Supreme Court rules for EPA


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana

That is, that the EPA does have the authority to regulate coal pollution that crosses state lines. 6-2 decision, Scalia and Thomas dissenting (no surprise), Alito recusing.

So, that's good news for 2 reasons. The dirtiest of energy gets regulated. And the reasoning used in this case also applies also to the EPA regulating CO2, so that will also clearly survive any court challenge.

In other words, kooks lose big.
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Now Mr. H, your drilling expertise will work just as well for geothermal as for natural gas. And natural gas is not affected by that decision, in any case.

That is, that the EPA does have the authority to regulate coal pollution that crosses state lines. 6-2 decision, Scalia and Thomas dissenting (no surprise), Alito recusing.

So, that's good news for 2 reasons. The dirtiest of energy gets regulated. And the reasoning used in this case also applies also to the EPA regulating CO2, so that will also clearly survive any court challenge.

In other words, kooks lose big.

I fully expect to hear the word tyranny thrown around in the coming days regarding this decision.
The Supreme Court rules on the law and this is no surprise.

Thus paving the way for the EPA and Obama to finish off the coal industry. Guaranteeing that our energy prices will SKY ROCKET. Obama wasn't kidding when he made that statement. He is completely against Fossil fuels and for Green Energy.

The only way to make Green Energy affordable is to raise the prices of other forms of energy. The people will PAY for this, and it will hurt the POOR the most.

They say they do this to protect the planet. They say they are for the poor. They will cause more economic pain for those they intend to protect. So, we are financially forced to OBEY THEM in the area of Green Energy.
The Supreme Court rules on the law and this is no surprise.

Thus paving the way for the EPA and Obama to finish off the coal industry. Guaranteeing that our energy prices will SKY ROCKET. Obama wasn't kidding when he made that statement. He is completely against Fossil fuels and for Green Energy.

The only way to make Green Energy affordable is to raise the prices of other forms of energy. The people will PAY for this, and it will hurt the POOR the most.

They say they do this to protect the planet. They say they are for the poor. They will cause more economic pain for those they intend to protect. So, we are financially forced to OBEY THEM in the area of Green Energy.

Another big red letter day for the left sticking it to the poor like always.......but since we have to look on the bright side, it'll make Pennsylvania a permanent red state.:D All the northeast will be paying skyrocketing electric bills in coming years.
We've heard that sky-is-falling routine nonstop for the past 20 years. And it never comes true. Which is why nobody pays attention to it any longer.
If it can't be done without killing the planet, and its inhabitants in the process, find some other way to do it. It is the poor who suffer the most. Anyone want a glass of water from West Virginia? Didn't think so. Why there such a fight to prevent the protection of human life I do not understand.

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