Sun About To Cease Sending Out CO2!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY it the United Nations pumping out that stuff causing global warming???

Or...just Al Gore???

Wait.....a NASA scientist says it's all about the sun, not mankind????

"Lack of sunspots to bring record cold, warns NASA scientist
November 12, 2018 by
“It could happen in a matter of months,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center.

“The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age,” wrote Dr Tony Phillips just six weeks ago, on 27 Sep 2018.

Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018 and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding, says Phillips, editor of

Data from NASA’s TIMED satellite show that the thermosphere (the uppermost layer of air around our planet) is cooling and shrinking, literally decreasing the radius of the atmosphere.

To help track the latest developments, Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center and his colleagues recently introduced the “Thermosphere Climate Index.”

The Thermosphere Climate Index (TCI) tells how much heat nitric oxide (NO) molecules are dumping into space. During Solar Maximum, TCI is high (meaning “Hot”); during Solar Minimum, it is low (meaning “Cold”).

“Right now, it is very low indeed … 10 times smaller than we see during more active phases of the solar cycle,” says Mlynczak"
Lack of sunspots to bring record cold, warns NASA scientist - Ice Age Now

But....but.....if it's about the sun.....

Ya' mean the whole thing has been naught but a scam to take control of the planet???????

Say it ain't so, Joe!!!!!!
Yeah, this happens every 11 years, guys. When was the last time it happened? 11 years ago? That's the solar cycle. 11 years.
Yeah, this happens every 11 years, guys. When was the last time it happened? 11 years ago? That's the solar cycle. 11 years.


But, since you brought it up....the conclusion of my research proves that snow causes global warming! solution: i've been throwing aspirins into the toilet to decrease the Earth's fever.
Hmmmm.....but every "real" climate scientist says the sun has no impact on our climate!:2up:

Every climate "scientist" KNOWS that the Big Yellow Thing in the Sky is but a rounding error in its ability to influence the climate of an entire planet - CO2 RULES!

No one recognized that the NASA scientist who revealed these facts about the sun, and sunspots, and global freezing......

....was once the arch-villain from superman comics!!!

Mr. Mxyzptlk Tribute

He has moved on to another comic strip....NASA
I keep telling you all: buy a good used fur coat on ebay before the prices go through the roof.

Winter Is Coming. it the United Nations pumping out that stuff causing global warming???

Or...just Al Gore???

Wait.....a NASA scientist says it's all about the sun, not mankind????

"Lack of sunspots to bring record cold, warns NASA scientist
November 12, 2018 by
“It could happen in a matter of months,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center.

“The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age,” wrote Dr Tony Phillips just six weeks ago, on 27 Sep 2018.

Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018 and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding, says Phillips, editor of

Data from NASA’s TIMED satellite show that the thermosphere (the uppermost layer of air around our planet) is cooling and shrinking, literally decreasing the radius of the atmosphere.

To help track the latest developments, Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center and his colleagues recently introduced the “Thermosphere Climate Index.”

The Thermosphere Climate Index (TCI) tells how much heat nitric oxide (NO) molecules are dumping into space. During Solar Maximum, TCI is high (meaning “Hot”); during Solar Minimum, it is low (meaning “Cold”).

“Right now, it is very low indeed … 10 times smaller than we see during more active phases of the solar cycle,” says Mlynczak"
Lack of sunspots to bring record cold, warns NASA scientist - Ice Age Now

But....but.....if it's about the sun.....

Ya' mean the whole thing has been naught but a scam to take control of the planet???????

Say it ain't so, Joe!!!!!!

Biggest scientific opportunity on Climate Science in our lives playing out right now.

About to see how wrong the activist in lab coats warmers were when they told folks a couple years that GW would knock the crap out of Solar Minimum..

What they relied on was just counting the decreased watts/m2 that the sun is expected to put out... Something like 0.6Watts/M2 to the surface. But what they left out because they don't KNOW yet -- is the effect of shifting the solar radiation spectrum around on our thermal blanket of an atmosphere.

We're gonna KNOW THAT NOW..

Because the atmos is thinning and even now shooting about 300 billion WATTS of GlobalWarming back into space.

God's little chimney has come to cool us down...
I can't believe that the sun drives climate on earth. After all these Moon Bats have been claiming for years now that the climate of the earth is dependent upon how many gas guzzling SUVs we drive.

It can't be the sun. It has to be the SUVs. The Moon Bats wouldn't lie to me, would they?
"Al Gore Predicts Massive Apocalypse If Billions Are Not Spent On His Books, Films

SAN FRANSISCO, CA—Al Gore spoke at the Global Action Climate Summit in San Fransisco on Sunday and he didn’t parse words. “This world is headed for a global catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions if everyone doesn’t drop all other priorities and redirect all spending toward buying my books and seeing my movies,” Gore said.

“I am not messing around,” he added. “I am super serious.”

Gore went on to present numerous charts and graphs showing a direct correlation between the destruction of the Earth and his profit margins.

“Science deniers can scoff all they want,” he said while aiming a laser pointer at a chart showing his prediction that the Earth will end within five years if his new book does not make the top of the New York Times Bestseller List. “And even that could be too little too late,” Gore said. “To really guarantee that this environmental apocalypse doesn’t happen, my books need to outsell the Bible.”


Several scientists on the panel agreed wholeheartedly with Gore’s assessment. “The evidence is irrefutable,” said Dr. Sufjan Swami of Johns Hopkins University. “To not buy Al’s books and movies at a time like this is tantamount to treason.” Various experts on the panel all agreed that it was time for all countries and communities to come together and commit all of their resources to the purchase of Al Gore’s books and movies.

At publishing time, sources had confirmed that Gore then switched to simulated footage of people melting in a massive inferno for buying the latest Stephen King or James Patterson novel instead of his books."
Al Gore Predicts Massive Apocalypse If Billions Are Not Spent On His Books, Films
Check it out, it's another "It's cold today, so global warming is a hoax!" denier retardation circle jerk. They really are the dumbest freakin' humans to ever walk the planet. But then, their cult selects for stupidity. Intelligent people are weeded out of the denier cult, as such people instantly see through denier stupidity and conspiracy babbling.

About to see how wrong the activist in lab coats warmers were when they told folks a couple years that GW would knock the crap out of Solar Minimum.

And then record warming resulted. Your prediction failed as hard as it's possible for a prediction to fail. And it's going to continue to fail, because it's contrary to the science and evidence.

And that failure won't matter to you. After all, it's never mattered to you in the past. Actual science, such as mainstream climate science, is falsifiable. The denier pseudoscience religion is not falsifiable, as there's literally no data that could, in their minds, disprove their religious beliefs. When it keeps warming strongly, they'll just keep moving their IceAgeDoomsday forward, just like any other apocalypse cult.
Check it out, it's another "It's cold today, so global warming is a hoax!" denier retardation circle jerk. They really are the dumbest freakin' humans to ever walk the planet. But then, their cult selects for stupidity. Intelligent people are weeded out of the denier cult, as such people instantly see through denier stupidity and conspiracy babbling.

About to see how wrong the activist in lab coats warmers were when they told folks a couple years that GW would knock the crap out of Solar Minimum.

And then record warming resulted. Your prediction failed as hard as it's possible for a prediction to fail. And it's going to continue to fail, because it's contrary to the science and evidence.

And that failure won't matter to you. After all, it's never mattered to you in the past. Actual science, such as mainstream climate science, is falsifiable. The denier pseudoscience religion is not falsifiable, as there's literally no data that could, in their minds, disprove their religious beliefs. When it keeps warming strongly, they'll just keep moving their IceAgeDoomsday forward, just like any other apocalypse cult.

The warming that was all based on El-Nino event, otherwise little warming to cooling is what we get, in the ABSENCE of El-Nino's.

CO2 isn't doing it, it is El-Nino events doing it.
The warming that was all based on El-Nino event, otherwise little warming to cooling is what we get, in the ABSENCE of El-Nino's.

Well, yes, records are set during El Nino years. That's how statistics work.

"El Nino did it!" doesn't explain the overall trend, which is up up up. As your theory does not explain the observed data, your theory is wrong.

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