Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
Sweden is investing 227 million $ in building housing - 60% of those homes are exclusively for asylum seekers.

That Sweden is short of housing isn't news, exactly. For several years there has been struggles in keeping up with the number of asylum seekers arriving. There has been desperate solutions such as tents, trailers, hotels, mansions or even letting them live in ferrys and schools.
The lack of housing is forcing young swedes to live at home with their parents well into their 30s. I consider myself lucky to have an apartment...

Now we are going to build housings for over 227 million dollars, funded by tax payers, but more than half of those homes are earmarked for asylum seekers.
Once again, swedes are discriminated in their own country!!

Miljarder till nya bostäder

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Congestion charges in Gothenburg has gone right into funding immigration.

Not too long ago they started with congestion tax in Gothenburg, little did we know that they introduced the taxes just for the purpose of taking even more money from the tax payers to give to the asylum seekers.
Gothenburg city might take this to court, what the government did is illegal.

Trängselskatten - regeringen behåller intäkterna
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43 yr old man stabbed his girlfriend with a knife, then proceeded with attacking two cops during the chase. He was shot to death.

Today a woman was screaming in an apartment building, the neighbours called the police. When arriving at the scene, the woman was bleeding heavily - she had been stabbed with a knife.
Helicopters were circling the city of Uppsala, looking for the man. The first police was beaten with a heavy chain to the head - and the criminal got away and left the police bleeding from the head. Later another police managed to find him, when the police was trying to arrest him, he attacked him as well. This time he attacked with the knife and and stabbed the cop in the shoulder. The policeman had to pull his gun and shoot him. He was shot in the thigh, hitting the aorta, and he bled to death on the spot.
Had they manage to take him in alive, he would have been charged with murder attempt(s).
Två poliser skadade – man sköts till döds
Polis misshandlad under utryckning

The man seems to have been identified on a Swedish forum. Personally, I'm not 100% sure. All I know is that he was not swedish. Rumors say he was a Chilean.
Policeman pulling gun is rare in Sweden, we have a totally different view on using weapons. IMO, we have to start looking at weapons like americans.
Another thing, the police didn't shoot to kill him on purpose.
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Five men attempted to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.
Wouldn't news like this be head liners in america?! Fück swedish media.
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Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
You are so right... We are heading towards total devestation!!
It disturbs me deeply that something like this can happen in a modern and (once) civilized country like Sweden. And it upsets me when media and police stays silent to "not promote racism". They are betraying us swedes!

It's sad that swedes are so laid back... all we do is vote every 4th year. We cannot wait another two years to vote!
I'm glad to see that some brave people have started to demonstrate, but of course media labels them as "nazis and racists"...

This summer is going to be hell... I'm staying indoors...

I've never heard of a single gang rape occuring in USA, has it happened in your country at all?
Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
You are so right... We are heading towards total devestation!!
It disturbs me deeply that something like this can happen in a modern and (once) civilized country like Sweden. And it upsets me when media and police stays silent to "not promote racism". They are betraying us swedes!

It's sad that swedes are so laid back... all we do is vote every 4th year. We cannot wait another two years to vote!
I'm glad to see that some brave people have started to demonstrate, but of course media labels them as "nazis and racists"...

This summer is going to be hell... I'm staying indoors...

I've never heard of a single gang rape occuring in USA, has it happened in your country at all?
Of course gang rapes have happened in the US, it is Sweden I am concerned about. Don't the citizens want to preserve who they are? hey need to let their representatives know they want stricter laws and oversight.
Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
You are so right... We are heading towards total devestation!!
It disturbs me deeply that something like this can happen in a modern and (once) civilized country like Sweden. And it upsets me when media and police stays silent to "not promote racism". They are betraying us swedes!

It's sad that swedes are so laid back... all we do is vote every 4th year. We cannot wait another two years to vote!
I'm glad to see that some brave people have started to demonstrate, but of course media labels them as "nazis and racists"...

This summer is going to be hell... I'm staying indoors...

I've never heard of a single gang rape occuring in USA, has it happened in your country at all?

((( Dear Freja))):(

What is happening in Sweden and in fact all over Europe is sad and horrible beyond words.

It is as if people in your Governments have lost their heads and are consciously sending that beautiful continent into the abyss.

They don't want Europe to exist in the form we know it anymore.

I simply can not imagine any other reason for this deliberated and calculated Islamic takeover.
Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
You are so right... We are heading towards total devestation!!
It disturbs me deeply that something like this can happen in a modern and (once) civilized country like Sweden. And it upsets me when media and police stays silent to "not promote racism". They are betraying us swedes!

It's sad that swedes are so laid back... all we do is vote every 4th year. We cannot wait another two years to vote!
I'm glad to see that some brave people have started to demonstrate, but of course media labels them as "nazis and racists"...

This summer is going to be hell... I'm staying indoors...

I've never heard of a single gang rape occuring in USA, has it happened in your country at all?
Of course gang rapes have happened in the US, it is Sweden I am concerned about. Don't the citizens want to preserve who they are? hey need to let their representatives know they want stricter laws and oversight.
It is just for comparison, I'm shocked at how many known gang rapes have occured in Sweden, while I've never heard of such things happening in the US.

I think that's exactly the way it is... Brainwashed swedes want to eliminate all that is swedish culture, to make room for this islamic multiculture... and obviously the multiculture isn't working out, but the brainwashed swedes deny it all.

It feels like a nightmare... :(

Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
You are so right... We are heading towards total devestation!!
It disturbs me deeply that something like this can happen in a modern and (once) civilized country like Sweden. And it upsets me when media and police stays silent to "not promote racism". They are betraying us swedes!

It's sad that swedes are so laid back... all we do is vote every 4th year. We cannot wait another two years to vote!
I'm glad to see that some brave people have started to demonstrate, but of course media labels them as "nazis and racists"...

This summer is going to be hell... I'm staying indoors...

I've never heard of a single gang rape occuring in USA, has it happened in your country at all?

((( Dear Freja))):(

What is happening in Sweden and in fact all over Europe is sad and horrible beyond words.

It is as if people in your Governments have lost their heads and are consciously sending that beautiful continent into the abyss.

They don't want Europe to exist in the form we know it anymore.

I simply can not imagine any other reason for this deliberated and calculated Islamic takeover.
Your concearns (both of you) for Sweden and Europe is heart-warming indeed. It feels like our leaders have forgotten about us.

I've been led to believe that this truly is a calculated invasion from IS. There are thousands of terrorists and IS-sympathizers in Sweden. They have concealed themselves as asylum seekers and been let in to live off our wellfare. It disgusts me knowing that I'm part of paying for terrorists housing, food, dental- and healthcare... yuck... :puke:

I'm so worried about what is going to happen in the future... I'm just sitting and waiting for terrorist attacks to take place. Cause it WILL happen, it's just a matter of time.
Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
You are so right... We are heading towards total devestation!!
It disturbs me deeply that something like this can happen in a modern and (once) civilized country like Sweden. And it upsets me when media and police stays silent to "not promote racism". They are betraying us swedes!

It's sad that swedes are so laid back... all we do is vote every 4th year. We cannot wait another two years to vote!
I'm glad to see that some brave people have started to demonstrate, but of course media labels them as "nazis and racists"...

This summer is going to be hell... I'm staying indoors...

I've never heard of a single gang rape occuring in USA, has it happened in your country at all?
Of course gang rapes have happened in the US, it is Sweden I am concerned about. Don't the citizens want to preserve who they are? hey need to let their representatives know they want stricter laws and oversight.
It is just for comparison, I'm shocked at how many known gang rapes have occured in Sweden, while I've never heard of such things happening in the US.

I think that's exactly the way it is... Brainwashed swedes want to eliminate all that is swedish culture, to make room for this islamic multiculture... and obviously the multiculture isn't working out, but the brainwashed swedes deny it all.

It feels like a nightmare... :(

Five men tried to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.

That is outrageous and shockingly is becoming an everyday event in Sweden!

I truly wonder why the Swedish people don't revolt ? What are they waiting for?

How can they take all this horror from the Islamic invaders lying down!!!
You are so right... We are heading towards total devestation!!
It disturbs me deeply that something like this can happen in a modern and (once) civilized country like Sweden. And it upsets me when media and police stays silent to "not promote racism". They are betraying us swedes!

It's sad that swedes are so laid back... all we do is vote every 4th year. We cannot wait another two years to vote!
I'm glad to see that some brave people have started to demonstrate, but of course media labels them as "nazis and racists"...

This summer is going to be hell... I'm staying indoors...

I've never heard of a single gang rape occuring in USA, has it happened in your country at all?

((( Dear Freja))):(

What is happening in Sweden and in fact all over Europe is sad and horrible beyond words.

It is as if people in your Governments have lost their heads and are consciously sending that beautiful continent into the abyss.

They don't want Europe to exist in the form we know it anymore.

I simply can not imagine any other reason for this deliberated and calculated Islamic takeover.
Your concearns (both of you) for Sweden and Europe is heart-warming indeed. It feels like our leaders have forgotten about us.

I've been led to believe that this truly is a calculated invasion from IS. There are thousands of terrorists and IS-sympathizers in Sweden. They have concealed themselves as asylum seekers and been let in to live off our wellfare. It disgusts me knowing that I'm part of paying for terrorists housing, food, dental- and healthcare... yuck... :puke:

I'm so worried about what is going to happen in the future... I'm just sitting and waiting for terrorist attacks. Cause it WILL happen, it's just a matter of time.
I am sure it is a nightmare. People need to understand that multiculturalism will never work. The host country is welcoming and and the immigrants will never allow anything but their own culture. These type of situation never end or if they do end well.
That is what happens when you open your borders to third world savages.
It is happening all over Europe and Hopefully America will wake up before it is too late
Five men attempted to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.
Wouldn't news like this be head liners in america?! Fück swedish media.

Sweden is the rape capital of the West ....and the Swedish media doesn't say a word, couldn't care less and goes out of its way to protect the criminals!

I agree with you Freja, Fuck the Swedish media!
Five men attempted to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.
Wouldn't news like this be head liners in america?! Fück swedish media.

Sweden is the rape capital of the West ....and the Swedish media doesn't say a word, couldn't care less and goes out of its way to protect the criminals!

I agree with you Freja, Fuck the Swedish media!
Nice post! I did not know that and did some reading

"The reporting in Swedish media has sometimes, by journalists, been accused of bias and cover-ups, in particular as regards Swedish immigration policy and the societal and financial costs associated with it"
Media of Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"Observers have criticized Dagens Nyheter for its clear bias in favor of mass immigration. The newspaper, however, ignores such criticism and continues pitching pro-migrant ideas on its pages.": The Great Melting: Swedish Immigration Propaganda - Social Matter
Five men attempted to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.
Wouldn't news like this be head liners in america?! Fück swedish media.
Joke. A nothing story. Come back when there have been some convictions.
Five men attempted to gang rape a boy in an asylum home.

The police is very silent about this. All that has been revealed is that the victim is a teenage boy between 15-18 yrs of age. And that the accusation might be changed from rape attempt to brutal sexual violence.
There has been very little media coverage, which tells me that the suspected rapists are asylum seekers. Nowhere does media say that the suspects were living in the asylum home, but we are not stupid.

Misstänkt våldtäkt på asylboende

I will update this if the media decides to report anything else.
Wouldn't news like this be head liners in america?! Fück swedish media.
Joke. A nothing story. Come back when there have been some convictions.
Hi, I'm back with an update.

The five men has been arrested now and put in police custody while awaiting court. They have been arrested cause they might leave the country to escape. They would not have been arrested unless they are likely to be guilty and therefore a danger to have out among people.

Their names has leaked out to the internet, they are all from Afghanistan:
J*fari, Omid, 1999-10-11
Hosseini, Mortez*, 1999-11-07
Bay*t, Ali, 1999-11-07
Jaf*ri, Ali, 2000-09-25
Moh*medi, Mustafa, 1999-06-08
(* = a)

"Five young men from an asylum home were arrested on wednesday for a number of crimes - unlawfull threats, brutal physical assault and brutal sexual constrain.
The attack took place 200 meters into a nearby forrest"

Fem tonåringar häktade för grov misshandel

Are you satisfied now, Tommy? Or will you keep denying it?
I will keep updating this horrible crime. The media is still very silent, they don't want to write any details at all. This might take some time before we get to know what happened...
Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex


Two Swedish teenage girls were partying with so-called refugee children at an asylum accommodation in southern Stockholm. It ended with one of the girls being stabbed in the face after refusing to have sex. The prosecutor wants the assailant deported from Sweden, and now the question of the man's age, his real name, and where he actually is from, is examined by the Supreme Court.
The refugee "children" were very interested in the Swedish girls, especially one of them, who according to his asylum application is named Karim Ageri, is 16 years old and comes from Algeria. Karim grabbed the 17-year-old girl's butt, tried to kiss her on the mouth and made it clear that he wanted to have sex with her. When he did not accept the 17-year-old's refusal, the two Swedish girls chose to sneak away from the asylum accommodation by climbing out a window.
But Karim followed them. He pulled out a knife and cut the 17-year-old girl twice in the face, while shouting something to her in a language she did not understand.

Prosecutor Marie Skeppstedt Törnström, which initially was responsible for the case, considers Karim Ageri to be an at least 21 year old man who should be tried as an adult and be expelled from Sweden after serving his sentence.

Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex

I have not heard of this news? Media might have covered it up. Horrible crime... that poor girl... :(
Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex


Two Swedish teenage girls were partying with so-called refugee children at an asylum accommodation in southern Stockholm. It ended with one of the girls being stabbed in the face after refusing to have sex. The prosecutor wants the assailant deported from Sweden, and now the question of the man's age, his real name, and where he actually is from, is examined by the Supreme Court.
The refugee "children" were very interested in the Swedish girls, especially one of them, who according to his asylum application is named Karim Ageri, is 16 years old and comes from Algeria. Karim grabbed the 17-year-old girl's butt, tried to kiss her on the mouth and made it clear that he wanted to have sex with her. When he did not accept the 17-year-old's refusal, the two Swedish girls chose to sneak away from the asylum accommodation by climbing out a window.
But Karim followed them. He pulled out a knife and cut the 17-year-old girl twice in the face, while shouting something to her in a language she did not understand.

Prosecutor Marie Skeppstedt Törnström, which initially was responsible for the case, considers Karim Ageri to be an at least 21 year old man who should be tried as an adult and be expelled from Sweden after serving his sentence.

Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex

I have not heard of this news? Media might have covered it up. Horrible crime... that poor girl... :(
Despicable this man should do some hard time and then deported. I hope the girl who was stabbed can have some reconstructive surgery to hide any trace of what the creep did.
Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex


Two Swedish teenage girls were partying with so-called refugee children at an asylum accommodation in southern Stockholm. It ended with one of the girls being stabbed in the face after refusing to have sex. The prosecutor wants the assailant deported from Sweden, and now the question of the man's age, his real name, and where he actually is from, is examined by the Supreme Court.
The refugee "children" were very interested in the Swedish girls, especially one of them, who according to his asylum application is named Karim Ageri, is 16 years old and comes from Algeria. Karim grabbed the 17-year-old girl's butt, tried to kiss her on the mouth and made it clear that he wanted to have sex with her. When he did not accept the 17-year-old's refusal, the two Swedish girls chose to sneak away from the asylum accommodation by climbing out a window.
But Karim followed them. He pulled out a knife and cut the 17-year-old girl twice in the face, while shouting something to her in a language she did not understand.

Prosecutor Marie Skeppstedt Törnström, which initially was responsible for the case, considers Karim Ageri to be an at least 21 year old man who should be tried as an adult and be expelled from Sweden after serving his sentence.

Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex

I have not heard of this news? Media might have covered it up. Horrible crime... that poor girl... :(
Despicable this man should do some hard time and then deported. I hope the girl who was stabbed can have some reconstructive surgery to hide any trace of what the creep did.

A sensible immigration policy would have prevented her from being stabbed in the face.
Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex


Two Swedish teenage girls were partying with so-called refugee children at an asylum accommodation in southern Stockholm. It ended with one of the girls being stabbed in the face after refusing to have sex. The prosecutor wants the assailant deported from Sweden, and now the question of the man's age, his real name, and where he actually is from, is examined by the Supreme Court.
The refugee "children" were very interested in the Swedish girls, especially one of them, who according to his asylum application is named Karim Ageri, is 16 years old and comes from Algeria. Karim grabbed the 17-year-old girl's butt, tried to kiss her on the mouth and made it clear that he wanted to have sex with her. When he did not accept the 17-year-old's refusal, the two Swedish girls chose to sneak away from the asylum accommodation by climbing out a window.
But Karim followed them. He pulled out a knife and cut the 17-year-old girl twice in the face, while shouting something to her in a language she did not understand.

Prosecutor Marie Skeppstedt Törnström, which initially was responsible for the case, considers Karim Ageri to be an at least 21 year old man who should be tried as an adult and be expelled from Sweden after serving his sentence.

Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex

I have not heard of this news? Media might have covered it up. Horrible crime... that poor girl... :(
Despicable this man should do some hard time and then deported. I hope the girl who was stabbed can have some reconstructive surgery to hide any trace of what the creep did.

A sensible immigration policy would have prevented her from being stabbed in the face.
I agree and things must change in Sweden, they are subjugating their own people and culture to a bunch of maniacs.

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