Fox News tells truth; MSNBC mimmicks truth but with lies


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I always find it funny how Fox News will give one truthful narrative and then MSNBC will mirror it with the lying narrative. The most recent example of this is this:

Fox News does a story about Obama's flip flopping over the years on gay marriage and they give concrete examples.

Obama's past statements on same-sex marriage | Fox News

"I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." -- Obama's answer in a questionnaire during his 1996 run for Illinois state Senate

"Undecided" -- his answer in another questionnaire on the same-sex marriage question during his re-election race for the same office in 1998

"I am a fierce supporter of domestic-partnership and civil-union laws. I am not a supporter of gay marriage as it has been thrown about primarily just as a strategic issue." -- Obama's response during an interview with the Windy City Times, a gay newspaper, in February 2004

"I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian ... it is also a sacred union." -- Obama's response in April 2008 during a presidential campaign forum

"I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage. But I also think you're right that attitudes evolve, including mine." -- Obama's statement during an interview with bloggers on Oct. 27, 2010

"It is important for me personally to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married." -- Obama's statement in an interview May 9, 2012, with ABC News

And then MSNBC does a pretend story about how Romney has supposedly changed his stance on gay marriage.

Romney's evolving views on gay rights - Video on

The article was a bunch of garble; hard to believe that the person that wrote it could call himself a professional journalist/editor.

And watching the video; they point to a general quote of Mitt Romney seeking rights for gays as somehow proof that he's flip flopped on gay marriage. Seriously; if I was liberal, it would bother me how they blatantly lie. Does that not bug you libs. That hurts your cause. I'd hate for my liberal network to be playing to the loons like that.
Fox News and MSNBC both do this.

They are opinion stations, not news outlets.

You do understand the difference?

Check Rush's program. Listen to him carefully. When he attacks the left, notice he mirrors with what the left can fairly attack him. Olbermann pulls the same crap.

It's about ratings, TGG.
wow you really got him now.

Everyone knows NO ONE on earth has ever gone back and forth in their decision making on this issue.

Oh wait, that is right, all those polls over the years show the American people themselves slowly struggling with this issue and doing just about the same dance Obama has done to grasp the issue.

Dont worry Robmoney has plenty of flip flops for you to examine and talk about.

will Fox be doing those one by one now?
Fox News tells truth; MSNBC mimmicks truth but with lies

And here we have the proof that critical thinking skills are no longer being taught in our schools.

Good God. Fox viewers were recently exposed by a college study as being dumber about the news than people that watched no news at all. HOW COULD THAT BE? Unless the viewers are being lied to by the FOX hosts?
I always find it funny how Fox News will give one truthful narrative and then MSNBC will mirror it with the lying narrative. The most recent example of this is this:

Fox News does a story about Obama's flip flopping over the years on gay marriage and they give concrete examples.

And then MSNBC does a pretend story about how Romney has supposedly changed his stance on gay marriage.

The article was a bunch of garble; hard to believe that the person that wrote it could call himself a professional journalist/editor.

And watching the video; they point to a general quote of Mitt Romney seeking rights for gays as somehow proof that he's flip flopped on gay marriage. Seriously; if I was liberal, it would bother me how they blatantly lie. Does that not bug you libs. That hurts your cause. I'd hate for my liberal network to be playing to the loons like that.

It sounds to me like they both struggled with this issue and have played to the crowd on it.

Romney said he'd be better on gay rights than Ted Kennedy, presided over the first state to legalize gay marriage, and then started engaging in the homophobia when he ran for president.

Obama has also switched back and forth.

My own view is that it should be legalized, but legalized the right way, which is after you change laws through the legislative process.

By 2020, it will be legal in all 50 states, and by 2030, people will wonder what all the fuss was about.
Forgive me but your seriously not trying to defend one News entertainment network as being a News source over another one? For every story there is another. want some examples, just type Fox News apologizes in Google or replace that with MSNBC and you will soon find that the word News does not apply and entertainment is better description for what they do. An even better example, would be the qualifications of some of its hosts Sean Hannity comes to mind or perhaps Greg Gutfeld from The Five, did you know that two of those hosts are from that bastion of liberalism UC Berkley and that one of them is an Atheist? While not normally an indicator of what a person will do as a host, it does seem sort of interesting that they are considered expert enough to be seen as a competent source on others who are vastly more qualified than they are. This same thing applies to MSNBC and a whole host of these other types of shows that hold themselves up to be sources of News, when they are sources of entertainment yes, News no. so to compare one to the other is much like saying the Red Car is in the Race is better than the Blue one because it's Red without taking the time to notice they are both in the race.
But guys.....FOX is the ONLY SOURCE for televised news that isn't skewed.....they say so themselves....Fair and Balanced! If you a right wing freak.

It's not their fault that a bunch of dumb fucks can't recognize a advertising slogan when they see it and accept the same as gospel.
I always find it funny how Fox News will give one truthful narrative and then MSNBC will mirror it with the lying narrative. The most recent example of this is this:

Fox News does a story about Obama's flip flopping over the years on gay marriage and they give concrete examples.

Obama's past statements on same-sex marriage | Fox News

"I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." -- Obama's answer in a questionnaire during his 1996 run for Illinois state Senate

"Undecided" -- his answer in another questionnaire on the same-sex marriage question during his re-election race for the same office in 1998

"I am a fierce supporter of domestic-partnership and civil-union laws. I am not a supporter of gay marriage as it has been thrown about primarily just as a strategic issue." -- Obama's response during an interview with the Windy City Times, a gay newspaper, in February 2004

"I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian ... it is also a sacred union." -- Obama's response in April 2008 during a presidential campaign forum

"I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage. But I also think you're right that attitudes evolve, including mine." -- Obama's statement during an interview with bloggers on Oct. 27, 2010

"It is important for me personally to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married." -- Obama's statement in an interview May 9, 2012, with ABC News

And then MSNBC does a pretend story about how Romney has supposedly changed his stance on gay marriage.

Romney's evolving views on gay rights - Video on

The article was a bunch of garble; hard to believe that the person that wrote it could call himself a professional journalist/editor.

And watching the video; they point to a general quote of Mitt Romney seeking rights for gays as somehow proof that he's flip flopped on gay marriage. Seriously; if I was liberal, it would bother me how they blatantly lie. Does that not bug you libs. That hurts your cause. I'd hate for my liberal network to be playing to the loons like that.

Looks to me like someone who's position on gay marriage has evolved

My own views have also evolved like most americans.
I always find it funny how Fox News will give one truthful narrative and then MSNBC will mirror it with the lying narrative. The most recent example of this is this:

Fox News does a story about Obama's flip flopping over the years on gay marriage and they give concrete examples.

Obama's past statements on same-sex marriage | Fox News

"I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." -- Obama's answer in a questionnaire during his 1996 run for Illinois state Senate

"Undecided" -- his answer in another questionnaire on the same-sex marriage question during his re-election race for the same office in 1998

"I am a fierce supporter of domestic-partnership and civil-union laws. I am not a supporter of gay marriage as it has been thrown about primarily just as a strategic issue." -- Obama's response during an interview with the Windy City Times, a gay newspaper, in February 2004

"I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian ... it is also a sacred union." -- Obama's response in April 2008 during a presidential campaign forum

"I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage. But I also think you're right that attitudes evolve, including mine." -- Obama's statement during an interview with bloggers on Oct. 27, 2010

"It is important for me personally to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married." -- Obama's statement in an interview May 9, 2012, with ABC News

And then MSNBC does a pretend story about how Romney has supposedly changed his stance on gay marriage.

Romney's evolving views on gay rights - Video on

The article was a bunch of garble; hard to believe that the person that wrote it could call himself a professional journalist/editor.

And watching the video; they point to a general quote of Mitt Romney seeking rights for gays as somehow proof that he's flip flopped on gay marriage. Seriously; if I was liberal, it would bother me how they blatantly lie. Does that not bug you libs. That hurts your cause. I'd hate for my liberal network to be playing to the loons like that.

Looks to me like someone who's position on gay marriage has evolved

My own views have also evolved like most americans.

An evolving view, when smartphones first came out I thought they were too expense and pain in the backside even though my daughter and her friends kept giving me the "but dad routine. Late on, after having time to spend with my daughters phone, they were still too expensive. Then finally having caved I got one on my own and made the decision that they were not half bad. Today, I cannot live without one.
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I always find it funny how Fox News will give one truthful narrative and then MSNBC will mirror it with the lying narrative. The most recent example of this is this:

Fox News does a story about Obama's flip flopping over the years on gay marriage and they give concrete examples.

Obama's past statements on same-sex marriage | Fox News

And then MSNBC does a pretend story about how Romney has supposedly changed his stance on gay marriage.

Romney's evolving views on gay rights - Video on

The article was a bunch of garble; hard to believe that the person that wrote it could call himself a professional journalist/editor.

And watching the video; they point to a general quote of Mitt Romney seeking rights for gays as somehow proof that he's flip flopped on gay marriage. Seriously; if I was liberal, it would bother me how they blatantly lie. Does that not bug you libs. That hurts your cause. I'd hate for my liberal network to be playing to the loons like that.

Looks to me like someone who's position on gay marriage has evolved

My own views have also evolved like most americans.

An evolving view, when smartphones first came out I thought they were too expense and pain in the backside even though my daughter and her friends kept giving me the "but dad routine. Late on, after having time to spend with my daughters phone, they were still too expensive. The finally having caved I got one on my own and made the decision that they were not half bad. Today, I cannot live without one.

Most Americans used to believe that women lacked the intellect to vote. Their position evolved
Fox News and MSNBC both do this.

They are opinion stations, not news outlets.

You do understand the difference?

Check Rush's program. Listen to him carefully. When he attacks the left, notice he mirrors with what the left can fairly attack him. Olbermann pulls the same crap.

It's about ratings, TGG.

I get that they have opinions. But you understand there's a difference between a valid conclusion and conjecture? Stop being a hack.
Fox News and MSNBC both do this.

They are opinion stations, not news outlets.

You do understand the difference?

Check Rush's program. Listen to him carefully. When he attacks the left, notice he mirrors with what the left can fairly attack him. Olbermann pulls the same crap.

It's about ratings, TGG.

I get that they have opinions. But you understand there's a difference between a valid conclusion and conjecture? Stop being a hack.

You are a hack in your last remark because your refuse to follow the rules of logic. Hacking is what Rush and Olbermann do. And you do it when you refuse to let logic and the historical narrative order your education on these matters.
Fox News and MSNBC both do this.

They are opinion stations, not news outlets.

You do understand the difference?

Check Rush's program. Listen to him carefully. When he attacks the left, notice he mirrors with what the left can fairly attack him. Olbermann pulls the same crap.

It's about ratings, TGG.

I get that they have opinions. But you understand there's a difference between a valid conclusion and conjecture? Stop being a hack.

You are a hack in your last remark because your refuse to follow the rules of logic. Hacking is what Rush and Olbermann do. And you do it when you refuse to let logic and the historical narrative order your education on these matters.

Okay, I know you won't accept this psychopath. But I'll spell it out for you anyways.

Fox News put it in black and white how Obama has flip flopped. MSNBC pretended that Romney's statement for gay rights automatically regarded gay marriage.

I haven't mention Rush or Olberman to you. I'm not debating their tactics. I'm simply telling you how it went down in this particular instance. I think you can see that one entity is being honest and one entity is being dishonest. This is like Sesame Street dude. It's not that hard to get.
Fox News and MSNBC both do this.

They are opinion stations, not news outlets.

You do understand the difference?

Check Rush's program. Listen to him carefully. When he attacks the left, notice he mirrors with what the left can fairly attack him. Olbermann pulls the same crap.

It's about ratings, TGG.

But, but, but Rush is in no way connected with Fox News Channel so the proximate mention is invalid or at least confusing.

Have you missed that FNC has a delineated separation between their opinion pieces and their hard news reporting?

I suggest you watch Bret Baier's "Special Report" in the 6-7 pm hour. If you did you might find it enlightening, with a half hour of current events followed by a half hour of commentary by a panel equally divided between left and right journalist/commenters. There's also the "Fox Report" with Shepherd Smith 7-8 pm Eastern. After that there's 3-hours of opinion by Bill O'Reilley, Sean Hannity, and Greta Van Susterne up til 11-pm.
I get that they have opinions. But you understand there's a difference between a valid conclusion and conjecture? Stop being a hack.

You are a hack in your last remark because your refuse to follow the rules of logic. Hacking is what Rush and Olbermann do. And you do it when you refuse to let logic and the historical narrative order your education on these matters.

Okay, I know you won't accept this psychopath. But I'll spell it out for you anyways.

Fox News put it in black and white how Obama has flip flopped. MSNBC pretended that Romney's statement for gay rights automatically regarded gay marriage.

I haven't mention Rush or Olberman to you. I'm not debating their tactics. I'm simply telling you how it went down in this particular instance. I think you can see that one entity is being honest and one entity is being dishonest. This is like Sesame Street dude. It's not that hard to get.

Both networks do it. Do you not get it, hacker?
Fox News and MSNBC both do this.

They are opinion stations, not news outlets.

You do understand the difference?

Check Rush's program. Listen to him carefully. When he attacks the left, notice he mirrors with what the left can fairly attack him. Olbermann pulls the same crap.

It's about ratings, TGG.

But, but, but Rush is in no way connected with Fox News Channel so the proximate mention is invalid or at least confusing.

Have you missed that FNC has a delineated separation between their opinion pieces and their hard news reporting?

I suggest you watch Bret Baier's "Special Report" in the 6-7 pm hour. If you did you might find it enlightening, with a half hour of current events followed by a half hour of commentary by a panel equally divided between left and right journalist/commenters. There's also the "Fox Report" with Shepherd Smith 7-8 pm Eastern. After that there's 3-hours of opinion by Bill O'Reilley, Sean Hannity, and Greta Van Susterne up til 11-pm.

Have you missed the real point: ratings. All of the folks and networks I mentioned do it for ratings.

My only point is that TGG refuses to admit it.

And if you are defending FOX, then you are a hack.
You might have a point if one of the FAUX Nooze anchors hadn't said that Obama was on the right side of history.

Matter of fact, it was Shep Smith.

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