Suggestions for Trump supporters


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Like it or not, the midterms didn't go your way, in fact it was the biggest midterm defeat for the ruling party since the 1970's. Rather than getting angry and lashing out at Liberals (which is silly) here are a few things that will help your cause:

* WIDEN YOUR BASE OF SUPPORT: The GOP under Trump has become the party of the angry white man, because of this, women and minorities are leaving the GOP, and there is not enough supporters left in your base to win. You need to reach out to these people and show them how supporting Trump can help them.

* DO SOMETHING BESIDES ATTACK: I know it's fun to blame the Liberals for everything, but that's not enough to win. Getting out your message out of personal responsibility, your support for capitalism, your support for traditional family values such as traditional marriage, responsibility for raising your children, and a strong work ethic will bring swing voters back into your base of supporters.

*REALIZE THE MOOD OF THE PUBLIC CHANGES: Yes, voters are in a more Liberal mood this time around, but that's not forever, and next time around things could very well swing back your way.

*REALIZE THE WEAKNESS OF THE DEMOCRATS: Your opposition party is made up of a loose coalition of environmentalists, pro choice groups, gun control advocates, and those who want a larger role for government. They are an undisciplined group, who don't always vote as a cohesive whole. As Bill Clinton said 20+ years ago...."getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"

*YOUR PRESIDENT HAS MOST OF CREATED HIS OWN PROBLEMS: Fact facts...ANY President, Republican or Democrat that brings high ranking Russians into the oval office and gives away America's most sensitive intel. Fathers 5 children by 3 different women, lies about Mexico paying for a border wall, and uses more foul language than all the past Presidents combined is going to have some things to answer for. Toning down Mr. President's indiscretions would go a long way in solving your political problems.

I'm an INDEPENDENT and that's the way the ball bounces. :2cents:
The mid terms always go the way of the other side. History proves that.

The Dems have the House but he Reps. have the Senate.

Thoughts from an Independent.
* DO SOMETHING BESIDES ATTACK: I know it's fun to blame the Liberals for everything, but that's not enough to win. Getting out your message out of personal responsibility, your support for capitalism, your support for traditional family values such as traditional marriage, responsibility for raising your children, and a strong work ethic will bring swing voters back into your base of supporters.
Um, which party has been attacking for the past two years with no plan or vision of their own? What planet did you say you were from?
You have to love it. Democrats finally get one election and they are celebrating and telling everyone just how great they are and how bad the other party is at winning elections.

Meanwhile historically they should have won both the house and the senate.
Dems trying to make a smaller than predicted victory (wrought with fraud and criminality) into some huge victory that represents the will of the people. It isn't.

TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Like it or not, the midterms didn't go your way, in fact it was the biggest midterm defeat for the ruling party since the 1970's. Rather than getting angry and lashing out at Liberals (which is silly) here are a few things that will help your cause:

* WIDEN YOUR BASE OF SUPPORT: The GOP under Trump has become the party of the angry white man, because of this, women and minorities are leaving the GOP, and there is not enough supporters left in your base to win. You need to reach out to these people and show them how supporting Trump can help them.

* DO SOMETHING BESIDES ATTACK: I know it's fun to blame the Liberals for everything, but that's not enough to win. Getting out your message out of personal responsibility, your support for capitalism, your support for traditional family values such as traditional marriage, responsibility for raising your children, and a strong work ethic will bring swing voters back into your base of supporters.

*REALIZE THE MOOD OF THE PUBLIC CHANGES: Yes, voters are in a more Liberal mood this time around, but that's not forever, and next time around things could very well swing back your way.

*REALIZE THE WEAKNESS OF THE DEMOCRATS: Your opposition party is made up of a loose coalition of environmentalists, pro choice groups, gun control advocates, and those who want a larger role for government. They are an undisciplined group, who don't always vote as a cohesive whole. As Bill Clinton said 20+ years ago...."getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"

*YOUR PRESIDENT HAS MOST OF CREATED HIS OWN PROBLEMS: Fact facts...ANY President, Republican or Democrat that brings high ranking Russians into the oval office and gives away America's most sensitive intel. Fathers 5 children by 3 different women, lies about Mexico paying for a border wall, and uses more foul language than all the past Presidents combined is going to have some things to answer for. Toning down Mr. President's indiscretions would go a long way in solving your political problems.

I'm an INDEPENDENT and that's the way the ball bounces. :2cents:
LOL! Clinton lost over 50 seats in the House and Obama lost over 60 house seats and lost the Senate. Doesn't seem like 2018 was that bad for Republicans. I'm sure the rest of your post is JUST as accurate as the first stanza, so I'll pass on the rest.

TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Like it or not, the midterms didn't go your way, in fact it was the biggest midterm defeat for the ruling party since the 1970's. Rather than getting angry and lashing out at Liberals (which is silly) here are a few things that will help your cause:

* WIDEN YOUR BASE OF SUPPORT: The GOP under Trump has become the party of the angry white man, because of this, women and minorities are leaving the GOP, and there is not enough supporters left in your base to win. You need to reach out to these people and show them how supporting Trump can help them.

* DO SOMETHING BESIDES ATTACK: I know it's fun to blame the Liberals for everything, but that's not enough to win. Getting out your message out of personal responsibility, your support for capitalism, your support for traditional family values such as traditional marriage, responsibility for raising your children, and a strong work ethic will bring swing voters back into your base of supporters.

*REALIZE THE MOOD OF THE PUBLIC CHANGES: Yes, voters are in a more Liberal mood this time around, but that's not forever, and next time around things could very well swing back your way.

*REALIZE THE WEAKNESS OF THE DEMOCRATS: Your opposition party is made up of a loose coalition of environmentalists, pro choice groups, gun control advocates, and those who want a larger role for government. They are an undisciplined group, who don't always vote as a cohesive whole. As Bill Clinton said 20+ years ago...."getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"

*YOUR PRESIDENT HAS MOST OF CREATED HIS OWN PROBLEMS: Fact facts...ANY President, Republican or Democrat that brings high ranking Russians into the oval office and gives away America's most sensitive intel. Fathers 5 children by 3 different women, lies about Mexico paying for a border wall, and uses more foul language than all the past Presidents combined is going to have some things to answer for. Toning down Mr. President's indiscretions would go a long way in solving your political problems.

I'm an INDEPENDENT and that's the way the ball bounces. :2cents:

Have a link to the biggest midterm defeat since the 70’s. The 2010 mid terms were a worse defeat than this one, according to what I have read.
Don’t you think it strange that when the dems are losing an election they always manage to find misplaced ballots that always favor democrats? It seems like they missplace them ahead of time in case they are needed later. As a Republican I don’t mind losing if it’s a fair election but it seems dems are able to find missing ballots even if they have to give them it jail inmates to fill out after the election. The New Democrat Party seem to be the definition of corrupt.
If the 40 GOP incumbents didn't bail the dems margin of victory would have been single digits if at all. They all got scared off by the MSM's "blue wave" bullshit, instead of realizing that incumbents rarely lose.
If the 40 GOP incumbents didn't bail the dems margin of victory would have been single digits if at all. They all got scared off by the MSM's "blue wave" bullshit, instead of realizing that incumbents rarely lose.
Draining the swamp means the corrupt rinos have to go along with the corrupt dems. I wonder if they were given the option of not choosing to run or if they chose to run they would be indicted along with the rest of the swamp. 54,000 sealed indictments could be a lot of incentive.

TRUMP SUPPORTERS: Like it or not, the midterms didn't go your way, in fact it was the biggest midterm defeat for the ruling party since the 1970's. Rather than getting angry and lashing out at Liberals (which is silly) here are a few things that will help your cause:

* WIDEN YOUR BASE OF SUPPORT: The GOP under Trump has become the party of the angry white man, because of this, women and minorities are leaving the GOP, and there is not enough supporters left in your base to win. You need to reach out to these people and show them how supporting Trump can help them.

* DO SOMETHING BESIDES ATTACK: I know it's fun to blame the Liberals for everything, but that's not enough to win. Getting out your message out of personal responsibility, your support for capitalism, your support for traditional family values such as traditional marriage, responsibility for raising your children, and a strong work ethic will bring swing voters back into your base of supporters.

*REALIZE THE MOOD OF THE PUBLIC CHANGES: Yes, voters are in a more Liberal mood this time around, but that's not forever, and next time around things could very well swing back your way.

*REALIZE THE WEAKNESS OF THE DEMOCRATS: Your opposition party is made up of a loose coalition of environmentalists, pro choice groups, gun control advocates, and those who want a larger role for government. They are an undisciplined group, who don't always vote as a cohesive whole. As Bill Clinton said 20+ years ago...."getting Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats"

*YOUR PRESIDENT HAS MOST OF CREATED HIS OWN PROBLEMS: Fact facts...ANY President, Republican or Democrat that brings high ranking Russians into the oval office and gives away America's most sensitive intel. Fathers 5 children by 3 different women, lies about Mexico paying for a border wall, and uses more foul language than all the past Presidents combined is going to have some things to answer for. Toning down Mr. President's indiscretions would go a long way in solving your political problems.

I'm an INDEPENDENT and that's the way the ball bounces. :2cents:
In Deep? End It.

Too bad you're not independent of the incessant Leftist crybully memes bombarding us night and day about what they require us to dislike about Trump. In order to get accepted by that swamp swarm, Republicans and independents are told they should not have a President who talks like everyday people, but one scripted to recite in the manner required by academic word warriors.
If the 40 GOP incumbents didn't bail the dems margin of victory would have been single digits if at all. They all got scared off by the MSM's "blue wave" bullshit, instead of realizing that incumbents rarely lose.

IF - if, and but's were candy and nuts you would have a merry christmas ....
Message to the independent guy --- this was not the biggest loss in years -- just the biggest Republican loss in years....

I doubt Trump lovers paid attention to the rest of what you said after that...

Next time add more praise for Trump in between your critiques -- it distracts them
The thing is what the dimshit scum can do. With no support from the DOJ the military, the cops and the majority of the country they will soon find the way to hell all by themselves.

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