Target stocks lose 10 billion

Last time I went to Target they had a huge sign posted on the front doors.

"Due to the economy we are only running the air conditioning and lighting at half capacity."

Yeah right... The economy. LOL
10 billion?

target lost amid its transgender policy?


that's ok with me :thup:

how many more billions will you lose now? 30? 40 billion? more?

And well... Since most Targets also house a Starbucks.

Their " economy " situation is a win win.

Target closes several portrait studios around the U.S.

That'll teach em!
Hatred is so easy for some, Breitbart since it is a right wing journal would celebrate anything intolerant of others. So un-American and yet hate always finds the weak who require it to pump up their emptiness and feelings of inadequacy. See the ignorance in replies above.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

You want to talk about "weak"? "Weak" is standing by and allowing evil to force small girls to change, shower, and use the bathroom with grown men who have severe sexually deviant behaviors and who suffer from serious mental illness.

It's not "hatred" to recognize that science has inconclusively determined that a person with an "X" and a "Y" chromosome is in fact a man. Whenever a liberal cannot defend their disturbed position they cry "racism" and "hatred". It is intellectually weak and completely disingenuous.
It's remarkable how wrong liberals are through out history and how accurate conservatives have been in predicting exactly what will happen....

I told you so, it was just a matter of time. Target is putting their customers at risk—and their shareholders. I wouldn’t be surprised if people started dumping their stock, and they should! A transgender person—in this case a man dressed as a woman—went into a Target women’s dressing room in Idaho where he began to take pictures of an 18-year-old girl undressing in the stall next to him. After the victim’s mother confronted him, he ran out the door; but the mother ran after him demanding the pictures be deleted. Target is the one inviting sexual perverts into their stores. Shame on Target, and shame on their CEO & Chairman of the Board Brian Cornell!

Documents detail alleged voyeurism incident at Ammon Target - East Idaho News
Terrorism in Nice. Police slaughter in Dallas. War in Syria. Military takes over Turkey. North Korea building intercontinental rockets. Islamic State trying to kill pretty much everybody.

But, let no one think that the Right is not on top of the REAL issues. A transgender just might use the women's restroom stall at Target! And now that Pence is going to be the VP nominee, you can bet your sweet ass that the GOP will run with this! But, that's OK, because the Right's social issue agenda is what has been winning presidential races for the democrats for years....
When you consider that the left wing media is in the tank for the sodomites and freakazoids you gotta wonder how accurate liberal media polls are or if they are preaching the the dwindling radical choir and the fantasy world of the idiot low information lefties.
Terrorism in Nice. Police slaughter in Dallas. War in Syria. Military takes over Turkey. North Korea building intercontinental rockets. Islamic State trying to kill pretty much everybody.

But, let no one think that the Right is not on top of the REAL issues. A transgender just might use the women's restroom stall at Target! And now that Pence is going to be the VP nominee, you can bet your sweet ass that the GOP will run with this! But, that's OK, because the Right's social issue agenda is what has been winning presidential races for the democrats for years....
Do you have any idea of how stupid you sound?!? It's Barack Obama who sits in the Oval Office pushing for mentally disturbed sexual deviants to have access to women and children in restrooms and showers while the world is crumbling. He's stoked the fires of racism, caused the Middle East to set on fire, and invited aggression from Russia and other enemies with his weakness.
When you consider that the left wing media is in the tank for the sodomites and freakazoids you gotta wonder how accurate liberal media polls are or if they are preaching the the dwindling radical choir and the fantasy world of the idiot low information lefties.
You've never had a blow job? That is sodomy also...
When you consider that the left wing media is in the tank for the sodomites and freakazoids you gotta wonder how accurate liberal media polls are or if they are preaching the the dwindling radical choir and the fantasy world of the idiot low information lefties.
You've never had a blow job? That is sodomy also...
That it is.

And for about half of us at least it's the real America's favorite pastime!
Target stocks lose 10 billion

But wait....I thought "a majority of Americans support the LGBT agenda"??? :lmao: Looks like some polling data might be skewed when the rubber meets the road in the real world...and behind the voting booth curtains... Adjust your political platform accordingly...
Target stocks lose 10 billion

But wait....I thought "a majority of Americans support the LGBT agenda"??? :lmao: Looks like some polling data might be skewed when the rubber meets the road in the real world...and behind the voting booth curtains... Adjust your political platform accordingly...

America draws the line when children's safety and welfare are at stake
Target stocks lose 10 billion

But wait....I thought "a majority of Americans support the LGBT agenda"??? :lmao: Looks like some polling data might be skewed when the rubber meets the road in the real world...and behind the voting booth curtains... Adjust your political platform accordingly...

America draws the line when children's safety and welfare are at stake
Except liberals. They prefer to exploit children and facilitate predators ability to turn them into victims.
Target stock has been back on the rise since that moment of crybaby hysteria. The Luddites lose another one.

Meanwhile, the Dow closed at a record high this week. Thanks, Obama.
America draws the line when children's safety and welfare are at stake
You mean like systematically depriving them for life of either a mother or father in "marriage"? That poll I did says 90% of people think it's important for a child to grow up with both a mother and father in their life. In other words, 90% of people actually disagree with gay marriage when they sit down and really think about all the things that marriage means to children.. Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
America draws the line when children's safety and welfare are at stake
You mean like systematically depriving them for life of either a mother or father in "marriage"? That poll I did says 90% of people think it's important for a child to grow up with both a mother and father in their life. In other words, 90% of people actually disagree with gay marriage when they sit down and really think about all the things that marriage means to children..

That may have been the stupidest shit I've read on this forum

Another Study Finds Same-Sex Parents Aren't Best For Kids
Dear Abby,

lately, I have become deeply concerned about what goes on in rest rooms all over the nation. Does that mean that I am a closet republican? If so, is there any cure?
Dear Abby,

lately, I have become deeply concerned about what goes on in rest rooms all over the nation. Does that mean that I am a closet republican? If so, is there any cure?

Dear Tyke Rider,

If you have children and value women you should be deeply concerned.
Dear Abby,

lately, I have become deeply concerned about what goes on in rest rooms all over the nation. Does that mean that I am a closet republican? If so, is there any cure?

Dear Tyke Rider,

If you have children and value women you should be deeply concerned.

That is part of my problem. Recently, I have been very concerned about what will happen to my wife and daughter. In fact, my concern about what is going to happen to them in rest rooms has replaced my previous number one concern about them being abducted by aliens!

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