Sworn in on Jan. 3, AOC has already helped destroy 27 billion dollars, and 25,000 jobs. Good start?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Those weren't just jobs. They would have averaged $150,000 apiece. She cost her fellow taxpayers the big bucks. She's muddying the swamp, though. She never considered that getting rid of these alleged bad capitalists cost her fellow Democrats a lot of play money, and they're collectively very unhappy. Right now, her biggest decision will be who to cut off from duplicate welfare recipiency.
Those weren't just jobs. They would have averaged $150,000 apiece. She cost her fellow taxpayers the big bucks. She's muddying the swamp, though. She never considered that getting rid of these alleged bad capitalists cost her fellow Democrats a lot of play money, and they're collectively very unhappy. Right now, her biggest decision will be who to cut off from duplicate welfare recipiency.

And she has already adjusted to the socialist leader lifestyle....she now lives in a luxury apartment building and has likely broken campaign finance laws by paying her boy toy......
Those weren't just jobs. They would have averaged $150,000 apiece. She cost her fellow taxpayers the big bucks. She's muddying the swamp, though. She never considered that getting rid of these alleged bad capitalists cost her fellow Democrats a lot of play money, and they're collectively very unhappy. Right now, her biggest decision will be who to cut off from duplicate welfare recipiency.

And she has already adjusted to the socialist leader lifestyle....she now lives in a luxury apartment building and has likely broken campaign finance laws by paying her boy toy......
Nobody can touch a person of color, 2aguy. That's why they put her there.
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Why do you think New York needs anymore corporate welfare?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Celebrated Amazon Pulling Out of New York––But the Governor Says It Cost the City 25,000 Jobs

"Cuomo and other supporters of the project said that Amazon would have brought more than enough investment to the city to justify the tax breaks, and would have established New York as a tech hub to rival other hubs like San Francisco.

"Additionally, he said, HQ2 would have brought 'at least 25,000-40,000 good paying jobs for our state and nearly $30 billion dollars in new revenue to fund transit improvements, new housing, schools and countless other quality-of-life improvements.”

"However, Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter questioned the validity of the jobs figure and pointed to a report that Amazon will pay zero federal income tax in 2018, despite $11 billion in profits."
Those weren't just jobs. They would have averaged $150,000 apiece. She cost her fellow taxpayers the big bucks. She's muddying the swamp, though. She never considered that getting rid of these alleged bad capitalists cost her fellow Democrats a lot of play money, and they're collectively very unhappy. Right now, her biggest decision will be who to cut off from duplicate welfare recipiency.

And she has already adjusted to the socialist leader lifestyle....she now lives in a luxury apartment building and has likely broken campaign finance laws by paying her boy toy......

She should get herself a good pimp. She's high dollar.
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Yet you can't describe her actions and her actions alone why they decided to withdraw.
The outspoken freshman Congresswoman was a critic of the deal Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio had brokered with Amazon.

They lost the deal and yet they want to blame others..Cortez doesn't control local business in NYC..
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Yet you can't describe her actions and her actions alone why they decided to withdraw.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hates capitalism with a fire that would raise the temperatures in hell several degrees.

Good for Amazon. They will bless a different place than New York that is nice as it is conservative. Riverside, Texas comes to mind. Small town, loyal Americans. H.E.A.R.T.S. (dedicated to American veterans) Museum and Sam Houston University within 15-20 miles. Close to Lake Livingston, too, for those who love boats. Country living at its finest anywhere people want to put their home on a country home, have an organic garden, raise a few goats, horses or cows. They could make their own city there and have a good life. It seldom snows there, and it's within 80 miles of Houston. For a 10th of the price of NYC, Amazon could build its own city nearby which could be an ideal place to plan a city regarded as the best urban forest in the world. It's a Mecca of beauty beneath the tall pines of the Piney Woods of Texas. Grab it, Amazon, before your competition does.
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Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...

Dude...................she's not the one that forced Amazon to pull out of NY. It was all the protesters who wanted Amazon out. AOC is simply saying the will of the people was heard.

On Cyber Monday, New Yorkers Protest Amazon's New HQ2 with a 'Day of Action'

Besides, she hadn't even been sworn in when New Yorkers were protesting Amazon. Please try to keep your timeline straight so you don't blame someone who isn't responsible.
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
NY is really good at stupid
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...

And saved NY taxpayers from being fleeced by a company that does not even pay taxes. Figures you would support corporate welfare.
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Why do you think New York needs anymore corporate welfare?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Celebrated Amazon Pulling Out of New York––But the Governor Says It Cost the City 25,000 Jobs

"Cuomo and other supporters of the project said that Amazon would have brought more than enough investment to the city to justify the tax breaks, and would have established New York as a tech hub to rival other hubs like San Francisco.

"Additionally, he said, HQ2 would have brought 'at least 25,000-40,000 good paying jobs for our state and nearly $30 billion dollars in new revenue to fund transit improvements, new housing, schools and countless other quality-of-life improvements.”

"However, Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter questioned the validity of the jobs figure and pointed to a report that Amazon will pay zero federal income tax in 2018, despite $11 billion in profits."

That's what he says. They do not need these big tax breaks if NY is so great. This is legalized blackmail. Even Sean Hannity has criticized the tax breaks and he is not a supporter of Cortez.
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Why do you think New York needs anymore corporate welfare?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Celebrated Amazon Pulling Out of New York––But the Governor Says It Cost the City 25,000 Jobs

"Cuomo and other supporters of the project said that Amazon would have brought more than enough investment to the city to justify the tax breaks, and would have established New York as a tech hub to rival other hubs like San Francisco.

"Additionally, he said, HQ2 would have brought 'at least 25,000-40,000 good paying jobs for our state and nearly $30 billion dollars in new revenue to fund transit improvements, new housing, schools and countless other quality-of-life improvements.”

"However, Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter questioned the validity of the jobs figure and pointed to a report that Amazon will pay zero federal income tax in 2018, despite $11 billion in profits."

That's what he says. They do not need these big tax breaks if NY is so great. This is legalized blackmail. Even Sean Hannity has criticized the tax breaks and he is not a supporter of Cortez.
That's what he says. They do not need these big tax breaks if NY is so great. This is legalized blackmail. Even Sean Hannity has criticized the tax breaks and he is not a supporter of Cortez.
Funding for a Green New Deal is available in some of the same ways FDR produced his version:

This Radical Plan to Fund the Green New Deal Just Might Work

"A network of public banks could fund the Green New Deal in the same way President Franklin Roosevelt funded the original New Deal.

"At a time when the banks were bankrupt, he used the publicly owned Reconstruction Finance Corporation as a public infrastructure bank.

"The Federal Reserve could also fund any program Congress wanted, if mandated to do it.

"Congress wrote the Federal Reserve Act and can amend it.

"Or the Treasury itself could do it, without the need even to change any laws.

"The Constitution authorizes Congress to 'coin money' and “regulate the value thereof,” and that power has been delegated to the Treasury. It could mint a few trillion dollar platinum coins, put them in its bank account, and start writing checks against them.

"What stops legislators from exercising those constitutional powers is simply that 'everyone knows' Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation will result.

"But will it?

"Compelling historical precedent shows that this need not be the case."

If the Green New Deal generates millions of living wage jobs, it will produce a big uptick in consumption which is two-thirds of US GDP.

As long as we don't reach a point where too many dollars are chasing too few goods, inflation will not be a problem.
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Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Yet you can't describe her actions and her actions alone why they decided to withdraw.
amazon said so. what else do you need to know? The people of NY know it was her. You see the banner?

Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...

And saved NY taxpayers from being fleeced by a company that does not even pay taxes. Figures you would support corporate welfare.

They pay plenty of taxes, just not federal income tax for the years in question.

How much do you think they contribute to social security alone?
Normally, it takes years for a socialist to destroy 27 billion dollars in revenue and 25,000 jobs....it took Alexandria Cortez less than 2 months to do this to New York.....not a bad start.....now she just has to start digging the mass graves, cause they don't dig themselves...
Why do you think New York needs anymore corporate welfare?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Celebrated Amazon Pulling Out of New York––But the Governor Says It Cost the City 25,000 Jobs

"Cuomo and other supporters of the project said that Amazon would have brought more than enough investment to the city to justify the tax breaks, and would have established New York as a tech hub to rival other hubs like San Francisco.

"Additionally, he said, HQ2 would have brought 'at least 25,000-40,000 good paying jobs for our state and nearly $30 billion dollars in new revenue to fund transit improvements, new housing, schools and countless other quality-of-life improvements.”

"However, Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter questioned the validity of the jobs figure and pointed to a report that Amazon will pay zero federal income tax in 2018, despite $11 billion in profits."

That's what he says. They do not need these big tax breaks if NY is so great. This is legalized blackmail. Even Sean Hannity has criticized the tax breaks and he is not a supporter of Cortez.
That's what he says. They do not need these big tax breaks if NY is so great. This is legalized blackmail. Even Sean Hannity has criticized the tax breaks and he is not a supporter of Cortez.
Funding for a Green New Deal is available in some of the same ways FDR produced his version:

This Radical Plan to Fund the Green New Deal Just Might Work

"A network of public banks could fund the Green New Deal in the same way President Franklin Roosevelt funded the original New Deal.

"At a time when the banks were bankrupt, he used the publicly owned Reconstruction Finance Corporation as a public infrastructure bank.

"The Federal Reserve could also fund any program Congress wanted, if mandated to do it.

"Congress wrote the Federal Reserve Act and can amend it.

"Or the Treasury itself could do it, without the need even to change any laws.

"The Constitution authorizes Congress to 'coin money' and “regulate the value thereof,” and that power has been delegated to the Treasury. It could mint a few trillion dollar platinum coins, put them in its bank account, and start writing checks against them.

"What stops legislators from exercising those constitutional powers is simply that 'everyone knows' Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation will result.

"But will it?

"Compelling historical precedent shows that this need not be the case."

If the Green New Deal generates millions of living wage jobs, it will produce a big uptick in consumption which in two-thirds of US GDP.

As long as we don't reach a point where too many dollars are chasing too few goods, inflation will not be a problem.

You have the understanding of economics similar to a drunk howler monkey.

Same as AOC.

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