Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense. Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks.

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Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS
Boy, the Warmongers are so hellbent on dragging us into a yet another endless bloody war. I'm very skeptical of this report claiming Assad used chemical weapons. It just doesn't make any sense.

be patient ----the use of MUSTARD GASES can be easily detected----if detected---keep in mind ---the ONLY persons to use mustard gases SINCE WORLD WAR I have been BAATHIST DOGS

Not buying it. Assad's winning the war. Why would he order a chemical weapon attack now? He knows the consequences. This just doesn't add up. I think it's a False Flag lie.
Love the righteous indignation coming out of the US on this issue.
How many Syrian "little children" did you bomb last week ?
Love the righteous indignation coming out of the US on this issue.
How many Syrian "little children" did you bomb last week ?

This one just stinks of False Flag so much. Assad's a pretty smart guy. He's winning the war. Why would he jeopardize that by ordering a chemical weapon attack? He knows the possible consequences. This doesn't add up.

It seems like a last desperate attempt to 'Regime Change' him. It's intended to force Trump to expand US involvement in the war. And it looks like that's exactly what's gonna happen. Another endless bloody war. Will these wars ever end?
And shame on the US Government/Corporate Media. Such a mad rush to claim Assad is responsible. There hasn't been any credible investigations. Yet, the US Government/Corporate Media has already decided it was Assad. So shameful.
Love the righteous indignation coming out of the US on this issue.
How many Syrian "little children" did you bomb last week ?

This one just stinks of False Flag so much. Assad's a pretty smart guy. He's winning the war. Why would he jeopardize that by ordering a chemical weapon attack? He knows the possible consequences. This doesn't add up.

It seems like a last desperate attempt to 'Regime Change' him. It's intended to force Trump to expand US involvement in the war. And it looks like that's exactly what's gonna happen. Another endless bloody war. Will these wars ever end?
There are no good guys in Syria. The poor fuckers are just target practice for the big boys. And we wonder why they want to get out.
Love the righteous indignation coming out of the US on this issue.
How many Syrian "little children" did you bomb last week ?

This one just stinks of False Flag so much. Assad's a pretty smart guy. He's winning the war. Why would he jeopardize that by ordering a chemical weapon attack? He knows the possible consequences. This doesn't add up.

It seems like a last desperate attempt to 'Regime Change' him. It's intended to force Trump to expand US involvement in the war. And it looks like that's exactly what's gonna happen. Another endless bloody war. Will these wars ever end?
Okay. So who is behind this false flag? Who wants to remove Assad (besides the Kurds, the terrorists, half the Syrians, Israel, Iraq, and the majority of the UN who have already deemed him a war criminal?)
And shame on the US Government/Corporate Media. Such a mad rush to claim Assad is responsible. There hasn't been any credible investigations. Yet, the US Government/Corporate Media has already decided it was Assad. So shameful.
Bombs got dropped out of HIS helicopters and a cloud of gas went up which killed 70+ innocent civilians who happen to be rebel moderates opposed to Assad. How DARE anyone jump to the conclusion that Assad did it?
fake news again by liberal media

In fairness, Fox News is currently having repeated orgasms screeching for all-out war in Syria. It instantly decided Assad was responsible. Credible American Journalism is dead.
What happened to BARRY'S RED LINE if Assad used Chemical Weapons from 2013?

He wasn't just full of shit and talking out of his ass, was he?

“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

You LOONEY TUNES and your false flag conspiracies show what kind of nuts you are and Ron Paul is the head nut.

Who has the technology to use poison gas. ISIS doesn't. The rebels don't. The only people are Assad and Putin. Or maybe it was little
green men from Mars. Or maybe it was the deep state that did it.
False flag. It defies logic that Assad and Putin who are winning the war against ISIS AND given a pass by Tillerson would turn around and decide to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

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