Summing up Obama's message: America...your standard of living is gonna go down.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
That summary can basically round out Obama's entire agenda and message. The standard of living for Americans is going to go down, one way or another. Obama has wanted that since he was in college. His agenda leans towards it. The circumstances of the global economy lead to that.

All other BS aside, thats basically it. He wants our standard to go down. The circumstance for that to happen exists. Bend over America, we're gonna have some lifestyle adjustments to make. And Barack and Michelle are giddy about it.
Actually that was President Bush that said that..when one of the people in administration said that Americans are getting paid to much.

And then they changed the overtime rules.

And then they shipped jobs to China.
Ok, yeah, and now Obama is saying it. And doing everything he can to make sure it happens. Hope you bought plenty of extra food and supplies. In 2 years you'll be taking a dump and wiping with $10 bills because they'll be worth less than toilet paper.
Ok, yeah, and now Obama is saying it. And doing everything he can to make sure it happens. Hope you bought plenty of extra food and supplies. In 2 years you'll be taking a dump and wiping with $10 bills because they'll be worth less than toilet paper.

The Bush administration was instrumental in moving over 30 thousand factories from these shores and the collapse of the financial industry. Thanks to the American Tax payer, complete catacylsm caused by Conservative Corporate Quisling Malfeasance was stemmed, somewhat. But it's going to take time to repair the damage. And it's been hampered by the Tea Party Radicals..who want to see the destruction of the Constitutionally elected government and the rise of the Corporate Plutocracy.

The outcome is still unsure.
That summary can basically round out Obama's entire agenda and message. The standard of living for Americans is going to go down, one way or another. Obama has wanted that since he was in college. His agenda leans towards it. The circumstances of the global economy lead to that.

All other BS aside, thats basically it. He wants our standard to go down. The circumstance for that to happen exists. Bend over America, we're gonna have some lifestyle adjustments to make. And Barack and Michelle are giddy about it.

You are so correct. Instead of cutting $3 in spending for every $1 in tax increases, we should only be cutting $1 for every $3 in tax increases; wouldn't you agree?
Ok, yeah, and now Obama is saying it. And doing everything he can to make sure it happens. Hope you bought plenty of extra food and supplies. In 2 years you'll be taking a dump and wiping with $10 bills because they'll be worth less than toilet paper.

The Bush administration was instrumental in moving over 30 thousand factories from these shores and the collapse of the financial industry. Thanks to the American Tax payer, complete catacylsm caused by Conservative Corporate Quisling Malfeasance was stemmed, somewhat. But it's going to take time to repair the damage. And it's been hampered by the Tea Party Radicals..who want to see the destruction of the Constitutionally elected government and the rise of the Corporate Plutocracy.

The outcome is still unsure.

Is that you Schmucky?
That summary can basically round out Obama's entire agenda and message. The standard of living for Americans is going to go down, one way or another. Obama has wanted that since he was in college. His agenda leans towards it. The circumstances of the global economy lead to that.

All other BS aside, thats basically it. He wants our standard to go down. The circumstance for that to happen exists. Bend over America, we're gonna have some lifestyle adjustments to make. And Barack and Michelle are giddy about it.

Isn't that the same thing Conservatives are REALLY saying whenever they rail against organized labor? The complain that unions drive the costs up and make America unable to compete with poorer nations.

So what Conservatives REALLY say is that instead of lifting other nations up to our level we must lower our standard of living down to theirs.

That summary can basically round out Obama's entire agenda and message. The standard of living for Americans is going to go down, one way or another. Obama has wanted that since he was in college. His agenda leans towards it. The circumstances of the global economy lead to that.

All other BS aside, thats basically it. He wants our standard to go down. The circumstance for that to happen exists. Bend over America, we're gonna have some lifestyle adjustments to make. And Barack and Michelle are giddy about it.

The standard of living for most Americans IS going down and has been since the early 70's.

Aside from alerting us that you have an obvious hard-on for this POTUS, your thoughts on this subject don't really lead anywhere.

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