Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released

Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released

This thread is just another Republican equivalent of a "Hail Mary" in football - with the clock wound down to 0.01 seconds!

Jeremiah Wright didn't register with the voters in 2008, so why would conservatives consider this approach to be more productive after 4 years?

The answer is that that when your desperate and going down for the 3rd time, you'll grab at anything and anybody!

Like the time the liberals grabbed onto Romney's 47% truth comment? obama fluffers have nothing. I'll throw you a rock if you come back up.
What would Matthew do all night long while others are sleeping if it were not for these boards?

Burn crosses on the lawns of black people.

We'll actually leave that to your messiah.. A Racist who blames white people and charges them with "EXPLOITING BLACK AMERICA."

Too bad he's caught on video and you can't LIE and PROPAGANDIZE this.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.
So Obama wants us to freely transfer the wealth of the working class into the inner cities? From white to black. Even though a lot of these blacks don't earn it.

Why??? How about earning your own fucking wealth.
- Obama is nothing more than a black racist

- hates white people.

- these blacks don't earn it

- PISS be on MUHAMMAD !!!


Matthew is one "sick puppy!"

The truth hurts you don't it?
No one cares.

Just like the IRS and Romney's tax return?

I'm getting deadly scared of what I'm seeing...80% of the internet and media is defending Obama no matter what the fuck he does.

This is sounding like Chavez more so every day. Obama is using his powers to silence people through out right fire power.
Burn crosses on the lawns of black people.

We'll actually leave that to your messiah.. A Racist who blames white people and charges them with "EXPLOITING BLACK AMERICA."

Too bad he's caught on video and you can't LIE and PROPAGANDIZE this.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.

Poor Raging Ravi.. trying to lie once more.. IT'S ALL ON VIDEO honey.. ALL OF IT.

Lastly, I said nothing of Katrina.. those are your words.
Burn crosses on the lawns of black people.

We'll actually leave that to your messiah.. A Racist who blames white people and charges them with "EXPLOITING BLACK AMERICA."

Too bad he's caught on video and you can't LIE and PROPAGANDIZE this.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.
Lefturads reaction too Romney is much to do about nothing.
Burn crosses on the lawns of black people.

We'll actually leave that to your messiah.. A Racist who blames white people and charges them with "EXPLOITING BLACK AMERICA."

Too bad he's caught on video and you can't LIE and PROPAGANDIZE this.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.

When the videos of Wright first emerged, I was so shocked, I shook. I had no idea that this type of racist preaching was taking place. I came out of that experience so depressed thinking that the Word was being used as a tool to divide people along racial lines and that is so against the meaning of Christ. There is no justification for this man or his teachings or any other church that would allow this to go on, whether it would be against white, black or anyone.

Christ was about treating all mankind with LOVE and living the Golden Rule. Obama called this man his mentor and great friend. There is no getting around that. He turned his back on him when it was politically expedient.
Holy shit....what a crock. You shook? You ought to explode when you hear from Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson, then.

Why the lies?

I'm not familiar with Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson is a kook. Do they talk negatively about blacks? Do they blame blacks for the ills of the whites? Are they unpatriotic? What lies have I said?
Holy shit....what a crock. You shook? You ought to explode when you hear from Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson, then.

Why the lies?

I'm not familiar with Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson is a kook. Do they talk negatively about blacks? Do they blame blacks for the ills of the whites? Are they unpatriotic? What lies have I said?

God Damn America! He did on Sept 11th 2001. Go read what Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and John Hagee said of that day.
We'll actually leave that to your messiah.. A Racist who blames white people and charges them with "EXPLOITING BLACK AMERICA."

Too bad he's caught on video and you can't LIE and PROPAGANDIZE this.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.

When the videos of Wright first emerged, I was so shocked, I shook. I had no idea that this type of racist preaching was taking place. I came out of that experience so depressed thinking that the Word was being used as a tool to divide people along racial lines and that is so against the meaning of Christ. There is no justification for this man or his teachings or any other church that would allow this to go on, whether it would be against white, black or anyone.

Christ was about treating all mankind with LOVE and living the Golden Rule. Obama called this man his mentor and great friend. There is no getting around that. He turned his back on him when it was politically expedient.

You must not have attended a black church in America in the past 300 years or you would have heard it every Sunday.
Holy shit....what a crock. You shook? You ought to explode when you hear from Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson, then.

Why the lies?

I'm not familiar with Ralph Reed and Pat Robertson is a kook. Do they talk negatively about blacks? Do they blame blacks for the ills of the whites? Are they unpatriotic? What lies have I said?

God Damn America! He did on Sept 11th 2001. Go read what Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and John Hagee said of that day.

Don't bother telling me..and I think both of them are outrageous. They don't preach the gospel...they are political just as Wright. Politics do not belong in the church.
He didn't say anything about black people on the video, no matter how much you pretend he did.

I am amused that you think the only people hurt by Katrina in New Orleans were those with black skin.

The reaction from the rightwingloons over this topic just shows the world how racist you actually are.

When the videos of Wright first emerged, I was so shocked, I shook. I had no idea that this type of racist preaching was taking place. I came out of that experience so depressed thinking that the Word was being used as a tool to divide people along racial lines and that is so against the meaning of Christ. There is no justification for this man or his teachings or any other church that would allow this to go on, whether it would be against white, black or anyone.

Christ was about treating all mankind with LOVE and living the Golden Rule. Obama called this man his mentor and great friend. There is no getting around that. He turned his back on him when it was politically expedient.

You must not have attended a black church in America in the past 300 years or you would have heard it every Sunday.

Heard what? Love thy neighbor or anti white? I had never thought about "black churches" until Wright came along. Then I wondered if they were all saying the same thing.
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And can you believe idiots want to put this phony A-hole back in office.....

When the videos of Wright first emerged, I was so shocked, I shook. I had no idea that this type of racist preaching was taking place. I came out of that experience so depressed thinking that the Word was being used as a tool to divide people along racial lines and that is so against the meaning of Christ. There is no justification for this man or his teachings or any other church that would allow this to go on, whether it would be against white, black or anyone.

Christ was about treating all mankind with LOVE and living the Golden Rule. Obama called this man his mentor and great friend. There is no getting around that. He turned his back on him when it was politically expedient.

You must not have attended a black church in America in the past 300 years or you would have heard it every Sunday.

Heard what? Love thy neighbor or anti white? I had never thought about "black churches" until Wright came along. Then I wondered if they were all saying the same thing.

Yes, they say it all the time and still do. They will be using this tape as a sermon teaching point. Showing how racist the white conservative is.
You must not have attended a black church in America in the past 300 years or you would have heard it every Sunday.

Heard what? Love thy neighbor or anti white? I had never thought about "black churches" until Wright came along. Then I wondered if they were all saying the same thing.

Yes, they say it all the time and still do. They will be using this tape as a sermon teaching point. Showing how racist the white conservative is.

You are not getting my point. The white conservative is not racist. That's the shock aspect of the tape. Where in the hell did this racism come about? I've had black friends and colleagues all my life. Not a clue about racism. Never entered my head until Wright came along!
Uh....I don't get what the hubbub is.

Y'all are really desperate if you think you "hear" something in a cut and edited version of a tape which is more than 5 years old. Whatever it is you think is so noteworthy apparently went right by me 'cuz I didn't hear it.

[SIZE=+1]DRUDGE: Obama describes a society... where white majority profits by exploiting black America'...[/SIZE][/URL]
Drudge Report ^

From Drudge: DAILY CALLER: 'For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America'... Developing tonight... OBAMA DECLARES HOW POOR PEOPLE: 'Need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for
work[/URL] on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office'... Developing... DRUDGE REPORT 2012®

Are you cereal??? Obama told white people that we're somehow exploiting blacks, even through we're spending tens of billions a year to give them SSD, SSI, Food stamps, Section 8 from our tax dollars. Wtf do they want??? When you don't help yourself and go through life thinking everything is owe to you. What do you expect?

Sorry. I didn't hear any of that in the short video you posted.
Radical Preachers are the GOP's Problem, Not Obama's

If you go over every line from Reverend Wright’s sermons that were used as examples of his “radicalism”, you can find an almost identical line from any number of influential religious figures on the right. While Reverend Wright saw 9/11 as God’s retribution for an overly aggressive foreign policy, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell saw it as God’s retribution for homosexuality, feminism, abortion and secularism. The specific reasons for the retribution are different, but either way, God’s retribution, ahoy.

That sermon where Reverend Wright screamed “God Damn America!” at the top of his lungs has its equivalent in any number of prominent evangelical mega-churches all over the country, but specifically it had a parallel at the 2007 Values Voters Convention, which was attended by every Republican considering a run for the presidency. The Convention started with a choir singing a song called “Why Should God Bless America?” in which the singers warn of God turning his back on us because of Roe v. Wade.

I’m pretty sure that “turning his back on us” means more than storming away in a huff, at least if the Old Testament is anything to go by. According to Reverend Wright, the U.S. is hell-bound because of what we do with our army. According to the folks at the Values Voters Convention, we’re going to hell because of what we do with our genitals. Either way, damnation all around.

Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released

by Daniel Greenfield
Oct 2nd, 2012

Featured, Obama keeping it real with a Saturday Night Live quality “Street” voice, shout outs to Jeremiah Wright for providing him with the material and the fake accent. No wonder Wright was angry about being dumped by Obama. Obama’s entire image, pre-election, was a prolonged imitation of Wright, complete with divisive race-baiting.

Disturbing moments. The crowd cheers September 11. Not anything Obama says, just the very mention of September 11 brings a rousing cheer. This really is the Jeremiah Wright crowd.

When Obama isn’t ripping off Jeremiah Wright, he’s ripping off Kanye “Bush don’t care about black people” West.

Obama says Wright introduced him to Jesus. Before that was Obama homies with Mohammed, the way Wright has claimed? And then he easily switches, with the same weight of fake gravitas and passion from talking about religion to talking about highway construction.

Tape of Obama Imitating Jeremiah Wright Finally Released | FrontPage Magazine

Where's the part where he writes off 47% of the American population? Oh, wrong video...sorry.

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