Study shows Pilots more prone to blood clots. Vaccines have been causing blood clots in them.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Well libs, how about following this science?

New studies showing how dangerous these experimental vaccines are:

Medical News Today published a study on June 15th, 2021 that showed an increased risk of blood clotting and low platelets in AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine recipients. Some scientists hypothesize that since the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the shot causes a full body reaction, once the vaccine comes into contact with platelets inside the human body, the vaccine activates those platelets, causing them to change shape and transmit chemical signals to the immune system. Those platelets send out platelet factor 4(PF4), which regulates blood clotting

Incoming lefty responses:
Well libs, how about following this science?

New studies showing how dangerous these experimental vaccines are:

Medical News Today published a study on June 15th, 2021 that showed an increased risk of blood clotting and low platelets in AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine recipients. Some scientists hypothesize that since the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the shot causes a full body reaction, once the vaccine comes into contact with platelets inside the human body, the vaccine activates those platelets, causing them to change shape and transmit chemical signals to the immune system. Those platelets send out platelet factor 4(PF4), which regulates blood clotting

Fascinating, beam me up Scotty.
I am guessing sitting in a cockpit all day puts one at risk independent of the jabs
I suppose it is more believable than some of the other right wing anti Vaccination propaganda- Trump created a vaccine to counter a virus created by Democrats and China, but the vaccine is really poison that liberals want to force on everyone so the Biden administration can control them with cell phone towers. And that’s before serpent DNA and magnetism enter the conversation.
Well libs, how about following this science?

New studies showing how dangerous these experimental vaccines are:

Medical News Today published a study on June 15th, 2021 that showed an increased risk of blood clotting and low platelets in AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine recipients. Some scientists hypothesize that since the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the shot causes a full body reaction, once the vaccine comes into contact with platelets inside the human body, the vaccine activates those platelets, causing them to change shape and transmit chemical signals to the immune system. Those platelets send out platelet factor 4(PF4), which regulates blood clotting

They are using vaccines to dumbed-down the public. That they know that these vaccines are the cause of autism. That they are causing blood clots in the brain. Blood clots in the brain slow down our motor skills and pacify us. That we cannot think critically. That we will be walking around like zombies and caring less what they do to us and to our children. That the only thing that will make us mad is when they don't feed us.
And that is what kind of society that these people want. A society that they can control and still capable of performing some tasks. But unable to communicate with other people. And be unable to fight back while the Globalists are raping us.

Taste wise Finn likes quite bland food without any strong flavour. For example he loves bread and breadsticks, pancakes, rice, Weetabix and fish fingers. Many autistic children will have the opposite preference and will actively seek out strong, spicy or sour flavours.

In the majority of the cases, the blood clots at the level of the brain are caused by the injuries of the blood vessels in the area. Unfortunately, the symptoms of such problems are quite complex, including a lack of coordination, vertigo, headaches and speech problems.

Children with autism not only have limited social and communicative skills but also have motor abnormalities, such as poor timing and coordination of balance. Moreover, impaired gross motor skills hamper participation with peers.

The real danger is that the Vaccine is sterilizing White People. This will allow a faster transition to a Minority Majority.
The real danger is that the Vaccine is sterilizing White People. This will allow a faster transition to a Minority Majority.
They have already started that program decades ago. I have never seen so many Whites that are having so much trouble having a child. Now you see couples going to the doctor every day paying to have a child. But back in the days, everybody was spitting them out like they are the Waltons.

U.S. women also are not strangers to forced sterilizations. As early as 1907, the United States had instituted public policy that gave the government the right “to sterilize unwilling and unwitting people.”

Laws, similar to Law 116, were passed in 30 states. These policies listed the “insane,” the “feeble-minded,” the “dependent,” and the “diseased” as incapable of regulating their own reproductive abilities, therefore justifying government-forced sterilizations. Legitimizing sterilization for certain groups led to further exploitation, as group divisions were made along race and class lines.

Some states, notably including North Carolina, set up Eugenics Boards in the early 20th century. These boards reviewed petitions from government and private agencies to impose sterilization on poor, unwed, and/or mentally disabled women, children and men. North Carolina alone sterilized over 7,600 individuals between the 1930 and 1970s.


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