T-90 tanks and missiles arrive in Syria


Nov 14, 2012
I hope, there will be many tanks and weapons for the Syrian forces. The terrorists in the region enjoy modern equipment like jammars, drones and TOWs, that is provided to them by Erdogan. The Russian presence is already a political barrier for Erdogan´s army of conquest, but tanks and missiles could be a key factor, when the army pushes to Jisr al-Shugour and finally Idlib.

"The Russian Federation has not shied away from displaying its military support for the Syrian Government, despite claims that the Russians have attempted to hide their increased participation in the Syrian Conflict.

In fact, the Russian Marines are now fully armed and positioned in Syria’s western countryside, as they train and advise the latest recruits from the civilian-led “National Defense Forces” (NDF) in east Latakia (Slunfeh), east Tartous (Safita), and southwest Homs (Wadi Al-Nasara).

The Russian Marines in Syria boast an estimated 650 armed personnel on the ground, with almost 400 of these soldiers positioned in the dense mountains of eastern Latakia; specifically, inside Jabal Al-Akrad.

What these soldiers were missing has finally arrived to the shores of the Syrian port-city of Tartous: yes, the Russian-made “T-90 Tanks” were transported to the Russian Marines on Monday, leaving no doubt that Russian military presence was more than just farce.

However, it should be noted that these T-90 Tanks were not transported to any battlefront nor have the Russian Marines joined the fight against the armed insurgents inside Syria.

According to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the majority of the Russian Marines inside Syria are professional soldiers that are neither conscripted nor unaware of the tasks that lie ahead of them.

What exactly is their main objective? Well, 650 Russian Marines are not likely going to do any-kind of fighting; however, these soldiers are positioned in a number of areas that are considered government strongholds.

Should the Islamist rebels attempt to cross from the Al-Ghaab Plains of west Hama into the southeastern hills of Jabal Al-Akrad, they will find themselves among an elite group of Russian Marines and Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen that are stationed in this area."

Russian Marines Receive Advanced Weapons and Armor in East Latakia
The Syrian Missile Crisis? Russia's Presence Reveals a Hole in Obama's "War on ISIS"
Russia Ups the Ante in Syria: More Military Personnel Arrive in Tartous

"If the Cold War ended, then someone forgot to notify the United States and Russia because both rivals are currently bolstering their military prowess inside Syria through a vessel of different proxies that seem to be unaware of the tumultuous uproar this has caused around the international community.

Recently, the Russian Federation upped the ante in Syria by deploying 650 Marines to the shores of Tartous in order to begin the wide-spread training of the civilian-led “National Defense Forces” (NDF) inside the provinces of Latakia, Tartous, and Homs.

Not to be outdone, the U.S. has recently decided to launch numerous airstrikes in the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside, marking the first time that the U.S. Air Force has ventured this far south in Syria – their targets were the ancient cities of Palmyra (Tadmur) and Al-Quraytayn (historical Assyrian city).

With both countries unwilling to back-off from this heavyweight match, Russia has decided to proliferate more heavy armory and military personnel to Syria amid the recent rumors of their escalated participation inside the country; this includes the latest reports of their alleged helicopter missions in Latakia.

On Wednesday, the Russian Federation deployed more than 200 Marines to Syria after the total number of military personnel proved too little to train the latest batch of NDF recruits in western Syria.

It seems that Russia has championed the training of the NDF after military advisors from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s “Al-Quds Brigade” spent two years advising these militiamen around the country."

Russia Ups the Ante in Syria: More Military Personnel Arrive in Tartous

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