Tancredo vs. the Tea Party Wing of the Colorado GOP


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Tancredo Roils Colorado GOP


DENVER—Six months ago, former GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo was cheered at the National Tea Party Convention. On Monday, he announced a third-party run for governor of Colorado—and many in the state's tea-party movement responded with disdain.

Although Mr. Tancredo's support for sealing the U.S. border against illegal immigrants, slashing government spending and taking on the Republican Party's elite have resonated with tea-party activists, his decision to run for governor as the candidate of the tiny American Constitution Party set many of his former fans fuming.

Tancredo Bid Roils Colorado GOP - WSJ.com

Fascinating dynamic. The Colorado Tea Partiers turning on one of their own because he won't fall in line and support the Republican Party establishment.
Hmmm.. don't look like your title is supported by the actual events going on, nor the title in the tiny blurb you link to... (which if you do a little digging is actually a motherfucking BLOG by Stephanie Simon)

If he wishes to run on a 3rd party ticket (the other candidate within the small ACP has stepped aside), more power to him... but his stances have not really changed that I see.. the very same stances many conservatives have supported in him... and doubtful that 'the tea party' as a whole or group consensus is against what he is doing
Yet ANOTHER Tea bagger success story. Just how many GOP defeats will the Tea Baggers snatch from the jaws of victory before this is all over?
Yet ANOTHER Tea bagger success story. Just how many GOP defeats will the Tea Baggers snatch from the jaws of victory before this is all over?


You are babbling.

Take a deep breath, wipe the froth off your chin, and try again.

I can't dumb down my posts any further for you. You seem to be the lone USMB poster who can't afford to buy a clue, so good luck with the rest of your endeavors.
Yet ANOTHER Tea bagger success story. Just how many GOP defeats will the Tea Baggers snatch from the jaws of victory before this is all over?


You are babbling.

Take a deep breath, wipe the froth off your chin, and try again.

He can't help it. He starts to thinking about all those sagging nut sacks being dropped in his mouth and he just loses all control.
Yet ANOTHER Tea bagger success story. Just how many GOP defeats will the Tea Baggers snatch from the jaws of victory before this is all over?


You are babbling.

Take a deep breath, wipe the froth off your chin, and try again.

He can't help it. He starts to thinking about all those sagging nut sacks being dropped in his mouth and he just loses all control.

Is that REALLY all you got?? Sad.
Teabagging must be a popular pastime amongst the left.. they sure work it into nearly every thought.

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