Support for Hamas among Palestinians RISES, two months after Oct. 7


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Apparently, support for Hamas has only INCREASED among the evil, degenerate death cult known as the Palestinians. Hard to believe.

Poll shows Palestinians back Oct. 7 attack on Israel, support for Hamas rises​


Over 70% of Palestinians support Hamas’ armed resistance against Israel — poll​

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Worse yet, the hatred for Israel over this debacle will likely result in Armageddon. :omg:
The Palestinians are not the problem. Stop supporting Netanyahu.
Apparently, support for Hamas has only INCREASED among the evil, degenerate death cult known as the Palestinians. Hard to believe.

Poll shows Palestinians back Oct. 7 attack on Israel, support for Hamas rises​


Over 70% of Palestinians support Hamas’ armed resistance against Israel — poll​

This was the risk.I warned of early on. I said that Bibby needed to ensure that the citizens were given supplies from aid trucks. You can't just think of the present but also future generations. Hell the Chinese still hold grudges against the Brits for the opium war they launched there over 100 years ago. Trying to teach a new generation to love their Jewish neighbour is tougher when they remember as a kid watching their Mother starve. Americans were sending aid packages with food and clothing for kids after WWII. These kids remembered this act of kidness their entire lives and they loved a country they had never even visited. This is better than sending money to corrupt leaders.
Apparently, support for Hamas has only INCREASED among the evil, degenerate death cult known as the Palestinians. Hard to believe.

Poll shows Palestinians back Oct. 7 attack on Israel, support for Hamas rises​


Over 70% of Palestinians support Hamas’ armed resistance against Israel — poll​

Clearly, there are very, very few innocent Palestinians.
Meet Gazan photojournalist Ashraf Amra. He's been working for media including @AP & @Reuters.

Here he is on Oct. 7 enjoying fellow photojournalist Mohammed Fayq Abu Mostafa's footage of an IDF soldier being lynched after they both infiltrated Israel's border. And there's more.🧵
Jan 8, 2024
Apparently, support for Hamas has only INCREASED among the evil, degenerate death cult known as the Palestinians. Hard to believe.

That is sad, Roudy. It just goes to show these people still do not see Hamas as their problem and support what they did. It just makes me less sympathetic to the Palestinians or at least to whatever "innocent" Palestinians are suffering now under the response of the IDF routing them of Hamas.
The cowardly Israeli terrorists have left Gaza City .
The signs were there when evil Nutty withdrew five brigades because they were tired and had huge losses .
Too young , inexperienced and lacking good training

The self appointed Chosen Ones are detested and becoming a stain around the world .
Who would have thought this band of Freedom Fighters would humiliate the Ethnic Cleansers
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IslamoNazism and their supporters like you are the problem.
Stay stupid and watch Netanyahu cause another 9-11 to happen here that puts us into WW3 because idiots like you ignore the fact that Israel can be wrong.
Stop trusting the Israeli government. Netanyahu propped up Hamas for years. He allowed Qatar to sennd them money. He did this to stop a reall 2 state solution. Meanwhile he illegally expanded settlements and the Israeli government turned a blind eye and assisted in violence against Pallestinians in the areas they illegally occupied. But keep blaming it all on Hamas. Over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed, more than a third of them children. You bitches were the all lives matter people when blacks stood against police murdering us, but as we see here that was just some racist bs used to show disrespect for the lives of blacks here just as you do to pallestiniians. 20,000 dead for 1,400 dead isrealis.. Over 7,000 dead children.
Stay stupid and watch Netanyahu cause another 9-11 to happen here that puts us into WW3 because idiots like you ignore the fact that Israel can be wrong.
This isn't Israel's fault... and if anyone will be responsible for a 3rd world war its the moron we have in office now....
By the way he is losing African (key word) Americans....
Apparently, support for Hamas has only INCREASED among the evil, degenerate death cult known as the Palestinians. Hard to believe.

Poll shows Palestinians back Oct. 7 attack on Israel, support for Hamas rises​


Over 70% of Palestinians support Hamas’ armed resistance against Israel — poll​

why is that, i wonder …

January 8, 2024, at 6:53 AM:

...against insane [sic] Judaism...


Stay stupid and watch Netanyahu cause another 9-11 to happen here that puts us into WW3 because idiots like you ignore the fact that Israel can be wrong.
If there is another 9-11 here it will definitely be because Biden allowed our country to be invaded on our southern border. Back to MAGA

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