Taking Children Out Of States To Have Abortions To Be Considered Illegal 'Human Trafficking' In Idaho

'A bill introduced in Idaho's House of Representatives would criminalize the transportation of a minor within the state or across state lines to seek an abortion as a violation of the state's human trafficking law.

Republican Rep. Barbara Ehardt introduced House Bill 98 on Tuesday, which would amend existing Idaho law "to prohibit the recruiting, harboring, or transporting of a pregnant minor to procure an abortion and to provide certain requirements and restrictions on a civil action," according to the legislation.


Thats a great way to stop liberals from moving to your state!!!
Idaho has always had minimal public transportation.
Bus rides downtown Boise are sparse...not a great schedule either.

Greyhound only goes to its stations....which are not by an abortion clinic.

So if a company advertised bus rides out of state to an abortion clinic....they would get shut down or jailed in Idaho in a heartbeat.

Just saying....that's Idaho.

If you don't like it....don't move there.

How do you arrest someone for legally transporting people for medical treatment that is not available in Idaho?

Next women will have to register their periods like Florida just tried for female athletes.
It's Idaho. If they are old enough to bleed, they are old enough to breed, and the state will do their best to make sure they carry them to term. Minimum-wage workers must be getting scarce and no better way to solve it, than to breed them with the young and disadvantaged to look out for future. After all, it's just Idaho kids and the state of Idaho knows best.
'A bill introduced in Idaho's House of Representatives would criminalize the transportation of a minor within the state or across state lines to seek an abortion as a violation of the state's human trafficking law.

Republican Rep. Barbara Ehardt introduced House Bill 98 on Tuesday, which would amend existing Idaho law "to prohibit the recruiting, harboring, or transporting of a pregnant minor to procure an abortion and to provide certain requirements and restrictions on a civil action," according to the legislation.


Continue pushing these hate laws against women who have been raped. Forcing children to have their rapists babies is the lowest of the vile things Republicans are trying to do to women.

Why do Republicans keep pushing this losing position on women's reproductive health care????
hate laws
Laughably stupid, pro-abort bigot who promotes inequality and the mass slaughter of those you want dead.

against women

who have been raped
Statistically irrelevant emotional drivel. Moron.

Tell me you want the other 99.9x percent of abortions banned, and then talk to me about rape exceptions, you shamefully dishonest person. You don’t give two shits about rape.

health care
No. it isn’t. Moron.
Non-sequitur much? This is about abortion, dumbass.

Abortion is a medical treatment.
Laughably stupid, pro-abort bigot who promotes inequality and the mass slaughter of those you want dead.


Statistically irrelevant emotional drivel. Moron.

Tell me you want the other 99.9x percent of abortions banned, and then talk to me about rape exceptions, you shamefully dishonest person. You don’t give two shits about rape.

No. it isn’t. Moron.

Abortion is NONE of your business unless you're the one who is pregnant.
Abortion is a medical treatment
Contract killing is quite the opposite of medical treatment. It targets a victim for death, which should be obvious - bless your heart.
Abortion is NONE of your business unless you're the one who is pregnant.
Yeah, no, homicide is everyone’s business, lunatic, not only if you’re a mother. Obviously, being a mother should make someone else planning to kill their own kid be obviously contemptible, but you don’t seem to be able to discern that either, bless your heart.
'A bill introduced in Idaho's House of Representatives would criminalize the transportation of a minor within the state or across state lines to seek an abortion as a violation of the state's human trafficking law.

Republican Rep. Barbara Ehardt introduced House Bill 98 on Tuesday, which would amend existing Idaho law "to prohibit the recruiting, harboring, or transporting of a pregnant minor to procure an abortion and to provide certain requirements and restrictions on a civil action," according to the legislation.

Demofks got to be demofks

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