Surge In Greenland Ice Loss

Joe Romm and Jeff Spross: "Most climate scientists and glaciologists that Climate Progress has spoken to in recent years have said humanity should plan for at least three feet of sea level rise this century — and considerably more than that if we stay on our current high-end emissions path."​

Surge In Greenland Ice Loss

By Joe Romm and Jeff Spross
March 17, 2014

Greenland’s contribution to global sea level has soared in the past two decades. An important new study finds that the massive northeastern part of the ice sheet, previously thought to be stable, has begun shedding ice. If this trend continues — and researchers say “a self-perpetuating feedback process may have been triggered” — actual sea level rise this century will likely be higher than many current models had projected.


But the new study, “Sustained mass loss of the northeast Greenland ice sheet triggered by regional warming,” published in Nature Climate Change (subs. req’d), suggests the northeastern portion began melting rapidly around 2003. And after first jumping from an ice loss rate of zero to about 10 billion metric tons per year, it’s now approaching 15 or 20 billion metric tons per year and may well keep accelerating.



Regional warming has triggered rapid ice loss in a vast portion of the northeastern Greenland Ice Sheet (NEGIS). Red indicates the fastest melting. (Via Ohio State)


Think Progress?

A Marxist propaganda organization of George Soros.

The link does not work.

Marxist propaganda is not Science.

George Soros Marxist reposting "press releases" they post to dozens of websites as fact. Its all propaganda but because the Liberal/Leftist can link to it people re-post it here as if its fact.

The link as well as the title of the propaganda here is broken, you can not even find it with google.

Its time start calling the idiots what they are. Liars and Leftists
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What happens when a warming cultist is researched?

Is the ice in Greenland in growing decline? Accelerated loss of ice mass could be 'ice shield weather' -- ScienceDaily

They can't really tell.

ERS altimeter survey shows growth of Greenland Ice Sheet interior / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA

In 2005, it was unexplained growth of Greenland's ice.

If there was unexplained growth, then the loss of ice is from the increased ice, which means that the nine year period of observation is too short to draw any conclusions.

What we do know is that warming cultists were so convinced that the Antarctic was losing ice that they went there to document it and got stuck in the ice. Rescue ice breakers also got stuck in the ice.

Unexplained? - only in your denyin' eyes

“a self-perpetuating feedback process may have been triggered”

Greenland was very limited, but the pattern then began to shift, with a clear acceleration in loss of mass after 2006. This acceleration has since continued and even increased. The increased loss of mass can be explained by a combination of warmer air in the summer and a rise in sea temperatures. This has reduced the extent of sea ice, which otherwise helps to stabilize the glaciers.” Professor Kurt Kjær continues:

“Our results also demonstrate that after 2009 both air and, in particular, sea temperatures have returned to the level from before 2006. At the same time, the sea ice has maintained its previous extent, although the loss in mass has increased even further. This indicates that a self-perpetuating feedback process may have been triggered, with consequences we cannot yet determine precisely.”


A-hem... the article to which Old Rocks linked mentioned the billions of tons of ice from the West Antarctic ice sheet melting each year. That is ice on land that is up to several kilometers thick. So its melting is exposing neither open water nor dry land. Thus the graph that Westwall put, showing sea ice area, was COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. And how many of you lauded him for it? An impressive bunch. Really. I'm impressed.
Add the loss from Antarctica, and the rise may be even more dramatic. Of course our "Conservative" assholes don't worry about it, their lives are nearly over, and they don't give a damn about anybody else, not even their own children.

East Antarctica is sliding sideways: Ice loss on West Antarctica affecting mantle flow below -- ScienceDaily

East Antarctica is sliding sideways: Ice loss on West Antarctica affecting mantle flow below
December 11, 2013
Ohio State University
It's official: East Antarctica is pushing West Antarctica around. Now that West Antarctica is losing weight -- that is, billions of tons of ice per year -- its softer mantle rock is being nudged westward by the harder mantle beneath East Antarctica. This movement is important for understanding current ice loss on the continent, and predicting future ice loss.

And then olfraud was bitchslapped by the harsh glove of reality....


Once again you have proven yourself to be a liar. You claim to be a Phd geologist, but don't know the differance between sea ice and continental ice?
What happens when a warming cultist is researched?

Is the ice in Greenland in growing decline? Accelerated loss of ice mass could be 'ice shield weather' -- ScienceDaily

They can't really tell.

ERS altimeter survey shows growth of Greenland Ice Sheet interior / Observing the Earth / Our Activities / ESA

In 2005, it was unexplained growth of Greenland's ice.

If there was unexplained growth, then the loss of ice is from the increased ice, which means that the nine year period of observation is too short to draw any conclusions.

What we do know is that warming cultists were so convinced that the Antarctic was losing ice that they went there to document it and got stuck in the ice. Rescue ice breakers also got stuck in the ice.

Unexplained? - only in your denyin' eyes

“a self-perpetuating feedback process may have been triggered”

Greenland was very limited, but the pattern then began to shift, with a clear acceleration in loss of mass after 2006. This acceleration has since continued and even increased. The increased loss of mass can be explained by a combination of warmer air in the summer and a rise in sea temperatures. This has reduced the extent of sea ice, which otherwise helps to stabilize the glaciers.” Professor Kurt Kjær continues:

“Our results also demonstrate that after 2009 both air and, in particular, sea temperatures have returned to the level from before 2006. At the same time, the sea ice has maintained its previous extent, although the loss in mass has increased even further. This indicates that a self-perpetuating feedback process may have been triggered, with consequences we cannot yet determine precisely.”


"MAY" The favored word of confidence men everywhere....
Add the loss from Antarctica, and the rise may be even more dramatic. Of course our "Conservative" assholes don't worry about it, their lives are nearly over, and they don't give a damn about anybody else, not even their own children.

East Antarctica is sliding sideways: Ice loss on West Antarctica affecting mantle flow below -- ScienceDaily

East Antarctica is sliding sideways: Ice loss on West Antarctica affecting mantle flow below
December 11, 2013
Ohio State University
It's official: East Antarctica is pushing West Antarctica around. Now that West Antarctica is losing weight -- that is, billions of tons of ice per year -- its softer mantle rock is being nudged westward by the harder mantle beneath East Antarctica. This movement is important for understanding current ice loss on the continent, and predicting future ice loss.

And then olfraud was bitchslapped by the harsh glove of reality....


Once again you have proven yourself to be a liar. You claim to be a Phd geologist, but don't know the differance between sea ice and continental ice?

How about this one then silly person.....I used your favorite sea ice as that seems to be the limit of your understanding... But if you wish for the Continental ice report here you go... Looks like it's going to be more than you can chew...

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base

An International Polar Year aerogeophysical investigation of the high interior of East Antarctica reveals widespread freeze-on that drives substantial mass redistribution at the bottom of the ice sheet. Although the surface accumulation of snow remains the primary mechanism for ice sheet growth, beneath Dome A, 24% of the base by area is frozen-on ice. In some places, up to half of the ice thickness has been added from below. These ice packages result from the conductive cooling of water ponded near the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountain ridges and the supercooling of water forced up steep valley walls. Persistent freeze-on thickens the ice column, alters basal ice rheology and fabric, and upwarps the overlying ice sheet, including the oldest atmospheric climate archive, and drives flow behavior not captured in present models.

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base
And then olfraud was bitchslapped by the harsh glove of reality....


Once again you have proven yourself to be a liar. You claim to be a Phd geologist, but don't know the differance between sea ice and continental ice?

How about this one then silly person.....I used your favorite sea ice as that seems to be the limit of your understanding... But if you wish for the Continental ice report here you go... Looks like it's going to be more than you can chew...

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base

An International Polar Year aerogeophysical investigation of the high interior of East Antarctica reveals widespread freeze-on that drives substantial mass redistribution at the bottom of the ice sheet. Although the surface accumulation of snow remains the primary mechanism for ice sheet growth, beneath Dome A, 24% of the base by area is frozen-on ice. In some places, up to half of the ice thickness has been added from below. These ice packages result from the conductive cooling of water ponded near the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountain ridges and the supercooling of water forced up steep valley walls. Persistent freeze-on thickens the ice column, alters basal ice rheology and fabric, and upwarps the overlying ice sheet, including the oldest atmospheric climate archive, and drives flow behavior not captured in present models.

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base....because of manmade global warming
So the Climate Has Not changed deniers see a100,000 year old ice cube melt a fraction on its surface as it has forever and that is proof. I am surprised the Global Warming nuts do not point to summer or even daytime as proof of global warming.
Ice Loss From West Antarctica on the Increase : Discovery News

The West Antarctic ice sheet appears to be shedding far more ice than a few years ago, according to climate research unveiled Wednesday.

Previous research, conducted between 2005 and 2010, estimated that the ice sheet contributed 0.28 millimeters (0.1 inches) per year to the rise in global sea levels.

But three years of observations by Europe's ice-monitoring satellite, CryoSat, suggests that the contribution is now 15 percent greater.

The ice sheet is losing over 150 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice per year, the European Space Agency (ESA) said in a press release.

The phenomenon is linked to a thinning of ice flows at three big glaciers -- Pine Island, Thwaites and Smith, said polar scientist Malcolm McMillan, at Britain's University of Leeds
Warm Ocean Causing Most Antarctic Ice Shelf Mass Loss | NASA

PASADENA, Calif. - Ocean waters melting the undersides of Antarctic ice shelves are responsible for most of the continent's ice shelf mass loss, a new study by NASA and university researchers has found.
Scientists have studied the rates of basal melt, or the melting of the ice shelves from underneath, of individual ice shelves, the floating extensions of glaciers that empty into the sea. But this is the first comprehensive survey of all Antarctic ice shelves. The study found basal melt accounted for 55 percent of all Antarctic ice shelf mass loss from 2003 to 2008, an amount much higher than previously thought.
Antarctica holds about 60 percent of the planet's fresh water locked into its massive ice sheet. Ice shelves buttress the glaciers behind them, modulating the speed at which these rivers of ice flow into the ocean. Determining how ice shelves melt will help scientists improve projections of how the Antarctic ice sheet will respond to a warming ocean and contribute to sea level rise. It also will improve global models of ocean circulation by providing a better estimate of the amount of fresh water ice shelf melting adds to Antarctic coastal waters.
okey dokey, I'll damn sure take the word of some dummy left wing site called, thinkprogress

more GLOBULL warming fearmongering and WE ARE all gonna die if we don't give our money and give up our "lifestyles" over to these radical environments to save our asses

good grief, do any of you on the left THINK FOR YOURSELF, ever?
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Yes. And the conclusion we come to when we do so is that 97% of the world's climate scientists are many orders of magnitude more likely to be correct than the 1% who actually disagree with the IPCC.
Once again you have proven yourself to be a liar. You claim to be a Phd geologist, but don't know the differance between sea ice and continental ice?

How about this one then silly person.....I used your favorite sea ice as that seems to be the limit of your understanding... But if you wish for the Continental ice report here you go... Looks like it's going to be more than you can chew...

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base

An International Polar Year aerogeophysical investigation of the high interior of East Antarctica reveals widespread freeze-on that drives substantial mass redistribution at the bottom of the ice sheet. Although the surface accumulation of snow remains the primary mechanism for ice sheet growth, beneath Dome A, 24% of the base by area is frozen-on ice. In some places, up to half of the ice thickness has been added from below. These ice packages result from the conductive cooling of water ponded near the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountain ridges and the supercooling of water forced up steep valley walls. Persistent freeze-on thickens the ice column, alters basal ice rheology and fabric, and upwarps the overlying ice sheet, including the oldest atmospheric climate archive, and drives flow behavior not captured in present models.

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base....because of manmade global warming

Whatever the "Climate Change", it's Big Fat Bald White American Oil's Fault and we should be Punished Financially for it.

It's just that simple.


Yes. And the conclusion we come to when we do so is that 97% of the world's climate scientists are many orders of magnitude more likely to be correct than the 1% who actually disagree with the IPCC.

your first mistake is this 97% lie...and if you look at who they, the MAJORITY of them are it's not like they have AN AGENDA in it
but that won't stop you globull warming aka climate changers cults from spewing the bs
Warm Ocean Causing Most Antarctic Ice Shelf Mass Loss | NASA

PASADENA, Calif. - Ocean waters melting the undersides of Antarctic ice shelves are responsible for most of the continent's ice shelf mass loss, a new study by NASA and university researchers has found.
Scientists have studied the rates of basal melt, or the melting of the ice shelves from underneath, of individual ice shelves, the floating extensions of glaciers that empty into the sea. But this is the first comprehensive survey of all Antarctic ice shelves. The study found basal melt accounted for 55 percent of all Antarctic ice shelf mass loss from 2003 to 2008, an amount much higher than previously thought.
Antarctica holds about 60 percent of the planet's fresh water locked into its massive ice sheet. Ice shelves buttress the glaciers behind them, modulating the speed at which these rivers of ice flow into the ocean. Determining how ice shelves melt will help scientists improve projections of how the Antarctic ice sheet will respond to a warming ocean and contribute to sea level rise. It also will improve global models of ocean circulation by providing a better estimate of the amount of fresh water ice shelf melting adds to Antarctic coastal waters.

:lol::lol:Man, I can't write a better dumb ass role for you, you know that! So, now we're back to sea ice again...and the graph I posted shows this "study" of yours to be shit.

See how that works idiot.

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