Susan Eisenhower, graddaughter of Pres. Eisenhower endorses Obama

Aug 7, 2012
Susan Eisenhower, graddaughter of Pres. Eisenhower endorses Obama.

OCTOBER 29, 2012

Why I Am Endorsing President Barack Obama

Four years ago, I left the Republican Party of which I was a lifelong member and became an independent. Not long after, I supported Barack Obama in the 2008 election for president. I made this decision determined to look at the issues not as a Republican or a Democrat, but as an American.

It is through that lens that I consider my choice in the 2012 election. Like many other voters who crossed party lines to vote for Barack Obama in the last election, I have watched the 2012 campaign carefully and listened closely to what the candidates have said. I believe that President Obama should be re-elected.

Very few American presidents have been truly prepared to assume that job. Four years ago, Obama, a relatively inexperienced public servant, became the 44th President of the United States during one of the most difficult times our country has faced. The nation’s economy was on the brink of collapse. Our image overseas was tarnished, and our military was bogged down in two unpopular wars. I supported Obama then because I thought that he was unflappable. I saw him as a man with a keen intellect and a cool analytical head. I believed he would also be able to inspire those who had suffered most from a recession unparalleled since the Great Depression. In doing so, I reasoned, he would go a long way towards reuniting a nation deeply divided.
Obama was elected and took office, building on a number of stabilization programs initiated by the Bush administration. He took many other vital steps that reestablished our economic footing, including saving America’s automobile industry.

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OMG Alzheimer's disease has kick in... oh well I wish her well all the same
I wonder who that little fuckwad Ron Reagan is endorsing..
That shows it only takes 2 generations to totally corrupt our educational system...
Who is Susan Eisenhower? Basically no one cares about her or her opinions
Who is Susan Eisenhower? Basically no one cares about her or her opinions

True. But the object of this daily streaming of communiques from Barry & Co. to their cyber clowns like coh is just the old throw a bunch of crap on the wall and hope something sticks routine.

It's what desperate people do when they feel the noose tightening.

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