Take Notice Republicans


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BOY ?????

your Mormon killed jobs so he could prove to his daddy he could make money

Obama killed jobs to make a business healthy, Romney did the same, yet your partisan BS, sees one as good and the other as evil.

It is very interesting how prejudice skews ones judgement.

Obama didn't kill jobs.

He ruined the dollar and passed so much regulation that small biz can't succeed. thus ensuring that "to big to fail" remains such.
Remember when you guys came up with that one to taint Kerry?

then you picked the guy who says anything depending on who he is tlaking to at the time.

Youtube makes your candidates and made up attacks melt and trickle away

Are we talking about Obama? He even throws in accents when he speaks to certain people.

No doubt something he picked up from studying Hillary.
Just a take on politics in general be they Democrats or Republicans when election time comes around they all tend to drift towards whatever demographic they hope will help them in the voting catagory. One can pick Mitt Romney apart on the number of times he has changed his mind on things to the point where it looks like a ping pong match as well as President Obama. This same thing applies to the last few Presidents that have held the White House as well take your pick on party. I seem to recall at one time a candidate mentioning something along the lines " I was for it before I was against it" i.e. John Kerry, or perhaps President Bush being an ardent candidate against nation building and then instituting that same policy in Afghanistan in 2004? I tend to look at these candidate changes of mind if you will as having more to do with where the political winds are blowing than anything else are NOT the exclusive territory of one party or the other.
The notice we should be taking has nothing to do with flip flops, but the fact that this latest flip came at a time when the CIA and FBI is demanding that the white house be investigated for espionage in the double agent affair and the way the on-going operation was deliberately botched.

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