Taylor Swift’s whirlwind romance with ‘soul mate’ Travis Kelce has produced 138 TONS of CO2 emissions in three months


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You little people need to do without to save the planet.
Cuz the rich sez so.

You little people need to do without to save the planet.
Cuz the rich sez so.

Awww heck let the love birds pollute the planet. 138 Tons is chump change compared to what the Davos Climate Elites belch into the atmosphere.
I don't know her songs because I'm totally unhip to today's music. But I think she must be a fantastic song writer to sell so many records. For some reason, her and Alyssa Milano think that people want to hear about their silly political views.
I listen to a few of her songs on youtube
she has average talent
madonna is also not a great singer
they are both selling an image
On the list of who's who pushing innocent Americans to get the Murderous Fraud Vax, Travis Kelsey is on the team....
Awww heck let the love birds pollute the planet. 138 Tons is chump change compared to what the Davos Climate Elites belch into the atmosphere.
None of them seem the least bit concerned about it, so why should I be?

China isn't concerned about it either... Why is that? Oh, that's right, because they're already a communist nation......
Chicken or egg, which came first?

Did the deniers on this board become moral deviants because their low intelligence allowed them to be so easily manipulated by evil fascists? That is, did their stupidity cause their evil?

Or did their moral decrepitude cause them to reject the logic and reality that got in the way of the hategasms that they crave? That is, did their evil cause their stupidity?

I'd say it's a mixture of both. Their stupidity and their evil reinforce each other now.
Chicken or egg, which came first?

Did the deniers on this board become moral deviants because their low intelligence allowed them to be so easily manipulated by evil fascists? That is, did their stupidity cause their evil?

Or did their moral decrepitude cause them to reject the logic and reality that got in the way of the hategasms that they crave? That is, did their evil cause their stupidity?

I'd say it's a mixture of both. Their stupidity and their evil reinforce each other now.

Tell us again how Chinese CO2 does not melt the ice caps because it's "per capita" CO2 that's the problem
That's odd, even for you, your belief that Chinese CO2 isn't like other CO2.

Can you describe for everyone the physics behind that?
I’m just repeating the dumb, non-scientific AGWCult talking point defending your CCP home team
It takes 90 dedicated semi trucks to haul her show from city to city, besides her multiple private flights.

Yet, tards think she is a national treasure.

Really not feeling bad about my large truck choice.
Yea but look at how many people she employs. You should worship her.

she would buy battery buses

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