Suddenly we must get rid of Billionaires

She was "recruited" by the Justice Democrats.
Yeah, she was, but they're not real Marxists or communists. Democrats play the social justice game to get more votes and they sometimes pass laws that help the poor and working class but it's just crumbs. Not enough and often too late. The Democrats also hurt the working class by pretending to be progressive and socially "woke" when they're really not. At least the Republicans are more upfront about their cronyism than the Democrats. They openly admit that they emphasize the vested interests of the wealthy over that of the working class. At least they're more honest with their cronyism.
In this case, AOC hurt the working class by being really, incredibly fucking stupid.

It might be malice, malfeasance, not necessarily stupidity or incompetence. She might perceive what she did to be in her personal best interest. Most of these politicians are well-educated and smart, they're just corrupt. Rotten. They're not dumb, they know exactly what they're doing.
It might be malice, malfeasance, not necessarily stupidity or incompetence. She might perceive what she did to be in her personal best interest. Most of these politicians are well-educated and smart, they're just corrupt. Rotten. They're not dumb, they know exactly what they're doing.

There is no doubt it was stupidity.
You're entitled to your opinion. I don't believe she's stupid, she's just corrupt. She began with good intentions and like most politicians, they eventually join the "dark side".

She thinks the $3 billion discount Amazon would get on their future taxes was
money her district could now invest in new teachers, infrastructure etc.

That's fucking stupid.
She thinks the $3 billion discount Amazon would get on their future taxes was
money her district could now invest in new teachers, infrastructure etc.

That's fucking stupid.
Yeah that is stupid, because even if Amazon pays the taxes, that doesn't imply her district will get the money. She could've gotten over a billion a year from Amazon, as you pointed out. Yes that's stupid.
In this case, AOC hurt the working class by being really, incredibly fucking stupid.
JPMorgan Bank paid $175 million to the 30-year-old founder of the startup Frank with 4 million users.
Of these, more than 70% are fake. The founder invented emails, names and dates of birth for them (a huge effort!).
Who said that capitalists are smart, no, they're just greedy!
to save our demockracy, well maybe not all just one uppity one probably would do right libs.
How would the Democrats be funded?

Why does capitalism use the so-called "Leftists"

It seems that for the right-wingers everything revolves around condemning LGBTQ and concerning themselves with fetuses in other people's wombs, while protecting the vested interests of the rich at the expense of the working class and poor, whereas for the Democrats, they also protect the rich at the expense of the working class while injecting their children with puberty blockers and taking personal pride and entitlement to new heights of depravity and lunacy. They can't even define what a woman is.
Bloomberg: "China is becoming the world's second largest exporter of passenger cars, overtaking the United States and South Korea and risking new tensions with trading partners and competitors"

The guys are no longer disguised. ""New tensions."... What kind of tension? Isn't this capitalism, the free market and all this muss about "the best wins ib free competition"?
Or is capitalism, after all, brute force, robbery and exploitation of the weak?
How are they at stake

The government collects trillions in revenue, spends trillions and regulates trillions of GDP.
That is what's at stake.
You think if you say, "No campaign contributions above $250" that people will say,
"I guess I can't influence lawmakers in any way now"?

Is it that simple?
It will make it a CRIME to contribute more than that. It will become easier to sort out who is breaking the law and who is not. Corporations and billionaires will have no choice but to break the law and be sneaky if they want to have more influence. And if there is a red flag system in place, consumers can decide what corporations they dont want to do business with. That will also influence corporations to behave.

For instance, if I see indications that Coca Cola MAY be contributing way more than the legal amount, then I can choose not to buy it anymore. And believe me, I WOULD make that choice and stick with it until the red flag by that company's name disappeared. We as consumers HAVE to learn to play hardball like that.
It will make it a CRIME to contribute more than that. It will become easier to sort out who is breaking the law and who is not. Corporations and billionaires will have no choice but to break the law and be sneaky if they want to have more influence. And if there is a red flag system in place, consumers can decide what corporations they dont want to do business with. That will also influence corporations to behave.

For instance, if I see indications that Coca Cola MAY be contributing way more than the legal amount, then I can choose not to buy it anymore. And believe me, I WOULD make that choice and stick with it until the red flag by that company's name disappeared. We as consumers HAVE to learn to play hardball like that.

Corporations and billionaires will have no choice but to break the law and be sneaky if they want to have more influence.

By writing articles in a newspaper that make Hillary look bad?

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