Surprize: Obamacare still a disaster.....

Most people and companies are not good at selling CRAP.

That is what the ACA has provided us with......CRAP.

Take away the minimum requirements and I might be more interested in this approach.

The ACA requirement that has by far the biggest impact on premiums is the actuarial value requirement (i.e., that nothing less generous than a bronze plan--those of the much-maligned $5-6K deductibles--be sold). The ACA limits how much people have to pay out of pocket.

Allowing insurers to leave policyholders liable for more than $6-7K in expenses out of pocket is your solution? When everyone has a $20K out of pocket limit we won't have to worry about buying "crap" anymore?

For instance, if you go to the ER and are admitted, then released and you go home, only to get worse and need to go back, they will not let you back in. If they do they will be fined over 100,000+ per any person they need to see twice.

That's not how that works.
The most egregious effects of Obamacare won't hit until after the election. Obomb didn't want to put the election in jeopardy because of the strangling effects of ACA. It is about to get much much worse.
For instance, if you go to the ER and are admitted, then released and you go home, only to get worse and need to go back, they will not let you back in. If they do they will be fined over 100,000+ per any person they need to see twice.

And a warning to those who are admitted for several days. Check your status every day. They are changing patient's status to out patient even though you are still in the hosp. Out patients aren't covered. You get the entire bill.

You're referring to your specific insurance plan. What you're describing is not the case for every insurer or for every plan under any given insurer.

You seem to have chosen a bronze plan with limited benefits because the premiums were low. From the sound of things, this was your first time having to make this decision on your own rather than relying on an employer-offered plan, and you may not have chosen the best plan for your situation.

But since your goal seems to be to complain and not to find answers, have at it.

I haven't been in the hosp. for 40 years. I am self employed and paid for my own ins. my whole life, and had a very good plan until the premiums and deductible skyrocketed, and I dropped it. Now I pay Obama fines for being healthy as a horse. There are no answers. Just taxation without representation.
Aetna was not a major player and Aetna made money.

The only possible response to anyone claiming ACA is a failure is


Poor Mr. Starkey, according to you neither Aetna, BlueCross/Anthem , Aetna or United were major players. You are the epitome of stupid.
The real reason is ACA works and the GOP knows it.

The question will be in the future how to morph it into a single payer system based on the medicare model.

Whether under GOP or Dems, that is going to happen.

Yes it is, but not because anything "works", it will happen precisely because the ACA was never intended to work.
So nice you posted it twice. It may be a "surprize," but it's no surprise.

You've been among those claiming rather vociferously that it was because poor widdle Aetna was losing revenue. Now you've flip-flopped.

Say something about the "free market" just to round things off.

You claimed it was the best thing since sliced bread.


Look them up, you said them.

You made the claim. Your need to fall back on the "you do my homework for me" ploy is proof you can't support it.

Aetna was not a major player and Aetna made money.

The only possible response to anyone claiming ACA is a failure is


Poor Mr. Starkey, according to you neither Aetna, BlueCross/Anthem , Aetna or United were major players. You are the epitome of stupid.

Poor Mr. Grizz doesn't understand that Aetna is not primarily a health insurance company but, as Greenbeard's posts will show you, makes most of its revenue from Life & Casualty, etc.
Aetna was not a major player and Aetna made money.

The only possible response to anyone claiming ACA is a failure is


Poor Mr. Starkey, according to you neither Aetna, BlueCross/Anthem , Aetna or United were major players. You are the epitome of stupid.
According to you, you just lied. Show where I ever said BC/A or United were or were not major players. Like most far right trash, you just lie.
The real reaGrson is ACA works and the GOP knows it.

The question will be in the future how to morph it into a single payer system based on the medicare model.

Whether under GOP or Dems, that is going to happen.

Yes it is, but not because anything "works", it will happen precisely because the ACA was never intended to work.
Grizz once again makes a post that is merely his assertion, no evidence no nothing.
I haven't been in the hosp. for 40 years.

Is that why you made up all that stuff about $100,000 fines and so on in Post #37, because you have no idea how hospitals actually function?

I am self employed and paid for my own ins. my whole life, and had a very good plan until the premiums and deductible skyrocketed, and I dropped it.

I'm also self-employed and I also pay for my own insurance. Unless you earn more than 400% of the Federal poverty level, you're eligible for a subsidy...provided you go through the exchanges rather than through a broker or directly from the insurer (neither of whom will bother to tell you about the subsidies).
Most people and companies are not good at selling CRAP.

That is what the ACA has provided us with......CRAP.

Take away the minimum requirements and I might be more interested in this approach.

The ACA requirement that has by far the biggest impact on premiums is the actuarial value requirement (i.e., that nothing less generous than a bronze plan--those of the much-maligned $5-6K deductibles--be sold). The ACA limits how much people have to pay out of pocket.

Allowing insurers to leave policyholders liable for more than $6-7K in expenses out of pocket is your solution? When everyone has a $20K out of pocket limit we won't have to worry about buying "crap" anymore?

For instance, if you go to the ER and are admitted, then released and you go home, only to get worse and need to go back, they will not let you back in. If they do they will be fined over 100,000+ per any person they need to see twice.

That's not how that works.

And pray tell....what is that limit on how much people have to pay out of pocket. It is my understanding that it is about 12,000. So, essentially Bronze plans suck big time. They are overpriced catastrophic plans.

I was buying catastrophic plans with 7,500 deductibles for 70/month. They came with some nice perks.

Please don't tell me you think Bronze plans are a better value.

It is a disaster in that regard alone.
That's not how that works.

That is exactly how it works. It is called the "Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program." and the fines hospitals are being forced to pay just keep rising.

It could work that way, and I have made that case.

However, the spoken intent isn't that......

Marketing or true cost reduction....I can't say.
Most people and companies are not good at selling CRAP.

That is what the ACA has provided us with......CRAP.

Take away the minimum requirements and I might be more interested in this approach.

The ACA requirement that has by far the biggest impact on premiums is the actuarial value requirement (i.e., that nothing less generous than a bronze plan--those of the much-maligned $5-6K deductibles--be sold). The ACA limits how much people have to pay out of pocket.

Allowing insurers to leave policyholders liable for more than $6-7K in expenses out of pocket is your solution? When everyone has a $20K out of pocket limit we won't have to worry about buying "crap" anymore?

For instance, if you go to the ER and are admitted, then released and you go home, only to get worse and need to go back, they will not let you back in. If they do they will be fined over 100,000+ per any person they need to see twice.

That's not how that works.

A "half truth" is a lie, you should know better. How MANY deductibles will a family be on the hook for?
National Health Care in Germany began in the 1880s.

Koshergrl is a muppet.
That is exactly how it works. It is called the "Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program." and the fines hospitals are being forced to pay just keep rising.

No, it doesn't. Some degree of readmission is expected. You don't get a fine for every person who walks back through your door.

A "half truth" is a lie, you should know better. How MANY deductibles will a family be on the hook for?

Any individual person in a family plan is subject to the individual deductible amount; the aggregate deductible and out-of-pocket amounts for a family are 2x that of an individual plan.
Reminder: Obamacare Is Still A Disaster | RealClearPolitics

To be honest, although I have little doubt Aetna was hoping its position on the exchanges would help with the merger, the letter sounds less like extortion and more like a sensible decision that any accountable executives would make when their company is facing losses. The real outrage isn't that insurers like Aetna are abandoning Obamacare, but that companies like Aetna likely participated in Obamacare for cronyistic reasons to begin with.

The ACA has inhibited competition, which has only benefited big companies. Still, insurers are losing billions in the exchanges, and at some point it's too expensive to be in bed with Obama. Why would UnitedHealth, the nation's largest insurer, participate in a program that expects almost $1 billion in losses between this year and last? Aetna lost more than $430 million since January 2014, and it was expected to lose $300 million this year. Merger or no merger, Aetna would almost certainly stay in the exchanges if it made fiscal sense.

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