Tangled Webs and Other Trump Related Speculation.


Aug 3, 2016
Could Donald Trump be the first nominated president of the United States to not raise his right hand at the inaugural swearing-in ceremony?

Is it such a difficult thing to imagine, when you consider all the nonsense he has been spewing since announcing his intentions to run for office? His offensive, hateful and racist rhetoric could make Hitler himself set up in his grave and take notice.

It seems quite evident to me that he enjoys shocking the decent and thoughtful among us with unrepentant glee. He also seems to take great pleasure in exposing the darker side of his constituency, revealing its hateful and selfish nature.

Mr. Trump knows this latter element of our society only too well and has made millions dealing with just such people. He has also learned how to manipulate them to serve his own end, which is exactly what he did on the campaign trail and in the televised debates and now as the GOP presidential nominee - leading by the nose those who find his racist and authoritarian banter agreeable.

No, I do not find it difficult to imagine Mr. Trump, at the very last minute, laughing in our faces as he refuses to take the oath that would make him president of the United States. He is a man who has grown bored with his extreme wealth and all it once had to offer him and will do or say anything in an attempt to entertain himself.

Perhaps even humiliate a nation.

Of course all of this is contingent on Mr. Trump actually winning the presidential nomination.

But what if he should not win?

One thing I am certain of is that Mr. Trump would not be happy with the legacy of losing the race to the presidency. It is simply something his huge ego could not abide. At least not without a way to save face. Not without a way to turn things around to his advantage.

So what could his contingency plan be?

Ask yourself which political party Mr. Trump has harmed most with his extremist ranting? While it has shocked and alarmed democrats – it is the republicans, by the very fact that they have supported him in sufficient numbers to propel him to GOP nominee who’s dark underbelly has been exposed to the world, by showing their support for a man who has flagrantly appealed to their racist and authoritarian nature in order to gain their vote.

All he would have to say is that he ran for president in order to demonstrate how dark and corrupt the Republican Party truly is and that he said the terrible things he did to serve that end.

Which makes me wonder - could it be the Republican Party Mr. Trump really wants to humiliate and not the entire nation? He has done a good job of the former no matter what his intentions.

But could it be true that his objective is to bring down the GOP? To reveal to the world what the Republican Party and its constituency really cares about? To lay waste to their claims of religious righteousness? To bring to light their self-centeredness and paranoia-driven hatred of anyone different than them – of anyone (the poverty stricken, the racially oppressed, the immigrants, etc) whom they fear might take something away from them?

Could it be that Mr. Trump has no intention of turning down the presidency should he win?

Could it be possible that his motivations are noble?

It is unlikely.

Yet perhaps Mr. Trump has been thinking about the legacy he will leave behind. Whether he wants to be remembered as a loud-mouthed, money-grabbing billionaire or a man who fought, in a way that only he could, to make his country a better place for all to live?

Then again the legacy of a hate-spewing republican president of the United Sates or a billionaire who made a laughingstock out of a nation by turning down the presidency might suit him better.

After all - he is Donald Trump.
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