Suicide Bombing In Moscow's Airport

No word yet on "who done it", but Reuters is already implying a relationship to Islamist insurgency.

The Kremlin is struggling to contain an Islamist insurgency in the mainly Muslim North Caucasus, and rebels have repeatedly vowed they will take their battle to the Russian heartland.

Suicide bomber kills 31 at Russian airport: reports | Reuters
I wonder if the Russians will go goofy and start calling for a "toning down" of the rhetoric?
They did it to blow up Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, which can now be confirmed to have been in a "secret unidentified location" in a locker in the Moscow airport.

Those darm Moooslum terrerrrsts, always protecting their own. :D
A tragic attack, no-doubt. But mark my words, the Russian retaliation will be breathtakingly brutal.
The Russkies don't fuck around do they? There aint gonna' be any "What did we do to deserve this?" talk from them.
A tragic attack, no-doubt. But mark my words, the Russian retaliation will be breathtakingly brutal.
The Russkies don't fuck around do they? There aint gonna' be any "What did we do to deserve this?" talk from them.

No, the Russian's certainly don't "fuck around" with regards to striking back at their enemies. For all its faults, Russia's attitude to dealing with a threat to its national security is one of its most admirable attributes. In the sense that they're crystal clear concerning the consequences of attacking Russia. It's black and white. Beware: You do me harm, and the Russian bear will know no mercy in its vengeance.

It's a policy that's proven its worth and actually works. Whoever did this is going to suffer; but this time there won't be any human rights lawyers to hide behind. Because Russia doesn't repect the human rights of the animals that did this.
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A tragic attack, no-doubt. But mark my words, the Russian retaliation will be breathtakingly brutal.

Will they get UN approval and make it legal? do Russsians torture?? They didn't do much after the Cheznian school incident did they? Or the gass attacks in the theatre..
A tragic attack, no-doubt. But mark my words, the Russian retaliation will be breathtakingly brutal.

Will they get UN approval and make it legal? do Russsians torture?? They didn't do much after the Cheznian school incident did they? Or the gass attacks in the theatre..

1. Russia usually couldn't care less about what the UN thinks. If their citizens have been harmed, they hunt and punish those responsible. Failing that, they'll just burn down a few villages known to be sympathetic to their enemy's cause.

2. Russia, like the rest of the western world (US, UK, etc...), tortures those it suspects of wishing it harm to extract vital intel. To think otherwise would be dangerously naive.

3. The slaughter carried out by Russian special forces (Spetznaz) in the Caucasus after the Moscow Theatre and Beslan school sieges was prolonged and cruel. They don't call Putin the "hammer of Grozny" for no reason, you know.
A tragic attack, no-doubt. But mark my words, the Russian retaliation will be breathtakingly brutal.

Will they get UN approval and make it legal? do Russsians torture?? They didn't do much after the Cheznian school incident did they? Or the gass attacks in the theatre..

1. Russia usually couldn't care less about what the UN thinks. If their citizens have been harmed, they hunt and punish those responsible. Failing that, they'll just burn down a few villages known to be sympathetic to their enemy's cause.

2. Russia, like the rest of the western world (US, UK, etc...), tortures those it suspects of wishing it harm to extract vital intel. To think otherwise would be dangerously naive.

3. The slaughter carried out by Russian special forces (Spetznaz) in the Caucasus after the Moscow Theatre and Beslan school sieges was prolonged and cruel. They don't call Putin the "hammer of Grozny" for no reason, you know.

Oh thiszzzz is good information. I hope the Blame America First Club reads it.

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