The Syria Mess Could Have Been Avoided


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."
The demands of the protesters were fulfilled, as you know, ISIS-Sally. Then, they went violent.

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."

That's the problem, when the protests started Assad agreed to lift the "state of emergency" laws and begin the reforms the protesters wanted to introduce. Syrian intelligence then learned that some, if not all of the ringleaders of these protesters were being financed by foreign governments to bring down the Ba'athist regime. As usual with periods of unrest it takes only a few dedicated individuals to set off a full scale rebellion, comotting atrocities and blaming the government, for example. Things soon spiralled out of control into the present quagmire. Assad is no saint, but it takes two (or more) to tango.

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."

That's the problem, when the protests started Assad agreed to lift the "state of emergency" laws and begin the reforms the protesters wanted to introduce. Syrian intelligence then learned that some, if not all of the ringleaders of these protesters were being financed by foreign governments to bring down the Ba'athist regime. As usual with periods of unrest it takes only a few dedicated individuals to set off a full scale rebellion, comotting atrocities and blaming the government, for example. Things soon spiralled out of control into the present quagmire. Assad is no saint, but it takes two (or more) to tango.

What we need here are posters who actually were living in Syria to tell us how they felt about what was going on. You can tell us your side of what your think, but we need the actual inhabitants to tell their story. As you can see, I don't think many of the people would agree with your thinking.

Syria lifts hated law, but protesters unimpressed -

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."
The demands of the protesters were fulfilled, as you know, ISIS-Sally. Then, they went violent.

Now who told you that, Little Shit? Did you get it from Assad's mouth?

Isn't it strange that many Syrians who were at these protests say that the protests were peaceful and then they were mowed down by your idol's police?

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."

That's the problem, when the protests started Assad agreed to lift the "state of emergency" laws and begin the reforms the protesters wanted to introduce. Syrian intelligence then learned that some, if not all of the ringleaders of these protesters were being financed by foreign governments to bring down the Ba'athist regime. As usual with periods of unrest it takes only a few dedicated individuals to set off a full scale rebellion, comotting atrocities and blaming the government, for example. Things soon spiralled out of control into the present quagmire. Assad is no saint, but it takes two (or more) to tango.

What we need here are posters who actually were living in Syria to tell us how they felt about what was going on. You can tell us your side of what your think, but we need the actual inhabitants to tell their story. As you can see, I don't think many of the people would agree with your thinking.

Syria lifts hated law, but protesters unimpressed -

So why are you citing an American publication? I had contacts in Syria in both pro-and anti Assad camps when this all kicked off, sadly I've lost contact with them now; I've no idea what's happened to them and their families, but at the time they all said that many of the killings on both sides were done to provoke the other in to further excesses. But I agree, reading American sources quoting from American "experts" is no substitute for first hand accounts.
If you barely stick a toe into the lake of violence in syria and just throw money down the drain, you achieve nothing but make everyone angry at you.

Syria needs a strong coordinated coalition force working towards an agreed to goal, not random bombing that scatters the ants temporarily but allows them to scamper back.
We respond far too late and with too little purpose.
Everyone seems to be doing their own thing for show and no one really cares about the destruction or collateral. Big bomb, big price, big hole, little result. If you don't have the intelligence and specific goal/target, it is a loud voice with a fly swatter.

If we are not going to use force to stop the massacres by both Assad and ISIS, we should help create a safe zone within syria for those who are displace. Help them build a life for syrians in syria. Help them create an opposition government for all syrians that can step up when a transition is possible that can run the essential service to keep the government functioning and to prepare for open and fair election that represent all the people. Prepare and educate them to rebuilt and guide the run a united government and a strong economy. Give them an alternative to the violence and a hope for the future. Give them the building block to put syria back together.

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."
The demands of the protesters were fulfilled, as you know, ISIS-Sally. Then, they went violent.

Now who told you that, Little Shit? Did you get it from Assad's mouth?

Isn't it strange that many Syrians who were at these protests say that the protests were peaceful and then they were mowed down by your idol's police?
So now, you ave mounted your pig yap again. I would assume that burning cities aren´t an indicator for peaceful protests.
Syria 2011 Video: What our medias call peaceful protests | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."
The demands of the protesters were fulfilled, as you know, ISIS-Sally. Then, they went violent.

Now who told you that, Little Shit? Did you get it from Assad's mouth?

Isn't it strange that many Syrians who were at these protests say that the protests were peaceful and then they were mowed down by your idol's police?
So now, you ave mounted your pig yap again. I would assume that burning cities aren´t an indicator for peaceful protests.
Syria 2011 Video: What our medias call peaceful protests | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oink, oink, this Little Piggie Sicko just wouldn't believe the protests started off peacefully. It didn't start off with violence. Too many people witnessed what happened.

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."

That's the problem, when the protests started Assad agreed to lift the "state of emergency" laws and begin the reforms the protesters wanted to introduce. Syrian intelligence then learned that some, if not all of the ringleaders of these protesters were being financed by foreign governments to bring down the Ba'athist regime. As usual with periods of unrest it takes only a few dedicated individuals to set off a full scale rebellion, comotting atrocities and blaming the government, for example. Things soon spiralled out of control into the present quagmire. Assad is no saint, but it takes two (or more) to tango.

What we need here are posters who actually were living in Syria to tell us how they felt about what was going on. You can tell us your side of what your think, but we need the actual inhabitants to tell their story. As you can see, I don't think many of the people would agree with your thinking.

Syria lifts hated law, but protesters unimpressed -

So why are you citing an American publication? I had contacts in Syria in both pro-and anti Assad camps when this all kicked off, sadly I've lost contact with them now; I've no idea what's happened to them and their families, but at the time they all said that many of the killings on both sides were done to provoke the other in to further excesses. But I agree, reading American sources quoting from American "experts" is no substitute for first hand accounts.

That is why I am glad that we have someone lik eAris posting who is up on what is happening in that particular area via her friends and acquaintances who keep her informed. It's a shame that you lost touch with your acquaintances, but that happens to all of us over time.
If you barely stick a toe into the lake of violence in syria and just throw money down the drain, you achieve nothing but make everyone angry at you.

Syria needs a strong coordinated coalition force working towards an agreed to goal, not random bombing that scatters the ants temporarily but allows them to scamper back.
We respond far too late and with too little purpose.
Everyone seems to be doing their own thing for show and no one really cares about the destruction or collateral. Big bomb, big price, big hole, little result. If you don't have the intelligence and specific goal/target, it is a loud voice with a fly swatter.

If we are not going to use force to stop the massacres by both Assad and ISIS, we should help create a safe zone within syria for those who are displace. Help them build a life for syrians in syria. Help them create an opposition government for all syrians that can step up when a transition is possible that can run the essential service to keep the government functioning and to prepare for open and fair election that represent all the people. Prepare and educate them to rebuilt and guide the run a united government and a strong economy. Give them an alternative to the violence and a hope for the future. Give them the building block to put syria back together.
Shame the US ever went into Iraq and left leaving a chasm which ISIS filled............Americans just never have a proper exit stratedgy sic,EVER

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

The Obumbler did it again. Nor only was his Red Line Warning a farce but he is such an egomaniac that he cannot work with other world leaders to avoid conflicts. Sio tens of thousands died and it appears even more have fled, creating a massive change-to-be throughout the western world.

Read more @ West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."
The demands of the protesters were fulfilled, as you know, ISIS-Sally. Then, they went violent.

Now who told you that, Little Shit? Did you get it from Assad's mouth?

Isn't it strange that many Syrians who were at these protests say that the protests were peaceful and then they were mowed down by your idol's police?
So now, you ave mounted your pig yap again. I would assume that burning cities aren´t an indicator for peaceful protests.
Syria 2011 Video: What our medias call peaceful protests | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oink, oink, this Little Piggie Sicko just wouldn't believe the protests started off peacefully. It didn't start off with violence. Too many people witnessed what happened.

For years we have provided information, back ground, news, OPs, facts, analysis.......

His problem if he is too lazy to read any of it.

Leave the piggy in his mud sty and find others to play with.
I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."
The demands of the protesters were fulfilled, as you know, ISIS-Sally. Then, they went violent.

Now who told you that, Little Shit? Did you get it from Assad's mouth?

Isn't it strange that many Syrians who were at these protests say that the protests were peaceful and then they were mowed down by your idol's police?
So now, you ave mounted your pig yap again. I would assume that burning cities aren´t an indicator for peaceful protests.
Syria 2011 Video: What our medias call peaceful protests | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oink, oink, this Little Piggie Sicko just wouldn't believe the protests started off peacefully. It didn't start off with violence. Too many people witnessed what happened.

For years we have provided information, back ground, news, OPs, facts, analysis.......

His problem if he is too lazy to read any of it.

Leave the piggy in his mud sty and find others to play with.
I also think this all this could have been avoided if Assad would have originally sat down with the oppostion, listened to their complaints, and worked something out with them. You just don't mow down protesters in the streets, but I guess that is the modus operandi of brutal dictators who just want to keep on running the show. I was reading something today, and maybe it makes sense, although the UN seems ineffectual to me.

"In Syria, only multilateralism can succeed. The UN remains the world’s best – indeed its only – hope to stop the Syrian bloodbath and halt the flood of refugees to Europe."
The demands of the protesters were fulfilled, as you know, ISIS-Sally. Then, they went violent.

Now who told you that, Little Shit? Did you get it from Assad's mouth?

Isn't it strange that many Syrians who were at these protests say that the protests were peaceful and then they were mowed down by your idol's police?
So now, you ave mounted your pig yap again. I would assume that burning cities aren´t an indicator for peaceful protests.
Syria 2011 Video: What our medias call peaceful protests | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oink, oink, this Little Piggie Sicko just wouldn't believe the protests started off peacefully. It didn't start off with violence. Too many people witnessed what happened.

For years we have provided information, back ground, news, OPs, facts, analysis.......

His problem if he is too lazy to read any of it.

Leave the piggy in his mud sty and find others to play with.

Actually the piggy reminds me of one of those groupies who fall over someone famous like an actor or sports figure. This little piggy falls all over Assad.

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