guess not if you're a corporatist). If anything, the conservative social agenda seeks to be much more intrusive in people's lives.

You didn't read what I posted. Many Conservatives and Liberals are both Progressive.

I stated in a VERY simple defition that progressives want to increase the governments role to benefit all mankind....JUST LIKE YOU DESCRIBED IN YOUR RESPONSE.

Who is the one blinded by propoganda again?

color coded for clarity

Its the Tea Baggers themselves that came up with the term, it didn't come from anyone else.

They just pounced on it once they realized these mad hatters were going around calling themselves that...while willingly and happily swinging tea bags dangling over their heads.


Its the Tea Baggers themselves that came up with the term, it didn't come from anyone else.

They just pounced on it once they realized these mad hatters were going around calling themselves that...while willingly and happily swinging tea bags dangling over their heads.


To tea bag or to send a tea bag to congress as symbolism.... THAT was the start... it was you lefty wingnuts that started the term being used

But nice, and typical, try at revisionist history, winger

Its the Tea Baggers themselves that came up with the term, it didn't come from anyone else.

They just pounced on it once they realized these mad hatters were going around calling themselves that...while willingly and happily swinging tea bags dangling over their heads.


Yes we did and for good reason. We are dipping our balls on the faces of the progressives in the repub and democrat parties.

Are you a progressive...well here are my nuts in your face biatch.
All right I think tonight at club Z we're doing a conservative teabagging fest. Grannies up first.

Its the Tea Baggers themselves that came up with the term, it didn't come from anyone else.

They just pounced on it once they realized these mad hatters were going around calling themselves that...while willingly and happily swinging tea bags dangling over their heads.


To tea bag or to send a tea bag to congress as symbolism.... THAT was the start... it was you lefty wingnuts that started the term being used

But nice, and typical, try at revisionist history, winger
A perfect example of the first quote in my sig.
The teabaggers (one word) PROUDLY chose the name themselves. After they found out what it meant, they decided to revise history and play the VICTIM card.

RWers and self-proclaimed conservatives ALWAYS play the victim card...its their favorite trick in the book.

Its the Tea Baggers themselves that came up with the term, it didn't come from anyone else.

They just pounced on it once they realized these mad hatters were going around calling themselves that...while willingly and happily swinging tea bags dangling over their heads.


To tea bag or to send a tea bag to congress as symbolism.... THAT was the start... it was you lefty wingnuts that started the term being used

But nice, and typical, try at revisionist history, winger
A perfect example of the first quote in my sig.
The teabaggers (one word) PROUDLY chose the name themselves. After they found out what it meant, they decided to revise history and play the VICTIM card.


The leftwingers started this... out of humor, many in the movement has jokingly embraced the connotation
To tea bag or to send a tea bag to congress as symbolism.... THAT was the start... it was you lefty wingnuts that started the term being used

But nice, and typical, try at revisionist history, winger
A perfect example of the first quote in my sig.
The teabaggers (one word) PROUDLY chose the name themselves. After they found out what it meant, they decided to revise history and play the VICTIM card.


The leftwingers started this... out of humor, many in the movement has jokingly embraced the connotation
MSNBC talking crap about the Tea Party?


nope Rachel Maddow showing clips of Tea Baggers talking about sending....Tea Bags

And in your monumental lack of maturity, you figured that HAD to be a reference to your puerile sexual remark, rather than a reference to . . . Oh, I don't know, the actual tea involved in the Boston Tea Party?

Seriously, what's it like to be a twelve-year-old forever?
Tea Bag: An expression that clearly shows Dems hatred and loathing for the American Middle Class.

Yet people in "the movement" use it to describe themselves and their actions...Hmmmmmmmmm:eusa_shhh:

Like whom? Name one person in the "movement" - with substantiation - who refers to himself or the movement in general with the term "Tea Bagger".
RWers and self-proclaimed conservatives ALWAYS play the victim card...its their favorite trick in the book.

Thank you.
I got such a laugh from your comment.

For your information, not that I have to justify jack-shit to you or that you care or you'll believe me, but just about an hour ago I had a talk with my youngest child about just this! Playing the victim. I pointed out the fact that he does it often and I gave him examples. I then told him that we are responsible for our own life, we create our own experiences and you can't go through life blaming others.

So for you to sit there at your computer and post assumptions that us self-proclaimed coservatives ALWAYS play the victim card is ignorant and a big fail!

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