Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

LOL except now we know that Nunes lied about the political origins being excluded from the FISA applications.

This 'memo' was never anything more than a Republican propaganda piece intended to provide cover for Trump.

Hell even saying the Trump campaign was targeted was a clear lie- since Page had not been a member of the Trump campaign for a month when the FISA was requested.

Hmmm, what's the gibberish about the dossier, that parts of it were verified and thus it should not be disparaged?

I think the left should take the same approach with the Nunes summary. You know, if you start to whine that it says things you think should be false, just remember that parts of it are verified.

I am afraid I don't understand your gibberish.

What we do know from Nunes himself- that the claim in the memo that the FBI never told the court about the political origins of the Steele Dossier was a lie.

How much else was also a lie from Nunes- we just don't know.

But it is very obvious that the Nunes 'memo' is nothing more than a GOP hit piece to give cover to Trump.

The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?
Not only was Page cut off from the campaign, he was barely ever attached; according to a Trump attorney...

You were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.”

So if there was a conspiracy by the FBI to:
a) Go after Trump (by filing a 'fake' FISA) request
b) Protect Clinton

Why did the FBI do just the opposite?

They didn't ask for a FISA for Trump Jr? Or Steve Bannon? Or anyone actually on the campaign?

And why did the FBI just days before the election publicly announce they were re-opening the Clinton investigation?

If the FBI was intent of sabotoging the Trump campaign- why did they actually sabotage the Clinton campaign- and not the Trump campaign?

That dog just won't hunt.
LOL except now we know that Nunes lied about the political origins being excluded from the FISA applications.

This 'memo' was never anything more than a Republican propaganda piece intended to provide cover for Trump.

Hell even saying the Trump campaign was targeted was a clear lie- since Page had not been a member of the Trump campaign for a month when the FISA was requested.

Hmmm, what's the gibberish about the dossier, that parts of it were verified and thus it should not be disparaged?

I think the left should take the same approach with the Nunes summary. You know, if you start to whine that it says things you think should be false, just remember that parts of it are verified.

I am afraid I don't understand your gibberish.

What we do know from Nunes himself- that the claim in the memo that the FBI never told the court about the political origins of the Steele Dossier was a lie.

How much else was also a lie from Nunes- we just don't know.

But it is very obvious that the Nunes 'memo' is nothing more than a GOP hit piece to give cover to Trump.

The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Hmmm, what's the gibberish about the dossier, that parts of it were verified and thus it should not be disparaged?

I think the left should take the same approach with the Nunes summary. You know, if you start to whine that it says things you think should be false, just remember that parts of it are verified.

I am afraid I don't understand your gibberish.

What we do know from Nunes himself- that the claim in the memo that the FBI never told the court about the political origins of the Steele Dossier was a lie.

How much else was also a lie from Nunes- we just don't know.

But it is very obvious that the Nunes 'memo' is nothing more than a GOP hit piece to give cover to Trump.

The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.

Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.
We don't "know" whether or not Page as being actively "recruited".
Trump Jr walked out as soon as he knew there was nothing on. (Had there been any info would that have been any different than opposition research)
We have NO idea how much bullshit was in the memo.

Don't be a partisan idiot.
Hmmm, what's the gibberish about the dossier, that parts of it were verified and thus it should not be disparaged?

I think the left should take the same approach with the Nunes summary. You know, if you start to whine that it says things you think should be false, just remember that parts of it are verified.

I am afraid I don't understand your gibberish.

What we do know from Nunes himself- that the claim in the memo that the FBI never told the court about the political origins of the Steele Dossier was a lie.

How much else was also a lie from Nunes- we just don't know.

But it is very obvious that the Nunes 'memo' is nothing more than a GOP hit piece to give cover to Trump.

The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.

I am afraid I don't understand your gibberish.

What we do know from Nunes himself- that the claim in the memo that the FBI never told the court about the political origins of the Steele Dossier was a lie.

How much else was also a lie from Nunes- we just don't know.

But it is very obvious that the Nunes 'memo' is nothing more than a GOP hit piece to give cover to Trump.

The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.

Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.
We don't "know" whether or not Page as being actively "recruited".
Trump Jr walked out as soon as he knew there was nothing on. (Had there been any info would that have been any different than opposition research)
We have NO idea how much bullshit was in the memo.

Don't be a partisan idiot.
”Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.”

Oh? Prove it......
The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.

Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.
We don't "know" whether or not Page as being actively "recruited".
Trump Jr walked out as soon as he knew there was nothing on. (Had there been any info would that have been any different than opposition research)
We have NO idea how much bullshit was in the memo.

Don't be a partisan idiot.
”Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.”

Oh? Prove it......

"How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump"

How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump

There ya go Buttwheat, there are hundreds more just like it.
I am afraid I don't understand your gibberish.

What we do know from Nunes himself- that the claim in the memo that the FBI never told the court about the political origins of the Steele Dossier was a lie.

How much else was also a lie from Nunes- we just don't know.

But it is very obvious that the Nunes 'memo' is nothing more than a GOP hit piece to give cover to Trump.

The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.

Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.
We don't "know" whether or not Page as being actively "recruited".
Trump Jr walked out as soon as he knew there was nothing on. (Had there been any info would that have been any different than opposition research)
We have NO idea how much bullshit was in the memo.

Don't be a partisan idiot.

We do know that the Russians had actively attempted to recruit Page
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump

From what we know Trump Jr. was excited about getting dirt on Clinton from the Russians- but didn't get any.

There is no 'there' in the Nunes memo.
I don't have to be partisan to recognize what a steaming pile of crap the Nunes memo is- plenty of Republicans thinks so too- like this Republican former head of the intelligence committee- AND former FBI agent:

KELLY: As someone who spent a lot of hours poring over classified memos produced by intelligence committee staffers, what catches your eye in this one?

ROGERS: Just how incomplete it really is - it gives you part of the story. But clearly there is a lot more information that they either chose not to put in there or couldn't put in there because of classification. And I argue that probably doesn't allow you to make the best decision based on the information just in the memo itself.

KELLY: What about the state of the Russia investigation? Is this a blip, and we'll all be moving on to talking about something else next week? Or do you think there will be lasting fallout from this?

ROGERS: Well, it depends. I mean, certainly there's speculation that it rattles the confidence in Rod Rosenstein, who is now the deputy attorney general. But candidly, there's not a lot there. Most of that information has been already out in the public. And so I'm skeptical that it'll have a long impact. I think the worst impact it's going to have is just driving this partisan - sharp-edge partisanship deeper into the committee.

KELLY: And what about the strange relationship that has emerged between the president, his own FBI director and the Justice Department, which, you know, is part of the executive branch? As someone with your experience, who has worked for the FBI, has also run the House Intelligence Committee, it's quite a pickle they find themselves in.

ROGERS: Well, it is. It's pretty unusual. I've heard a lot of folks say that the FBI director should resign. I passionately disagree with that. I do - I think he should stay. This is one thing. He disagreed with the president on the release. The president gets to make that decision. He agreed to the release. You know, I'm sure there'll be other disagreements as well. So he can't take our toys and go home every time there's a dispute. And I can tell you, from an FBI agent's perspective, it's just an uncomfortable place for them to be. They don't like being in politics in the first place. They don't like being kicked around by politics in the second place. And having the commander in chief do it is probably just not that helpful.

KELLY: You said the FBI doesn't like being in politics. Republicans - your fellow Republicans, some of them have alleged that this memo lays out what is a pattern of a posse of FBI and Justice Department officials who don't like President Trump, never liked President Trump, want to see his presidency fail. And they're using the Russia probe to sabotage him. Can you 100 percent rule that out - that that's not true?

ROGERS: Well, you know, just as much as I don't like saying that we should, you know, find the folks guilty that they put out in the memo, I don't think we should impugn the integrity unless there's just more there. You know, my...

KELLY: You're saying you can't rule it out, but you've seen no evidence that it's the case.

ROGERS: Yeah, exactly. And here's the thing that I think, you know, bothers me so much, especially as a Republican who chaired the Intelligence Committee. I believe that we need to be cautious and use good oversight on government agencies because they can abuse power. What bothers me is that I also take that same standard to the president and to the intelligence committee itself. They're alleging that there was abuse of the FBI power in getting a warrant in an election year. Well, that's pretty serious.
Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.

Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.
We don't "know" whether or not Page as being actively "recruited".
Trump Jr walked out as soon as he knew there was nothing on. (Had there been any info would that have been any different than opposition research)
We have NO idea how much bullshit was in the memo.

Don't be a partisan idiot.
”Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.”

Oh? Prove it......

"How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump"

How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump

There ya go Buttwheat, there are hundreds more just like it.

So how does that prove that the Steele Dossier was almost all 'bullshit' as you claim?

From your article:

By all accounts, Mr. Steele has an excellent reputation with American and British intelligence colleagues and had done work for the F.B.I. on the investigation of bribery at FIFA, soccer’s global governing body. Colleagues say he was acutely aware of the danger he and his associates were being fed Russian disinformation. Russian intelligence had mounted a complex hacking operation to damage Mrs. Clinton, and a similar operation against Mr. Trump was possible.
Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.

Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.
We don't "know" whether or not Page as being actively "recruited".
Trump Jr walked out as soon as he knew there was nothing on. (Had there been any info would that have been any different than opposition research)
We have NO idea how much bullshit was in the memo.

Don't be a partisan idiot.
”Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.”

Oh? Prove it......

"How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump"

How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump

There ya go Buttwheat, there are hundreds more just like it.
Aww, what a pity you couldn’t post an article which corroborated your claim, ”Um we know it was almost ALL bullshit.”

That’s ok, I didn’t really expect you could.
I am afraid I don't understand your gibberish.

What we do know from Nunes himself- that the claim in the memo that the FBI never told the court about the political origins of the Steele Dossier was a lie.

How much else was also a lie from Nunes- we just don't know.

But it is very obvious that the Nunes 'memo' is nothing more than a GOP hit piece to give cover to Trump.

The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown, but they did NOT have sufficient cause and concern enough to convince the FISA court to allow them to spy on anybody without using unvetted information and that is the truth. To this very day the FBI/DOJ still cannot verify the information in that dossier, so all you Lefties out there should consider whether or not the FBI/DOJ should put any American citizen under surveillance if the provenance and accuracy of their supporting evidence is unverified.
The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown, but they did NOT have sufficient cause and concern enough to convince the FISA court to allow them to spy on anybody without using unvetted information and that is the truth. To this very day the FBI/DOJ still cannot verify the information in that dossier, so all you Lefties out there should consider whether or not the FBI/DOJ should put any American citizen under surveillance if the provenance and accuracy of their supporting evidence is unverified.
I question it. Show your proof the FBI presented the FISC unverified Intel.....
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it, and they detract credibility from the rest of it. The fact that they were included throws doubt on the rest of it. "Your honor, my neighbor has been operating a meth lab in his basement. Oh, and he was also abducted by aliens at least three times".
The problem, however, is that the salacious parts WERE part of it,

You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

None of the dossier has been verified... Or McCabe and Comey are both liars under oath..
You have no way to know that.
How would they be pertinent in a warrant application specific to Page?

You misunderstand. They were part of the dossier itself, and throw doubt on the rest of the document.
Nonsense. They don’t throw out the verified parts of the dossier because some other parts were not verified. I’ll also point out that not verified ≠ verified as false.

There are no "verified parts" other than the claim that Page went to Russia. McCabe couldn't name a single claim in the dossier that was verified when he testified before Congress for 8 hours.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

None of the dossier has been verified... Or McCabe and Comey are both liars under oath..
Denying the contents of article I posted doesn’t make me a liar.
Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown, but they did NOT have sufficient cause and concern enough to convince the FISA court to allow them to spy on anybody without using unvetted information and that is the truth. To this very day the FBI/DOJ still cannot verify the information in that dossier, so all you Lefties out there should consider whether or not the FBI/DOJ should put any American citizen under surveillance if the provenance and accuracy of their supporting evidence is unverified.
I question it. Show your proof the FBI presented the FISC unverified Intel.....

This as written in January 2018, by The Atlantic, not exactly a RW news source. Do you realize who Steele's sources were? RUSSIANS. I highly doubt the FISA court knew that.

What’s notable about the dossier is that it appears not to have been intended as a statement of ultimate truth for public consumption: It was what Steele’s sources were telling him, and what he as an intelligence veteran believed to be persuasive, but it was not proven. Parts of the dossier have been borne out, especially as regards Russian hacking efforts and meetings between Carter Page and Russians, but the vast majority remains unverified (though Steele reportedly believes it is largely correct). BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith defended the release of the dossier as a victory for transparency and press freedom in a New York Times op-ed Wednesday, but it remains hard to argue that publishing unverified information aided the press. The dossier was effectively hearsay, providing useful leads, but not fact—which is what separates it from bonafide primary sources that journalists reproduce for their readers, like court documents. The willingness of the press to publish the dossier despite not having verified its contents likely tainted the press’s reputation, especially with Trump supporters.

What 'Fire and Fury' Shares With the Steele Dossier
Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown, but they did NOT have sufficient cause and concern enough to convince the FISA court to allow them to spy on anybody without using unvetted information and that is the truth. To this very day the FBI/DOJ still cannot verify the information in that dossier, so all you Lefties out there should consider whether or not the FBI/DOJ should put any American citizen under surveillance if the provenance and accuracy of their supporting evidence is unverified.
I question it. Show your proof the FBI presented the FISC unverified Intel.....

This as written in January 2018, by The Atlantic, not exactly a RW news source. Do you realize who Steele's sources were? RUSSIANS. I highly doubt the FISA court knew that.

What’s notable about the dossier is that it appears not to have been intended as a statement of ultimate truth for public consumption: It was what Steele’s sources were telling him, and what he as an intelligence veteran believed to be persuasive, but it was not proven. Parts of the dossier have been borne out, especially as regards Russian hacking efforts and meetings between Carter Page and Russians, but the vast majority remains unverified (though Steele reportedly believes it is largely correct). BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith defended the release of the dossier as a victory for transparency and press freedom in a New York Times op-ed Wednesday, but it remains hard to argue that publishing unverified information aided the press. The dossier was effectively hearsay, providing useful leads, but not fact—which is what separates it from bonafide primary sources that journalists reproduce for their readers, like court documents. The willingness of the press to publish the dossier despite not having verified its contents likely tainted the press’s reputation, especially with Trump supporters.

What 'Fire and Fury' Shares With the Steele Dossier
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re telling me there’s nothing verified in the dossier — and then YOU post this...

Parts of the dossier have been borne out


The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown, but they did NOT have sufficient cause and concern enough to convince the FISA court to allow them to spy on anybody without using unvetted information and that is the truth. To this very day the FBI/DOJ still cannot verify the information in that dossier, so all you Lefties out there should consider whether or not the FBI/DOJ should put any American citizen under surveillance if the provenance and accuracy of their supporting evidence is unverified.

That is a fascinating fantasy you have come up with.

Also fascinating is that the GOP doesn't care about any other FISA cases- or whether any American other than Carter Page might have had 'unverified' information as the basis for the FISA request.

What we do know is that Nunes lied in his memo about the information about the Steele memo not being provided.
Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown, but they did NOT have sufficient cause and concern enough to convince the FISA court to allow them to spy on anybody without using unvetted information and that is the truth. To this very day the FBI/DOJ still cannot verify the information in that dossier, so all you Lefties out there should consider whether or not the FBI/DOJ should put any American citizen under surveillance if the provenance and accuracy of their supporting evidence is unverified.

That is a fascinating fantasy you have come up with.

Also fascinating is that the GOP doesn't care about any other FISA cases- or whether any American other than Carter Page might have had 'unverified' information as the basis for the FISA request.

What we do know is that Nunes lied in his memo about the information about the Steele memo not being provided.

Why do you assume the GOP doesn't care about any other FISA cases, you have no reason to support that claim. In fact I am quite sure the Repubs do indeed have a great deal on interest and concern for FISA requests being granted without enough verified information. A helluva lot more than the democrats did under the Obama Admin or at the present time.

As for the Nunes memo, it states:

1) The “dossier” compiled by Christopher Steele (Steele dossier) on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application. Steele was a longtime FBI source who was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign, via the law firm Perkins Coie and research firm Fusion GPS, to obtain derogatory information on Donald Trump’s ties to Russia.

a) Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials.

b) The initial FISA application notes Steele was working for a named U.S. person, but does not name Fusion GPS and principal Glenn Simpson, who was paid by a U.S. law firm (Perkins Coie) representing the DNC (even though it was known by DOJ at the time that political actors were involved with the Steele dossier). The application does not mention Steele was ultimately working on behalf of—and paid by—the DNC and Clinton campaign, or that the FBI had separately authorized payment to Steele for the same information.

Actually, we do not yet know for sure whether these statements are true or not. So as yet there is no proof whatsoever of any lie in that memo in this regard.
The dossier was a steaming pile hit piece on Trump, yet we're supposed to respect it and not demand its author face consequences because "parts of it were verified". Likewise, it is fair to demand respect for the Nunes summary because most of it, with the possible exception of this one little piece, has also been verified. Not expecting consistency here, but noting the hysteria.

Who is telling you that you have to 'respect' the Steele dossier? Certainly not me- who is saying you have to believe the Steel dossier?

And who are you to tell me I have to respect the Nunes steaming pile of a hit piece?

Remember- the entire theme of the Nunes hit piece is the claim that the FBI did not reveal the bias of the Steele Dossier to the court- but Nunes lied about that in the memo- flat out lied in the memo about that.

Far from everything being 'verified' what the FBI and others have pointed out is that the Nunes memo has falsehoods, and also left out key data. Matter of fact- the Nunes memo is everything the GOP claims the Steele memo is- it is politically biased, produced by a man with a open bias towards President Trump. It leaves out key information- stating that the Steele Dossier was paid for by the Democrats- but leaving out that it was also funded by Conservatives. The Nunes memo also leaves out that the FBI knew that the Russians attempted to recruit Page several years ago- so he was a person of interest even before any of this happened.

And finally- how the hell can this be proof of an attack on the Trump campaign- when Page wasn't a member of the Trump campaign anymore?

Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown,.

Why is it 'yet unknown'?

a) Nunes decided not to tell us and
b) Nunes blocked the release of the Democrats rebuttal so that it would not compete with the GOP propaganda piece.

What we do know for certain is that the FISA application was not based solely on the Steele Dossier- and that Nunes lied about what was in the FISA application.
Okay, so no problem then accurately describing the dossier as a steaming pile that should not have been used to get permission to spy on an American. Works for me.

I don't know whether the dossier is pure bullshit or not- none of us do.

But we do know that the Steele dossier certainly wasn't the only thing that was used to get permission to spy on an American- in addition- just what we do know- because Nunes was playing fast and furious with the facts:
  • Page had been previously contacted by the Russian who wanted to recruit him as a spy.
  • The FBI had heard about the Russians offering Clinton evidence to the Trump campaign by Papadopolus months before.
Is there more? Will Trump release the Democrats 'memo'?

We will have to see. But Nunes memo itself- was a pure propaganda hit piece- and it certainly is a steaming pile of BS.
Also, evidence from Papadopoulos was used to obtain a warrant on Page. The FBI has sufficient cause and concern to spy on someone other than Trump. Leave it to the conservative cult to claim Obama’s FBI spied on Trump with fake evidence.


They used unverified information to get that FISA warrant, that much is unquestioned. We know the FISA court declined an earlier request, so Obama's FBI/DOJ added the Steele dossier and tried again. What they actually disclosed to the FISA court is as yet unknown, but they did NOT have sufficient cause and concern enough to convince the FISA court to allow them to spy on anybody without using unvetted information and that is the truth. To this very day the FBI/DOJ still cannot verify the information in that dossier, so all you Lefties out there should consider whether or not the FBI/DOJ should put any American citizen under surveillance if the provenance and accuracy of their supporting evidence is unverified.

That is a fascinating fantasy you have come up with.

Also fascinating is that the GOP doesn't care about any other FISA cases- or whether any American other than Carter Page might have had 'unverified' information as the basis for the FISA request.

What we do know is that Nunes lied in his memo about the information about the Steele memo not being provided.

Why do you assume the GOP doesn't care about any other FISA cases, you have no reason to support that claim. In fact I am quite sure the Repubs do indeed have a great deal on interest and concern for FISA requests being granted without enough verified information. .

I am not assuming. The GOP controlled house reauthorized the FISA courts without any changes to the program or any discussion of any other FISA cases being authorized based upon 'unverified information'.

If the GOP really cared about the privacy and rights of Americans- and really felt that FISA had been abused- why did they reauthorize the FISA court less than a month ago- without ANY CHANGES.

And a week later the GOP controlled Senate did the same thing.

House passes FISA reauthorization despite Trump tweet criticizing program - CNNPolitics
House passes FISA reauthorization despite Trump tweet criticizing the program

So tell me again about this deep concern the GOP has for the rights of Americans.......who are not former members of the Trump campaign?

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