Suleiman, the next dictator of Egypt

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
LONDON, (PIC)-- Documents leaked Monday say Egypt's new vice-president Omar Suleiman was Israel's prime candidate to succeed Hosni Mobarak and he communicated with the Israelis on a daily basis.

The secret US documents dating back to 2008 says David Hacham, a senior advisor from the Israeli war ministry, named Suleiman to assume the presidency in a number of cables.

The document passed by Wikileaks to the London-based Telegraph newspaper said Hacham praised Suleiman and hotlines between the Israeli ministry and Egyptian intelligence were used daily.


"We defer to Embassy Cairo for analysis of Egyptian succession scenarios, but there is no question that Israel is most comfortable with the prospect of Omar Suleiman,” the document quotes Tel Aviv diplomats as saying.
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Democracy's problems in Egypt don't end with Omar Suleiman.

"Recently released U.S. embassy cables paint a portrait of an Egyptian military led by a sycophantic defense minster with little interest in economic or political reform.

"In recent weeks, that official, Mohamed Tantawi, has been on the phone regularly with U.S. military officials, who view the Egyptian army as a crucial conduit for change and continued stability.

"One cable describes mid-level army officers as 'disgruntled [1]' and particularly critical of Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Tantawi, whom they saw as too subservient to Mubarak’s regime (The New York Times has a piece citing parts of the cables [2], but doesn’t link to them.

"We found the full cables on the Guardian’s site.):

"These officers refer to Tantawi as 'Mubarak's poodle,' he said, and complain that 'this incompetent Defense Minister' who reached his position only because of unwavering loyalty to Mubarak is 'running the military into the ground.'

"He opined that a culture of blind obedience pervades the MOD where the sole criteria for promotion is loyalty, and that the MOD leadership does not hesitate to fire officers it perceives as being 'too competent' and who therefore potentially pose a threat to the regime."

As Egyptian Army...
Israel loves him but the Egyptian people don't.

Let's see how this democracy thing works out.
Ralph Nader's Thoughts:

"...All this disingenuous image of moderation may be the regime's way of biding for time so as to more fully prepare to depress or destroy this popular uprising in various ways short of massive violence watched by the whole world in real time.

"Choosing the latter course could unleash forces in this impoverished and brutalized country of 80 million people that both the army could not contain and the already fragile economy could not endure.

"If, as rumored, the trade unions exert their independence and form worker committees that could organize a general strike, then an alternative support structure could join the protestors to call for some economic relief, such as increasing wages and consumer subsidies. However, the Mubarak government has an inside watch on anything like such an initiative materializing as well.

"The regime is propagandizing that there is no alternative to itself being the transition, whatever that may be, other than chaos and radical revolution against the West."

Time for Democracy...
Nobody in the administration has any illusions about Suleiman's likely intentions to revert to the old familiar games of the Egyptian national security state: dividing and co-opting the opposition, selective repression, stoking fears of Islamists, playing for time while evoking a desire for normalcy, offering token reforms which can either be retracted down the road or emptied of meaning, and protecting the core perogoatives of the regime.

Suleiman: When Egypt's Transitional Figure Won't Transition - Yahoo! News

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