Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

Are you happy about the spitting on the Equal Protection Clause aspect of the decision?

Equal "Protection"? Wow, now that's classic! The left will try and stretch anything when they're throwing a fit :lol:

If we are talking about the 14th Amendment, the looney far left actually has a point. What this Ruling has done was to lay the foundation for teasing out discrimination against behaviors vs race, religion, country of origin or gender. And they should be worried.

You've all heard I assume about the various appeals about gay wedding cakes and photographers objecting to shooting gay weddings? Those are both grounded in religious objections to LGBT behaviors.

I heard that you think you are intelligent, try showing it by not posting drivel.
I heard that you think you are intelligent, try showing it by not posting drivel.
Hey, I'm not the one who chose "Windbag" as part of my online name... :lol:

Do you have an actual rebuttal?

My user name is a joke that no one has ever got, even after I explained it in a thread. If you ant an actual rebuttal to your post, read the fucking thread, it has already been rebutted.
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It's not a strawman.

For example, looking at birth control - IUD's are prescribed for reasons other than preventing pregnancy (help control irregular bleeding). Plenty of people use IUD's or the pill for that matter to treat diseases like endometriosis.

So the fact that there is a prescribed use for them other than birth control doesn't matter. What would prevent a group with religious objections to homosexuality (who consider AIDS to be a punishment by God on immorality) - to refuse to provide coverage?

Show where Hobby Lobby is against someone using BC Pills for medical needs?

They don't support the use of the pill.

Bulllshit. They cover 16 of them.

lol, something else for joeb to get his panties in a knot over. face it joe, guns are here to stay, you liberal lunatics will get the boot from congress in November and this pathetic downhill rollcoaster ride your side has been taking us un will come to an end.

Yawn, guy, just because you might win the "Special Olympics Midterms" (Seriously races in Red States with small populations?) doesnt' take away from the fact that you will lose the big states over this one. You know, where people actually live and their family trees don't intermesh.

Contraception is a loser issue for you guys, but you can't help yourselves because the Religious Crazies have your balls in a lockbox.
lol, something else for joeb to get his panties in a knot over. face it joe, guns are here to stay, you liberal lunatics will get the boot from congress in November and this pathetic downhill rollcoaster ride your side has been taking us un will come to an end.

Yawn, guy, just because you might win the "Special Olympics Midterms" (Seriously races in Red States with small populations?) doesnt' take away from the fact that you will lose the big states over this one. You know, where people actually live and their family trees don't intermesh.

Contraception is a loser issue for you guys, but you can't help yourselves because the Religious Crazies have your balls in a lockbox.

Dude, Joe, don't be so quick to dismiss your opposition. The GOP hasn't even pulled the Harvey Milk or polygamy marriage guns out of their holsters yet. They're sitting on an arsenal that makes the democratic party look like the guy that everyone silently agrees to not invite to the party. And that's going to suck at the polls in 2014 & 2016. If you think for one moment that the GOP will spare any trick to bring about their powerhold again, you're delusional. They are going to unleash the lions at the precise moment it will hurt democrats the most.

It's probably too late for leading dem candidates to take a stand against Harvey Milk and polygamy marriage. But if they want to survive, they had better get brave and look at the polling numbers here instead of via their gay-activist advisors or gay-controlled media outlets:

85% of people opposed to forcing gay marriage on churches or voters [via natural extension of the sentiment] is a scary big number to ignore...

Dude, Joe, don't be so quick to dismiss your opposition. The GOP hasn't even pulled the Harvey Milk or polygamy marriage guns out of their holsters yet. They're sitting on an arsenal that makes the democratic party look like the guy that everyone silently agrees to not invite to the party. And that's going to suck at the polls in 2014 & 2016. If you think for one moment that the GOP will spare any trick to bring about their powerhold again, you're delusional. They are going to unleash the lions at the precise moment it will hurt democrats the most.

Okay, the first thing you have to realize is that not everyone has your obsession with a gay dude who died 35 years ago.

The GOP doesn't want to fight this issue anymore. Republican Judges are striking down the laws and Republican Governors are refusing to enforce or defend them.

It's probably too late for leading dem candidates to take a stand against Harvey Milk and polygamy marriage. But if they want to survive, they had better get brave and look at the polling numbers here instead of via their gay-activist advisors or gay-controlled media outlets:
85% of people opposed to forcing gay marriage on churches or voters [via natural extension of the sentiment] is a scary big number to ignore...

No one is suggesting "forcing" it on churches or people who don't want to do it...

Dude, Joe, don't be so quick to dismiss your opposition. The GOP hasn't even pulled the Harvey Milk or polygamy marriage guns out of their holsters yet. They're sitting on an arsenal that makes the democratic party look like the guy that everyone silently agrees to not invite to the party. And that's going to suck at the polls in 2014 & 2016. If you think for one moment that the GOP will spare any trick to bring about their powerhold again, you're delusional. They are going to unleash the lions at the precise moment it will hurt democrats the most.

Okay, the first thing you have to realize is that not everyone has your obsession with a gay dude who died 35 years ago.

The GOP doesn't want to fight this issue anymore. Republican Judges are striking down the laws and Republican Governors are refusing to enforce or defend them.

It's probably too late for leading dem candidates to take a stand against Harvey Milk and polygamy marriage. But if they want to survive, they had better get brave and look at the polling numbers here instead of via their gay-activist advisors or gay-controlled media outlets:
85% of people opposed to forcing gay marriage on churches or voters [via natural extension of the sentiment] is a scary big number to ignore...

No one is suggesting "forcing" it on churches or people who don't want to do it...

people may not remember that gay pedophile Harvey Milk but most of them do have negative views on gay marriage and polygamy and especially gay parenting....and most of the world agrees (see my thread on the poor little gays...)

people may not remember that gay pedophile Harvey Milk but most of them do have negative views on gay marriage and polygamy and especially gay parenting....and most of the world agrees (see my thread on the poor little gays...)

Uh, not really.

But if you need to believve that , knock yourself out.

Meanwhile, they just struck down gay marriage in Kentucky!

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