Take the pledge: im gonna try to stop personally attacking and name calling.


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
This is a voluntary pledge.

I Your Screen Name here , will do my best to try and stop name calling, and engaging in personal attacks.

This doesnt mean youll be perfect, and never do it again, but just shows, youll make an effort to atleast try not to, or to atleast do it less often. Effort is all i ask.

I actsnoblemartin, will do my best to try and stop name calling, and engaging in personal attacks.
I guess I should even though I've yet to sling mud on this site. I have been known to on other boards. Granted it's been a few years since I've been like that.

I Angel Heart, will do my best to try and stop name calling, and engaging in personal attacks.

I'll take it a step farther as to not bite back when it's done to me.

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