T-Baggers and Reich Wingers in Wonderland.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
T-Baggers and Reich Wingers in Wonderland.
If we privatized Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, low wage earners, spouses who never worked, the mentally retarded and disabled would not have any retirement and government would have had to step in and save them. How are minimum wage earners going to pay for private healthcare without government assistance?

T-Baggers and Reich Wingers don’t have a solution, they only want to make a problem bigger. Big government is needed in this 21 century and Bush created the need for big government with is big spending. Small government may have worked in the 1700s when you could pay your bills with a chicken and corn.

When Obama bailed our the banks, auto industry and wall street, he bailed our American’s saving and retirement and saved jobs.

Those T-Baggers and Reich Wingers are not against government, they are racist against Obama. Where were they when Bush were doing the very same thing and got us into this mess. If they had been out like they are now, we may not be in this mess today.

I would love to see the T-Baggers and the Reich wingnuts win the house and the senate and speaker of the house, house majority leader,etc and love nothing better then to see this mess dumped back into the hands that created it. Let them clean up the mess they created.Let them have smaller govenment with less govenment regulation. Let them get the truck out of the ditch they run it into.
I didn't know this was due to the doings of some Nazi, ball sack sucking, conspiracy group... :eusa_eh:

Lilolady must really be in tune with those groups to have that kind of inside knowledge.
I know I posted something like this in another thread, but here it goes again, let's take a look at things shall we, if your aim is to save Social Security and Medicare, then perhaps using Social Security as the funding mechanism for other social programs is not a good method from which to start as well as taking 500 Billion from Medicare to fund another one. As for Stimulus let's look at that for a moment if the measure of Stimulus was to create jobs and when it was passed unemployment was below 8% and has risen as high as 10% and has not seen below 9 in some time that is not what I would call an accomplishment unless the standard has been lowered. I for one would never be in favor of ridding our nation of Social Security or Medicare for that matter, howeverI do believe that our Govt. has in the last two decades found this unique ability to spend money in ways that seem to defy logic. Take for instance the DoD, both the Bush and Clinton as well as the Obama Administration cannot seem to locate more than 1.3 Trillion dollars of money spent on defense. If you take the sheer number of programs that the Govt. has spent money on the allowed to be over run with costs then cancelled after spending billions, then you start to get a picture that the problem is not with the how much we spend but with the way we spend it. You need look no further than NASA, Yucca Mtn, and yes even the Stimulus bill to understand that. Social Security given the chance to surivive as a well funded and well run entity and not as a Govt. piggy bank for every social as well as whatever Govt. program that is funded by it would do just fine. People talk a lot these days about fiscal responsibility and cutting this program and that program, however I have come to believe that if the money that we the taxpayers send to Washington is spent wisely then then the end result will be the cuts you want as well as fiscal responsibility. In other words those we elect be they Democrat, Republican, Tea Party , or whatever, doesn't matter as long as they understand they work for us and the money they spend is our money and as such we demand they spend it in a wise manner.

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