Surprise! Chinese spy accused of setting up illegal police station in NYC is a Democrat fundraiser

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Just how high does the CCP infiltration go in the DNC? All the way to the top? I think the answer is "yes".


Let's see, we have Democrat Dianne Feinstein who employed a Chinese spy as a driver for years. Democrat Eric Swalwell had a romantic tryst with Fang Fang, the Chinese spy. And now it looks like more Democrats have been hanging out with more Chinese spies.

This time it's one of the Chinese operatives arrested by the FBI recently for running an illegal Chinese police station.

Photos show the alleged Chinese spy Lu Jianwang hanging out at Democratic fundraisers in New York. He's pictured alongside Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and New York's clown mayor, Eric Adams. He's also pictured at another event with Democrat Rep. Grace Meng.

These events are from 2022 and 2023, presumably while the illegal CCP police station was being set up and becoming operational.

Active Chinese spies paid for access to leading Democrats and set up shop in NYC, and they clearly thought they could get away with it.

Prominent NY Democrats - Schumer & NY Mayor Adams & others - caught hanging out with CCP Spy operating Secret Police station ...

Democrats - as the Biden family, Schumer, & Adams demonstrate - have sold out to the CCP.

There are at least a dozen prominent DemoKKKrats who are completely compromised by the communist Chinese government; including Joe Biden, Schumer, Swalwell, Pelosi, Feinstein, and numerous representatives in California, New York, and DC.
The DNC is owned by the CCP.

Why else would all the NWO shillbots and NPCs always tow the ccp talking points?

The "it's just a weather balloon" posters always repeat the ccp line. They still argue covid19 is natural.
Just how high does the CCP infiltration go in the DNC? All the way to the top? I think the answer is "yes".


Let's see, we have Democrat Dianne Feinstein who employed a Chinese spy as a driver for years. Democrat Eric Swalwell had a romantic tryst with Fang Fang, the Chinese spy. And now it looks like more Democrats have been hanging out with more Chinese spies.

This time it's one of the Chinese operatives arrested by the FBI recently for running an illegal Chinese police station.

Photos show the alleged Chinese spy Lu Jianwang hanging out at Democratic fundraisers in New York. He's pictured alongside Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and New York's clown mayor, Eric Adams. He's also pictured at another event with Democrat Rep. Grace Meng.

These events are from 2022 and 2023, presumably while the illegal CCP police station was being set up and becoming operational.

Active Chinese spies paid for access to leading Democrats and set up shop in NYC, and they clearly thought they could get away with it.
Imagine that

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