Stupid is as Stupid Does


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
OK we, even the democRats with a brain cell know there was massive voter fraud. Most of us know this can't be sorted out and government won't be able to get us through this. But there is so much more with Biden some fail to address. The shady deal biden made with Ukraine and then brags about it on camera. If that wasn't bad enough Hunter flies on Air Force II to China with daddy and walks away with a $1.5 billion deal with the Communist China Bank. I KNOW BIDEN DIDN'T WIN THIS ELECTION. Not from being from Arizona but from listening from alternate news while listening to total silence from the treasonous media. This is the best way I have found to address just how corrupt Crusty Joe is. It just might convenes a democRat who must vote for the most corrupt and stupid among us to begin with.

Biden will sell everything Bill didn't sell and obama didn't give away. You democRats can't be that stupid so I would think justice would have you rounded up and shipped 300 miles West of San Francisco. But the other party isn't that criminal, we will let you take the B
his son and your chains with you. ENJOY YOUR DESERVED UTOPIA
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OK we, even the democRats with a brain cell know there was massive voter fraud. Most of us know this can't be sorted out and government won't be able to get us through this. But there is so much more with Biden some fail to address. The shady deal biden made with Ukraine and then brags about it on camera. If that wasn't bad enough Hunter flies on Air Force II to China with daddy and walks away with a $1.5 billion deal with the Communist China Bank. I KNOW BIDEN DIDN'T WIN THIS ELECTION. Not from being from Arizona but from listening from alternate news while listening to total silence from the treasonous media. This is the best way I have found to address just how corrupt Crusty Joe is. It just might convenes a democRat who must vote for the most corrupt and stupid among us to begin with.

Most do not know any such thing. Majority of democrats and republicans and independents do not believe the "massive voter fraud" LIE. Only the minority with few or defective brain cells, living in their own fantasy bubble and seeking to overthrow the election and representative government, believe strongly in that crap.
OK we, even the democRats with a brain cell know there was massive voter fraud. Most of us know this can't be sorted out and government won't be able to get us through this. But there is so much more with Biden some fail to address. The shady deal biden made with Ukraine and then brags about it on camera. If that wasn't bad enough Hunter flies on Air Force II to China with daddy and walks away with a $1.5 billion deal with the Communist China Bank. I KNOW BIDEN DIDN'T WIN THIS ELECTION. Not from being from Arizona but from listening from alternate news while listening to total silence from the treasonous media. This is the best way I have found to address just how corrupt Crusty Joe is. It just might convenes a democRat who must vote for the most corrupt and stupid among us to begin with.

This would only be criminal if the name Hunter was changed to Don Jr. Then it would be the crime of the century......…..Tru dat.
OK we, even the democRats with a brain cell know there was massive voter fraud.
We know no such thing. Election fraud only exists in the fevered imaginations of the truly stupid among Trump's minions. If you want to keep getting ridiculed, keep posting this sort of drivel. Biden is President-elect. Get used to it.
OK we, even the democRats with a brain cell know there was massive voter fraud.
We know no such thing. Election fraud only exists in the fevered imaginations of the truly stupid among Trump's minions. If you want to keep getting ridiculed, keep posting this sort of drivel. Biden is President-elect. Get used to it.

You fucks screamed about election fraud for four fucking years. Now, there is none at all.

Sad how pathetic you are.
Majority of democrats and republicans and independents do not believe the "massive voter fraud" LIE.
A bare majority of demo’s have not wised up yet

But the numbers are rising

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