Tea Partiers hunted in new ultra-violent video game...

How realistic is it? Do the Tea Party members shoot back? Because if not, then they aren't accurately depicted.

The Tea Party believes in self defense specifically so people can't violently attack them without consequences.

The Tea Party is chock full of rednecks, racists, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

So of course they shoot back... don't they.
How realistic is it? Do the Tea Party members shoot back? Because if not, then they aren't accurately depicted.

The Tea Party believes in self defense specifically so people can't violently attack them without consequences.

The Tea Party is chock full of rednecks, racists, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

Look at all that shit being shovelled.. Kiddie must be using the Tonka Truck he plays with in the sandbox to haul it.
The Lefturds were shitting bricks all over the place when, after the Giffords shooting, the GOP had political "targets" on certain Democrats.

And now, in this thread, we have Lefturds cheering a video game that allows someone to kill Tea Partiers.

Hypocrisy anyone?
The Lefturds were shitting bricks all over the place when, after the Giffords shooting, the GOP had political "targets" on certain Democrats.

And now, in this thread, we have Lefturds cheering a video game that allows someone to kill Tea Partiers.

Hypocrisy anyone?

Fantasy versus reality. I know, based on you politics, that you don't know the difference but there is one.
I think it's pretty funny how whiny the Tea Party gets. They spew so much hate, and now they whine when someone flings some back at 'em.

Cause grandma and grandpa peacefully protesting and obeying the law is such hate.
Hate is what drives them. They hate the government, but happily cash the checks...

The Lefturds were shitting bricks all over the place when, after the Giffords shooting, the GOP had political "targets" on certain Democrats.

And now, in this thread, we have Lefturds cheering a video game that allows someone to kill Tea Partiers.

Hypocrisy anyone?

For Christs sake... it's just a video game dude. Calm down and have another drink from your glass of ice-cold tea.

Actually, the game doesn't mention Tea Partiers at all.
Wow, that sounds like a really cool game. Must have it.
Just remember, we are TARGETING your candidates running for national office.

I've got one under my Eootech red dot right now! Not really, but it sounds like a great game. That's actually a great idea. Someone should market that. Grand Theft Politician or something.

Add some faces of Congress and you have a million dollar winner...

There are no "tea partiers" in Battlefield Hardline.

It's a cops and robbers game.

The amount of whining that comes from some of you guys is staggering. Video games are fiction. Stop trying to make everything into a plot against you.
Teddy Kennedy has killed more people with his car than I have with any of My guns.

Kind of sucks for your fantasy life, wot?

Well Mitt Romney killed more people with his car then you did too..so what's your point with that?

And it was the tea party gadsden flags draped over the bodies of 2 cops in Las Vegas.

My personal fave is when the tea party went out to defend a racist criminal rancher with their kids and wives out front and them in sniper positions.

Good stuff.
Tea Party has killed no one.....Your comparison not only reeks of desperation, but is blatantly false.

Not surprising as you have become more and more shrill as we get closer to November.

I"m rather enjoying it.....


The fact that people who support the Tea Party killed people does not indicate that the Tea parties killed anyone. You are reaching, and not doing a very good job of that.
I'm sure it will sell well with the low information bunch... they'll buy into pretty much anything.

Some education for you
American pollster and political scientist Samuel Popkin coined the term "low-information" in 1991 when he used the phrase "low-information signaling" in his book to discribe rightwing converatives :eek:
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I'm sure it will sell well with the low information bunch... they'll buy into pretty much anything.

Some education for you
American pollster and political scientist Samuel Popkin coined the term "low-information" in 1991 when he used the phrase "low-information signaling" in his book to discribe rightwing converatives :eek:

Why is it when someone pokes fun at someone else as you've done, YOUR "low-information" status is evident?
Evident that with only 27 words and the little red dotted line you can't seem to spell "describe" or "conservatives".
You have shown exactly what Mr. Popkin was describing as a "low-information" person!
I think it's pretty funny how whiny the Tea Party gets. They spew so much hate, and now they whine when someone flings some back at 'em.

How huge would the outcry be if the villains were, instead, Black Panthers? Or MS13? Or the Crips?!

Dude, your double standard is showing!

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