Sunday Skewer Club: NFL Chef Demerits


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Americans love jazz and football.

Every year, Americans sit down and enjoy Super Bowl Sunday on live TV, complete with high-profile advertisements/commercials and a fun halftime show.

Food is a big part of Super Bowl Sunday.

To build up to each Super Bowl Sunday with an extra food-panache, think about the simple value of the Sunday Skewer Club.

Members of this lifestyle-practice club prepare meat-skewer and/or veggie-skewer dishes every Sunday of the regular NFL season leading up to the Super Bowl.

Noted members of this prestigious club include Robert De Niro, Bob Vila, Bo Jackson, and Hillary Clinton.

Skewers are such a great kitchen toy.

Do you have a favorite/unusual/special meat and/or veggie skewer recipe/preparation worthy of the Hall of Fame?

Half-worked Sunday skewer preparations of course earn the self-appointed chefs sticky demerits.


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