Sullivan Caves In, Hates On Flynn


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Catchy little rhyme eh? So, Mueller intimidates a district court judge who just yesterday was FURIOUS at him for the original 302 interview notes being withheld. So Mueller releases them last night instead of last Monday when the judge demanded they be produced. Yet this morning, Sullivan is screaming at Flynn and asking the Mueller goons if Flynn could be charged with TREASON! So Judge Sullivan, what happened between last night and this morning and what does Mueller have on YOU? :eusa_eh:

He read the 302 reports maybe?

The original said Strzok and the mystery agent with him (Rosenstein won't reveal his name even under a Congressional subpoena) said they didn't think Flynn was lying.
Again....He read the 302 reports...

They are public, you can read them too

They gave Flynn time after time after time to tell the truth and he lied...

Trump even claimed he fired Flynn because he lied...

I wish you Trump cult members make your mind up
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Yeah. I read that too.

Rosenstein should reveal that mystery agent behind closed doors if he's worried.

Then the other agent could be called to testify and that's the last thing Rosenstein/Mueller want....this is stinking to high heaven. Wray is now as compromised as Magoo was at the DOJ. This is what happens when you take on the Swamp.
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Again....He read the 302 reports...

They are public, you can read them too

They gave Flynn time after time after time to tell the truth and he lied...

Trump even claimed he fired Flynn because he lied...

I wish you Trump cult members make your mind up

He wasn't in custody was he? Why was he told he wouldn't need a lawyer present? Why was it Strzok instead of any of hundreds of other agents? Why didn't Comey file on him instead of Mueller months later? Your side is the fucking cult...we are ordinary Americans trying to deal with the sewer the FBI has become.
LoLing @ far rightwing conjecture.

You know if Trump survives all of this and is reelected, you won't find the FBI and DOJ doing the same crap to your side so funny. He, like Kavanaugh, has a long memory and a shit-list a foot long.
It will depend on how the Judge want to sentence him.

This Judge could very well send him to jail even though Mueller stated he didn't want jail time for Flynn.
You know if Trump survives all of this and is reelected, you won't find the FBI and DOJ doing the same crap to your side so funny. He, like Kavanaugh, has a long memory and a shit-list a foot long.
Is this some sort of partisan threat you're making and/or promoting?
You know if Trump survives all of this and is reelected, you won't find the FBI and DOJ doing the same crap to your side so funny. He, like Kavanaugh, has a long memory and a shit-list a foot long.
Is this some sort of partisan threat you're making and/or promoting?

Fuckin think Trump won't get some payback?
It will depend on how the Judge want to sentence him.

This Judge could very well send him to jail even though Mueller stated he didn't want jail time for Flynn.

A full pardon from the President is coming regardless of what the scared-off judge does.

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