"Syria" and "Russia" Say ISIS Is Dead, Now U.S. Must Go


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Well chemical Assad and Vova Putler say " Yankee /Free world Go home , we must kill 90% of Syrian population , and repopulate "Syria" with Shiias from Iraq, P-stan, A-stan, Yemen, etc. " so whats Trump is gonna do, make one more more deal with Kremlin Kleptocracy?

"The presence of U.S. forces or any foreign military presence in Syria without the consent of the Syrian government constitutes an act of aggression and an attack on the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic as well as a gross violation of the charter and principles of the United Nations," the ministry quoted an official source as saying.

"The Syrian Arab Republic again calls for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of U.S. forces from the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. This presence is an aggression against Syria's sovereignty and independence and will be dealt with on this basis," the source added.
Syria and Russia say ISIS is dead, now U.S. must go
Assad has no intention of killing his citizens. That's why they have remained loyal to him.

The Sunni jihadists who fought against the Syrian forces were from over 80 different countries. That is NOT a civil war. That is an invasion. And those jihadi forces aka ISIS and AQ errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels were funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey and enabled by the CIA.

Lets's get real facts out there. Not the bullshit in the OP.

We gave the world ISIS.
Now as to the pull out of the US forces, of course they must leave Syria. Syria is a sovereign nation. AND many Americans who never understood why the hell Obama got involved to overthrow Assad would welcome the forces coming home.

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