Syria: Terrorist´s Proposal rejected by locals, army and Hezbollah in Zabadani


Nov 14, 2012
Normally, the government supports such agreements but the people has spoken.

"Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army’s 63rd Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division have rejected a proposal from the Islamist rebel group “Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham” that would allow for their fighters to withdraw from the resort-city of Al-Zabadani to nearby Madaya, while their combatants in the Idlib Governorate would discontinue their assault on the towns of Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya in order to allow the civilians a safe passage to the Syrian Government controlled areas.

The alleged proposal was negotiated through a Lebanese and Qatari intermediary that sought to correspond between the two opposing parties in order to reach some-sort of settlement in Al-Zabadani – Hezbollah and the Syrian Armed Forces were not interested in any such agreement with Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham.

In addition to the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah’s rejection of the proposal, the civilians living in the towns of Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya have issued a statement that also rejects any agreement with Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and their allies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – they further added that they are full committed to protecting their city from all aggressors.

On Wednesday, the joint Hezbollah and SAA forces stormed the remaining Jabhat Al-Nusra stronghold inside Al-Zabadani, delivering a powerful blow to the enemy combatants entrenched to the north of the Al-Zabadani Mall.

Jabhat Al-Nusra and their allies are confined to a small area inside Al-Zabadani, as the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah continue to advance around into the heart of the resort-city’s downtown area, leaving the remaining enemy combatants with little leverage to negotiate."

Hezbollah Rejects Ahrar Al-Sham s Proposal Siege of Al-Zabadani Continues
Ceasefire in Al-Zabadani Intensifies the Battle for Darayya


The civilian-led National Defense Forces

"At 6 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Wednesday morning, a 48 hour ceasefire was implemented in the resort-city of Al-Zabadani (Rif Dimashq Governorate) and the predominately Shi’i towns of Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya (Idlib Governorate) after successful negotiations between the Turkish and Iranian Governments concluded.

While peace reigned over the aforementioned ceasefire areas in Syria, the battle for the city of Darayya was heating up between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Islamist rebels of Ajnad Al-Sham.

The Islamist rebels launched their assault inside the city of Darayya last week, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s 555th Brigade of the 1st Armored Division and the National Defense Forces (NDF) at the contested Darayya Association Neighborhood and area around the Darayya National Hospital.

Following their initial assault, the Islamist militants of Ajnad Al-Sham gained considerable ground inside the Darayya Association Neighborhood, capturing a number of building blocks from the Syrian Armed Forces in a matter of 48 hours.

In response to this abrupt offensive, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) conducted a series of powerful airstrikes that targeted the Islamist rebels around the northwestern sector of Darayya; these airstrikes are still ongoing.

Finally, on Wednesday, one week after the Islamist rebels launched their assault, the SAA’s 555th Brigade and the National Defense Forces were able to recapture four building blocks in the Darayya Association Neighborhood, thanks in large part to the Syrian Air Force’s relentless airstrikes on Ajnad Al-Sham’s positions.

The death toll in Darayya over the last seven days has been considerably high for the Syrian Armed Forces and Ajnad Al-Sham, as a confirmed 43 SAA and NDF were considered “killed-in-action” (KIA) – the source estimated between 40-50 Islamist rebels were killed during this battle."

Ceasefire in Al-Zabadani Intensifies the Battle for Darayya
What Lies Ahead for the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah in Al-Zabadani?


Army soldiers and Islamist militants watch each other during the ceasefire in Zabadani.

"For the last 38 days, Al-Zabadani has been under siege by the Syrian Arab Army’s 63rd Brigade of the prestigious 4th Mechanized Division and Hezbollah; this has left the Islamist rebels from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” in a difficult predicament, with very few choices.

During the first days of this offensive at Al-Zabadani, Hezbollah and the Syrian Armed Forces gave the Islamist rebels two options: either put down their weapons and surrender or prepare to fight until the last man.

This was a different approach than the previous battles that Hezbollah participated in because they were not offering the Islamist fighters an escape route to shorten the fight like the previous battles at Al-Qusayr and Yabroud.

Now, both sides are currently engaged in a 48 hour ceasefire that began on Wednesday at 6 A.M. (Damascus Time) and while this ceasefire has been maintained, the Islamist rebels inside Al-Zabadani know that in a short period of time, they will be under attack once again.

Unfortunately for the Islamist rebels, Hezbollah and the Syrian Armed Forces are not letting up on the siege, despite the rare interference by Iran and Turkey to allow for a 48 hour ceasefire inside the city.

In fact, the Islamist rebels only control a small parcel of territory in the Mahata District, leaving them on the brink of defeat inside one of the first cities to fall to the rebel forces in Syria.

Yesterday, 40 Islamist rebel fighters surrendered themselves to the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah inside Al-Zabadani; however, more than 300 militants remain entrenched inside the Mahata District.

While the success in Al-Zabadani will lift the spirits of the embattled Syrian Armed Forces, some difficult tasks remain ahead; these include the battle for Madaya to the south and Jaroud Rankous to the northeast."

What Lies Ahead for the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah in Al-Zabadani
Jaysh Al-Islam Announces an Offensive to Retake Lost Ground in Al-Zabadani


Sally´s "freedom fighters"

"The 48 hour ceasefire between the Syrian Arab Army/Hezbollah and the Islamist rebel factions in the resort-city of Al-Zabadani is now over and the battle for this strategic area has restarted.

However, as the same players continue their fight in Al-Zabadani, a new Islamist group has announced its participation in this battle and their endeavor to recapture the lost territory that was seized by the Syrian Arab Army’s 63rd Brigade of the prestigious 4th Mechanized Division and Hezbollah.

The Islamist group “Jaysh Al-Islam” (Army of Islam) – led by Zahran Alloush – has announced their counter-offensive to recapture a number of strategic points in Al-Zabadani after 85 percent of this has fallen under the control of Hezbollah and the Syrian Armed Forces."

This will not be an easy task for Jaysh Al-Islam, as Hezbollah and the Syrian Armed Forces are well-equipped and well-positioned to complete their objective, which is to capture the city and leave no Islamist rebel presence in Al-Zabadani.

Jaysh Al-Islam will rely on the vast tunnels that stretch from the town of Madaya to Al-Zabadani in order to launch their counter-offensive against the joint forces of the SAA’s 63rd Brigade and Hezbollah.

According to a military source in Damascus, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah do not view the announcement as a legitimate threat due to the fact the Islamist rebels are poorly positioned inside the Mahata District of Al-Zabadani."

Jaysh Al-Islam Announces an Offensive to Retake Lost Ground in Al-Zabadani
Zero Hour Approaches Al-Zabadani: 72 Hour Ultimatum Set to Expire

"The Syrian Arab Army’s 63rd Brigade of the prestigious 4th Mechanized Division and Hezbollah issued a 72 hour ultimatum to the Islamist rebels of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” to put down their weapons and completely surrender; if not, they will no longer be offered the luxury of surrender in exchange for possible amnesty.

So far, the Islamist rebels have been reluctant to surrender to the Syrian Armed Forces and the Lebanese Resistance; however, on Tuesday, 14 more enemy combatants from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army’s “Al-Zabadani Hawks Brigade” (Liwaa Suqour Al-Zabadani) surrendered themselves to the nearest checkpoint manned by Syrian Arab Army soldiers inside the resort-city of Al-Zabadani.

On Tuesday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces and Lebanese Resistance continued to press the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham along the road leading to the Mahata Roundabout, killing a confirmed 13 enemy combatants and destroying three armored vehicles that were mounted with 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

Currently, the Islamist rebels are completely encircled and running out of territory under their control, as Hezbollah and the Syrian Armed Forces suffocate the enemy combatants entrenched in the city-center of Al-Zabadani.

Also applying pressure on the Islamist rebels: the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) has been merciless in their aerial onslaught of the Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and Jabhat Al-Nusra defensive positions, pounding the aforementioned Islamist groups with airstrike after airstrike inside the encircled Rif Dimashq Governorate cities of Madaya and Al-Zabadani."

Zero Hour Approaches Al-Zabadani 72 Hour Ultimatum Set to Expire
Jaysh Al-Islam’s Counter-Assault Outside of Al-Zabadani Ends in Disaster: Over 30 Killed by Hezbollah

"On Thursday morning, the Islamist rebel group “Jaysh Al-Islam” (Army of Islam) carried out an attack on Hezbollah’s defensive positions at the villages of Alali and Mowzat in a desperate attempt to lift the siege imposed by the latter and the Syrian Arab Army’s 63rd Brigade of the 4th Armored Division at the resort-city of Al-Zabadani.

However, what the Islamist rebels of Jaysh Al-Islam did not expect was the fierce resistance that would come from the well-armed and well-prepared Hezbollah soldiers stationed at the frontlines of Alali and Mowzat near Al-Zabadani.

This intel failure within Jaysh Al-Islam led to a disastrous attempt to bypass Hezbollah’s frontline defenses and Alali and Mowzat in order to reopen the supply.

As Jaysh Al-Islam approached the villages of Alali and Mowzat, they were suddenly struck by a Hezbollah contingent along the road, killing a dozen enemy combatants; this did not deter the Jaysh Al-Islam militants, however.

Moments after the ambush by Hezbollah, the Jaysh Al-Islam militants reached Alali’s eastern axis, where they were once again confronted by a Hezbollah force along the main road to the village.

Unfortunately for Jaysh Al-Islam, this final attack sealed the deal, as over 20 of their combatants were killed by the Lebanese Resistance before they could get anything going.

All-in-all, the Jaysh Al-Islam attack proved disastrous, as over 30 of their armed combatants were killed by Hezbollah on Thursday morning – some estimates were as high as 50 enemy combatants killed."

Jaysh Al-Islam's Counter-Assault Outside of Al-Zabadani Ends in Disaster: Over 30 Killed by Hezbollah
Hezbollah and the Syrian Army Advance Deep into Al-Zabadani After Jaysh Al-Islam’s Failed Attack

"On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 63rd Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination Hezbollah, the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) – countered the Islamist rebels attempted infiltration into east Al-Zabadani, resuming their offensive in the city-center after a 48 hour hiatus from this front.

The Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah resumed their offensive at 8:30 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Saturday morning, when their joint contingents stormed the defensive positions of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, the Free Syrian Army’s “Liwaa Suqour Al-Zabadani”, and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” at the Al-Nabua District, killing 18 enemy combatants from the aforementioned Islamist rebel factions.

Following their powerful assault on Saturday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces and Lebanese Resistance plowed through the remaining territory under the Free Syrian Army and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham’s control in the Al-Nabua District, capturing the eight street blocks after fierce clashes with the aforementioned Islamist rebel groups.

In addition to their assault on Al-Nabua, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah swept through the buildings inside the Al-Zahra District after surrendered fighters provided information regarding their whereabouts.

According to a military source in Damascus, 11 members of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham surrendered themselves to a checkpoint manned by the Syrian security forces; these men are candidates for amnesty after they turned-in their weapons without resisting."

Hezbollah and the Syrian Army Advance Deep into Al-Zabadani After Jaysh Al-Islam's Failed Attack
Hezbollah and the Syrian Army Enter Downtown Al-Zabadani Before Ceasefire Implementation


"The Syrian Arab Army’s 42nd and 63rd Brigades of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with Hezbollah, the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA), the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – advanced into Al-Zabadani’s downtown area after 70 days of fighting with the Islamist rebels of Harakast Ahrar Al-Sham, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra.”

On Saturday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces and Lebanese Resistance broke-through Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham’s frontline defenses at the Al-‘Ara’at District, capturing three street blocks from the Islamist rebel fighters before the clashes dissipated around 8:30 P.M. (Damascus Time) on Sunday.

The entry into the Al-‘Ara’at District of Al-Zabadani was a direct result of the Syrian Armed Forces and Lebanese Resistance capturing the strategic Al-Nabua District from the Islamist rebel fighters of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and Jabhat Al-Nusra after three straight days of non-stop fighting in the downtown area.

Following the successful entry into the Al-‘Ara’at District, the Syrian Armed Forces/Lebanese Resistance entered into a 48 hour ceasefire agreement with the Islamist rebels of Harakast Ahrar Al-Sham; this ceasefire would be implemented in the predominately Shia towns of Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya, along with the rebel-controlled cities of Madaya and Al-Zabadani.

Rumors surfaced on Sunday that the ceasefire agreement had been violated by both sides; however, a military source in Damascus denied these rumors and confirmed its implementation."

Hezbollah and the Syrian Army Enter Downtown Al-Zabadani Before Ceasefire Implementation

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