Sure hope you like wiping dirty asses...

I was in college after Vietnam, when they were bringing Cambodians into California by the thousands teaching them English at night. When I lived in CA back in the 70s and 80s I couldn't find a job, but they gave those refugees the jobs I was qualified for but couldn't get. So I joined the military because I had to take care of my family.
I was in college after Vietnam, when they were bringing Cambodians into California by the thousands teaching them English at night. When I lived in CA back in the 70s and 80s I couldn't find a job, but they gave those refugees the jobs I was qualified for but couldn't get. So I joined the military because I had to take care of my family.

So...umm..the only jobs you were qualified for were the same jobs that new immigrants who barely spoke English could get?

So that doesn't say you were unfairly maligned, it says you didn't have many skills to begin with and you seem to have had a stunnign sense of entitlement that was completely unearned by your lack of employable skills.

Fuck dude, if a war refugee who barely speaks English beat you out of a job, then the problem lies with you.

So good thing you joined the Army because at least you learned some new skills to make you employable.

Huh? Taking in refugees, besides being something Jesus would encourage, is the ultimate act of empathy because you are recognizing and validating their refugee status. I don't understand why anyone would oppose taking in refugees, unless they were simply just a cruel person.

What was the primary reason America encourages immigration?

I don't get the impression we encourage immigration. In fact, I get the distinct impression we do the exact opposite.

To bring people here who can contribute to our society.If you bring millions of poor here simply because you're trying to act compassionate, you are responsible for them. You also must provide jobs, a place to live, and health care for them. None of which was readily available to them when they started arriving. So now we have thousands of homeless people living in the streets, soaking up our retirement and our benefits. And yet you have the unmetigated gall to scream about taxcuts taking away our parents Social Safety-net. You fucking imbecile!!!

You don't seem to know anything about immigration or refugee asylum if you think it results in people living on the street. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the immigration and asylum process. Because you're just spouting off nonsense that seems to be entirely improvised and intended to elicit an emotional reaction.

Why does the left seem to want a Christian theocracy so much? They constantly yammer about what Jesus would do, but then run to the fainting couches if a believer even runs for office, much less purposes legislation that would enforce His commands.
Why does the left seem to want a Christian theocracy so much?

We don't. Acting like Christ isn't something exclusive to Christianity, as y'all prove here every day.

They constantly yammer about what Jesus would do, but then run to the fainting couches if a believer even runs for office, much less purposes legislation that would enforce His commands.

Because you never run on Jesus' message. You run on a message you invented and applied to a fictional version of Jesus that never existed.
Why does the left seem to want a Christian theocracy so much?

We don't. Acting like Christ isn't something exclusive to Christianity, as y'all prove here every day.

They constantly yammer about what Jesus would do, but then run to the fainting couches if a believer even runs for office, much less purposes legislation that would enforce His commands.

Because you never run on Jesus' message. You run on a message you invented and applied to a fictional version of Jesus that never existed.

No, it's the faith that scares the living daylights out of the left. They abjectly fear the faithful and like to pretend they know what Jesus would say about everything, despite having no relationship with Him at all. I mean, just look at their reaction to Mike Pence's stance on not having dinner alone with a woman other than his wife. Even in today's climate of hyper sensitivity to sexual misconduct, they mock and ridicule his common sense policy.

If the left ever got their wet dream and forced Trump out of office, they'd be even more out of their minds when they realized who was then in the White House.
It must suck to be as miserable as you are on a daily basis. How do you find the strength to go on?

You can project whatever insecurities you want on me, it's not going to matter when you're up at 4:00AM, wiping the dirty ass of your mother or father who can't do it themselves because they're suffering from dementia. Sure hope you think of AT&T's share price as you do it.
My parents are both gone.

That sucks. Mine too.

But I am capable of thinking about others, not just myself. That's what makes me a functional person, and you a sociopath.
No. A sociopath is not only self-centered but extremely anti-social.
I showed neither trait.
I simply stated a fact.
And I'm not the person accusing peoples parents of having dirty asses.

A sociopath lacks empathy, which is the ability to see things from someone else's point of view.

Considering all of the filthy name calling and insults you hurl with each post, it's kind of rich that you accuse others of not having empathy and seeing other's points of view. It's true I have no empathy for a ranting moron with spittle flying from his lips, but I do have sympathy for you. That hug is still available if you want it little fella.
I already told you I my insurance is provided with a pension. That insurance covers both my wife and myself for less than I can buy it on an exchange it has no ridiculous deductibles, no out of pocket costs whatsoever. I never once said I was on my business's group insurance plan.

OK, so you don't own a business. OK, thanks for clearing that up. And that's great that your pension covers your insurance costs, but that doesn't mean those insurance costs won't rise an additional 10% because you removed the mandate. You understand that, right? So help me understand this because I'm confused; are you working right now? So you're not collecting your pension, yet your pension provides you with health care? Huh? I've never heard of it done that way. Sounds fishy. Your employer set up a pension plan that gives you health insurance that's separate from the employer-provided plans your company also offers?

And as I said my pension covers the insurance. I do not use that money for anything else and you don't know that premiums will rise 10% that's just another one of your assumptions.

We know because the AARP said so. I'm not making anything up. The AARP says that repealing the mandate will cause premiums to rise by an additional 10%. That's what happens when you remove the mandate and kick 13 million people off coverage. That's 13 million fewer people paying premiums, which means higher premiums for everyone because the premium pool is smaller. Because that's how insurance works.

And since you obviously know shit about businesses and how they are taxed I'll tell you that owners of S corps, like me and millions of others, report all their profits and losses on their individual Federal income tax returns via the IRS Form K1.

So then you don't own the business? See, you're jumping around. You say "my business" is that the possessive or do you mean the business you work for? Why do I get the feeling you're deliberately obfuscating, and all this is just a bunch of bullshit lies from you?

What part of the phrase "owners of S corps, like me and millions of others" did you not understand?

Let me clear it up for you

My wife and I are 90% shareholders of an S corp So when I say "my business" I mean just that. I wouldn't call an employer's business, my business because it obviously is not my business.

I also happen to be collecting a pension from a job I held from the age of 18 to 40. It was a night job that I kept all through college and while I was otherwise self employed. I quit before we opened OUR BUSINESS 10 years ago. I had enough time in to take a pension at age 40 that includes health insurance at very low rates. That pension is small but it is more than enough to cover the premiums and I save the rest so that if my premiums go up I will have money to draw from. When I turn 65 in 15 years that insurance automatically becomes my Medicare Part B with significantly lower premiums.

And how does the AARP know what will happen in the future? Really this is all conjecture and posturing between political lobbying groups at this point.
I did open the link and looked at the chart with 2 years of premiums compared

No, you didn't open the fucking link because if you did, you'd see that 2017 was the first year they talk about.

So now that we've established you lied to me, can we also establish the truth behind your presumed employment situation? Because that sounds like you're improvising as you go.
Seems to me you didn't read your own link because this chart was very prevalent on the page and you will notice that the chart only has headings for 2016 and 2017

So as I said 2 years of Obammycare premiums being compared to each other. Meaningless as the entire article stops at 2014 AFTER Obammycare was passed yet you say it proves that premiums are going up less than before when there are no pre 2013 premiums listed

Change in monthly premiums and tax credits for a 40-year-old non-smoker making $30,000/year
Major city Benchmark plan premium Tax credit
2017 Change 2016 2017 Change
Alabama Birmingham $288 $492 71% $80 $285 256%
Alaska Anchorage $719 $904 26% $555 $741 33%
Arizona Phoenix $207 $507 145% $0 $300 N/A
Arkansas Little Rock $310 $314 1% $102 $107 4%
California Los Angeles $245 $258 5% $37 $51 38%
Colorado Denver $278 $313 12% $70 $106 51%
Connecticut Hartford $318 $404 27% $110 $196 79%
Delaware Wilmington $356 $423 19% $148 $216 46%
Florida Miami $262 $306 17% $54 $99 84%
Georgia Atlanta $254 $286 13% $46 $79 72%
Hawaii Honolulu $262 $347 32% $83 $169 104%
Idaho Boise $273 $348 27% $65 $141 117%
Illinois Chicago $198 $291 48% $0 $84 N/A
Indiana Indianapolis $298 $286 -4% $90 $79 -12%
Iowa Cedar Rapids $284 $301 6% $76 $94 25%
Kansas Wichita $248 $361 46% $40 $154 287%
Kentucky Louisville $223 $229 3% $15 $22 47%
Louisiana New Orleans $332 $373 13% $124 $166 34%
Maine Portland $288 $341 19% $80 $134 68%
Maryland Baltimore $249 $309 24% $41 $102 152%
Massachusetts Boston $250 $247 -1% $42 $40 -5%
Michigan Detroit $226 $237 5% $18 $29 65%
Minnesota Minneapolis $235 $366 55% $27 $159 481%
Mississippi Jackson $283 $352 25% $75 $145 95%
Missouri St Louis $287 $310 8% $79 $103 31%
Montana Billings $322 $425 32% $114 $218 92%
Nebraska Omaha $313 $368 18% $105 $161 54%
Nevada Las Vegas $261 $282 8% $53 $75 41%
New Hampshire Manchester $261 $267 2% $53 $60 14%
New Jersey Newark $330 $353 7% $122 $146 19%
New Mexico Albuquerque $186 $258 39% $0 $51 N/A
New York New York City $369 $456 24% $161 $249 55%
North Carolina Charlotte $409 $572 40% $201 $364 82%
North Dakota Fargo $304 $331 9% $96 $124 29%
Ohio Cleveland $234 $229 -2% $26 $22 -17%
Oklahoma Okla. City $295 $493 67% $87 $286 230%
Oregon Portland $261 $312 20% $53 $105 98%
Pennsylvania Philadelphia $276 $418 51% $68 $211 209%
Rhode Island Providence $263 $261 -1% $55 $54 -2%
South Carolina Columbia $314 $404 29% $106 $197 85%
South Dakota Sioux Falls $309 $448 45% $101 $241 138%
Tennessee Nashville $281 $419 49% $73 $212 192%
Texas Houston $256 $288 13% $48 $81 69%
Utah Salt Lake City $244 $292 20% $36 $85 139%
Vermont Burlington $468 $492 5% $260 $285 9%
Virginia Richmond $276 $296 7% $68 $89 31%
Washington Seattle $227 $238 5% $19 $31 62%
West Virginia Huntington $341 $419 23% $132 $212 60%
Wisconsin Milwaukee $326 $379 16% $117 $172 46%
Wyoming Cheyenne $426 $464 9% $218 $257 18%
Kaiser Family Foundation, "2017 Premium Changes and Insurer Participation in the Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Marketplaces"
No, dipstick.When you can't even take care of the homeless in your own country, why are you flying them in faster than you find places for them???

Immigrants aren't homeless.

You don't give a shit about homeless people anyway, so what point are you trying it make?

Could it be because you're trying to overload Social Security and Medicare to crash it, right when me and the rest of the Baby-Boomers are hitting retirement???

You're the ones whose tax cut results in a cut to Medicare and Medicaid beginning next fucking year. So why did you pass a tax cut that is going to result in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, if you care so much about these programs??!?!?!

The answer is that you don't, and you're just a fucking poseur who improvises positions on the spot.
How much did the tax-cut cut FICA?
Do you even know the difference between income taxes, Social Security taxes, and Medicare taxes?
They are completely different taxes. FICA is untouchable.
Your refund comes for income tax withholding.
Congress has been stealing from our SS, and Medicare fund and increasing the debt to around $20 trillion.
Democrats are doing the same crap that they're doing in Europe, using taxpayers Social Security and Medicare to pay for hundreds of thousands of refugees that shouldn't be here in the first place, depleting the SS fund to the point that it will soon be bankrupt.
Soon all of our parents, and me personally, will be shit out of luck because those Democrat assholes wanted cheap labor and wanted to steal elections.
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I was in college after Vietnam, when they were bringing Cambodians into California by the thousands teaching them English at night. When I lived in CA back in the 70s and 80s I couldn't find a job, but they gave those refugees the jobs I was qualified for but couldn't get. So I joined the military because I had to take care of my family.

So...umm..the only jobs you were qualified for were the same jobs that new immigrants who barely spoke English could get?

So that doesn't say you were unfairly maligned, it says you didn't have many skills to begin with and you seem to have had a stunnign sense of entitlement that was completely unearned by your lack of employable skills.

Fuck dude, if a war refugee who barely speaks English beat you out of a job, then the problem lies with you.

So good thing you joined the Army because at least you learned some new skills to make you employable.
Spoken like a true idiot. You don't know shit about nothing. You're full of rationalities and generalities.

I was in the Navy for 5 years and learned those skills.
Then I got out and tried to find a decent job in CA. The best thing I could get was a temporary job working Public Works as a sheetmetal Mech.
I went to school part time to learn other skills.
When Reagan was elected, my job disappeared.
Eventually I had to go back into the service because the only civilian jobs that were available were menial jobs working for $5/hr. All of those refugees simply tanked the wage scale.

They gave all of the good Government jobs at the airport to refugees who had enough English to get by. That was the reason for the night classes. To learn English. One of them actually bragged about it to me once.

I was going to a Junior College and noticed every classroom filled with Filipinos, Cambodians, and Vietnamese.
They did the same shit the last few years of the Obama administration putting foreigners in all of the PXs and Commissaries. The only white person they hired the last two years was from Germany at the PX here in Ft.Campbell.
Disneyland pulled the same shit, replacing all of their employees with immigrants.
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