Take The Left Seriously??? Really?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.
Hitler took guns away from the Jews. Not too hard to figure out why. Maybe Trump should just take guns from people he plans to send to gas chambers.
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.
Hitler took guns away from the Jews. Not too hard to figure out why. Maybe Trump should just take guns from people he plans to send to gas chambers.

The dunces are not gonna get the tongue-in-cheek, Lasty
Last edited:
PC no offence but could you defend your position as even being in the top ten stupid things the Ds have done since the last election? I personally doubt it makes the hot one hundred.
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.
You don't read, or think and you don't know how insane you appear to normal folks.
No one is calling to take "all guns" away. Not even HERE on this crazed site, have I heard that.
You are feeding the fires of division that keep us from agreeing on anything. That suits your agenda of doing nothing about guns. I hope people start ignoring your kind soon. It's what you deserve.
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.
You don't read, or think and you don't know how insane you appear to normal folks.
No one is calling to take "all guns" away. Not even HERE on this crazed site, have I heard that.
You are feeding the fires of division that keep us from agreeing on anything. That suits your agenda of doing nothing about guns. I hope people start ignoring your kind soon. It's what you deserve.

Yup, I haven't heard that either, but I've read it multiple times.
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.

Knee jerk lieberals. These idiots don't realize the FACT they have freedom of speech granted in the Constitution is because the second amendment makes sure the government can't take their right to free speech away.

Scalia made it clear in the Heller decision an individual has the right to own a gun for self defense.

So yes, probably should put their machinations in the satire section.
Nineteen year old kid versus...

...the FBI...

...local police....

...school security...

He killed...

Seventeen people...

...the idea our mental health system works...

...a concept the government will protect you...
You are all making stuff up. Fighting a boogey man that doesn't exist.
Not that the left isn't making their own with the NRA.
but that doesn't let you off the hook. You want to be so goddamned smart, try acting it.
You are all making stuff up. Fighting a boogey man that doesn't exist.
Not that the left isn't making their own with the NRA.
but that doesn't let you off the hook. You want to be so goddamned smart, try acting it.

First....I am that golldurned smart....
You learned that yesterday when you tried to pretend that you had some expertise vis-a-vis gun stats....even pretending that you had read the Diaz book....

What am I making up, you dunce.?

"Barack Obama accused of comparing Donald Trump with Hitler"
Barack Obama accused of comparing Donald Trump with Hitler

Caught you lying again, huh?
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.
You don't read, or think and you don't know how insane you appear to normal folks.
No one is calling to take "all guns" away. Not even HERE on this crazed site, have I heard that.
You are feeding the fires of division that keep us from agreeing on anything. That suits your agenda of doing nothing about guns. I hope people start ignoring your kind soon. It's what you deserve.

"No one is calling to take "all guns" away."

Stop lying.....if you can.
That is exactly what the Democrats/Liberals/Leftists are all about.

That's why they bring up Australia.

"Recently, Australia managed to take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can't, why can't we?" a man asked Clinton.

"In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program," Clinton responded. "The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns. Then, they basically clamped down, going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach, more of a permitting approach, but they believe, and I think the evidence supports them, that by offering to buyback those guns, they were able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future … So I think that's worth considering. I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it, or how would it work, but certainly your example is worth looking at."

"I hope people start ignoring your kind soon. It's what you deserve."

Don't let the door hit ya' on the way out.....
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.
You don't read, or think and you don't know how insane you appear to normal folks.
No one is calling to take "all guns" away. Not even HERE on this crazed site, have I heard that.
You are feeding the fires of division that keep us from agreeing on anything. That suits your agenda of doing nothing about guns. I hope people start ignoring your kind soon. It's what you deserve.

"You are feeding the fires of division that keep us from agreeing on anything."

How 'bout we agree on this.....

Now....if we accept the reality....
"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
....and we refuse to allow Democrats to use the lives of schoolchildren as a political football....

...let's get down to business:

"Let’s say we want the bare minimum, just enough to pass the safety requirement for gun ownership. In Maryland, there’s a company that will charge you $100 for that training. The cost, then, would be about $71.8 million for all of our teachers.

.....more robust training means that the cost for our 718,000 teachers spikes to $718 million. There would almost certainly be some efficiencies of scale that would come into play here — systems would be developed to train teachers quickly and at less cost — but the figure would still likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars."


That's it????????

Here's a place to start:
"...the nearly $450 million spent annually on National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting Network and a number of small regional public radio and TV networks would disappear."
Trump Budget Has Public Broadcasting in a Fight for its Life

Here's another 'donation'...
"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You | LifeNews.com

What the heck are we waiting for???????
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.

Knee jerk lieberals. These idiots don't realize the FACT they have freedom of speech granted in the Constitution is because the second amendment makes sure the government can't take their right to free speech away.

Scalia made it clear in the Heller decision an individual has the right to own a gun for self defense.

So yes, probably should put their machinations in the satire section.

They tell us we don't need guns to protect ourselves.....government will do it.

Then the school shooting happens and we watch ever level of government fail in its duty.
You are all making stuff up. Fighting a boogey man that doesn't exist.
Not that the left isn't making their own with the NRA.
but that doesn't let you off the hook. You want to be so goddamned smart, try acting it.

First....I am that golldurned smart....
You learned that yesterday when you tried to pretend that you had some expertise vis-a-vis gun stats....even pretending that you had read the Diaz book....

What am I making up, you dunce.?

"Barack Obama accused of comparing Donald Trump with Hitler"
Barack Obama accused of comparing Donald Trump with Hitler

Caught you lying again, huh?
See ya, PC. When you grow up, have someone send me the message.
Nineteen year old kid versus...

...the FBI...

...local police....

...school security...

He killed...

Seventeen people...

...the idea our mental health system works...

...a concept the government will protect you...

This attack would not of happened in Massachusetts because we have sensible gun laws.
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.

This thread starts with a false premise. Just like all your threats. Find me one Democrat who saying we need to take away all guns?
You are all making stuff up. Fighting a boogey man that doesn't exist.
Not that the left isn't making their own with the NRA.
but that doesn't let you off the hook. You want to be so goddamned smart, try acting it.

First....I am that golldurned smart....
You learned that yesterday when you tried to pretend that you had some expertise vis-a-vis gun stats....even pretending that you had read the Diaz book....

What am I making up, you dunce.?

"Barack Obama accused of comparing Donald Trump with Hitler"
Barack Obama accused of comparing Donald Trump with Hitler

Caught you lying again, huh?
See ya, PC. When you grow up, have someone send me the message.

When you can both handle truth, and use same as your guide, drop back.

In the meantime.....read that book you pretended to have read.
Sometimes the Left is so unintentionally funny that one hardly knows whether to put it in politics or in satire....

Get this:

1."[The party] That Calls Trump ‘Hitler’ Demands He Take All Guns Away

2....the cross-section of citizenry which has been comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler for two years has begun to demand that he take guns away from all citizens at once.

3. Passionate protests and rallies recently all demanded the “dangerous madman” confiscate everybody’s firearms.

4. “Trump is a dangerous tyrant, ....“People obviously can’t be trusted with them. Instead, we need to entrust them only to the most powerful man on the planet, who has proven time and time again he’s no better than history’s most violent dictators and has the potential to become an iron-fisted totalitarian!”

5. ...the protesters simultaneously upheld the ideas that Donald Trump is a raving lunatic and that any citizens who wish to own a firearm in order to protect themselves and their families have “blood on their hands.”

6. At publishing time, the nation had continued to blame gun owners for any shooting that occurs in the United States, while absolving Planned Parenthood of killing millions upon millions of babies."
Nation That Calls Trump 'Hitler' Demands He Take All Guns Away

They don't read....

....they don't think....

....and they don't know how insane they appear to normal folks.

This thread starts with a false premise. Just like all your threats. Find me one Democrat who saying we need to take away all guns?

"Find me one Democrat who saying we need to take away all guns?"

Stop lying.....if you can.
That is exactly what the Democrats/Liberals/Leftists are all about.

That's why they bring up Australia.

"Recently, Australia managed to take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can't, why can't we?" a man asked Clinton.

"In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program," Clinton responded. "The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns. Then, they basically clamped down, going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach, more of a permitting approach, but they believe, and I think the evidence supports them, that by offering to buyback those guns, they were able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future … So I think that's worth considering. I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it, or how would it work, but certainly your example is worth looking at."

"Hillary: Australia-style gun control ‘worth looking at’"
Hillary: Australia-style gun control ‘worth looking at’

"But both she and Barack Obama, along with other prominent Democrats, have invoked England and Australia as models America should consider adopting."
Democrats' "Australian-Style" Solution

Know why it's so simple to obliterate you?

'Cause you're both stupid and a lying low-life.

Bet everyone tells you that, huh?

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