Study On Liberals and Ethics

[QUOTE="NYcarbineer, post: 11362537, member: 18701"]The importance of what?

just what i thought, you are too stupid to understand the OP.., did you read it ? do you need help ? if so contact any Conservative first grader, i am certain any one of them can explain it to you. :up:

It would be murder to throw an innocent person in front a trolley, not matter what the rationale. So the only correct answer is no, I wouldn't throw anyone.

The individual answers to this question varies obviously.

This thread is about the differences between liberals and conservatives revealed by looked at their answers as a group.

It appears that race matters to liberals more than to conservatives.

It also appears that national loyalty does not.

Show us in the study what the amount of variation was between the liberals and conservatives.

Oh, and btw, they based the liberal/conservative measurements by self-identification, which is an inaccurate measure.[/QUOTE]
If someone always identifies as a liberal or a conservative then that's what group they are a part of... True Libs are very racist and want a violent revolution. True conservatives want peace, equality, and stability.

dimocrap scum header, "Fifteen Saudis die in tragic Plane Crash!
Will this mean War?"

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.
Slowly the secular progressive liberals are starting to trickle in. They are rallying offline at the moment having a working group meeting focused on the their next clown face assault campaign- but all signs are this thread is drawing their attention away.

True story

Shit like this happens every day on multiple occasions with ISIS and in Islam in general.

Reaction from dimocrap scum? Silence.

Pamela Geller tries to draw attention to the scum in the cult called Islam and dimocrap filth are all over her, blaming her for the deaths of two jihadi goat-fuckers in Garland.

People...... dimocrap scum don't care about women.

dimocrap scum don't care about Blacks, the working man or anything else other than their own power.

But, those groups are STUPID enough to keep buying into their lies.

And oh........ ISIS sends a special shout-out of thanks to the Lying Cocksucker in Chief -- Without whose cowardice, none of this would be possible.

ISIS Forced Sex Slave To Marry 20 Fighters And Have Corrective ‘Restoring Virginity’ Surgery Each Time


Via Daily Mail:

An Islamic State terrorist group forced a sex slave to marry 20 fighters and even made her undergo surgery each time to restore her virginity, a United Nations official said.

The group paraded and traded Syrian and Iraqi girls in ‘slave bazaars’ before the victims were shipped to other provinces, it was claimed.
Zainab Bangura, special envoy on sexual violence in conflict, travelled to five countries and interviewed dozens of women and young girls who had survived brutal sexual abuse.

She said the girls were routinely stripped naked before being categorized and shipped off.
‘Women and girls are at risk and under assault at every point in their lives,’ she said.

Keep reading…
There is help for the radical left who again have gone MIA


Deprogramming Liberalism

A conservative’s challenge is not victory over liberalism.

The real challenge is that liberals desperately need help. Until now conservatives have singularly focused on winning a match of ideas with liberals – and if that was the only criteria, conservatism would have won long ago. But conservatives are losing because that is not the real battle. Liberals care little about a game of matching ideas because they are engaged in a fulltime war with their own inherent fears, dragging the country down like a drowning man who pulls others below the surface with him. Liberals don’t need to be defeated – they need to berescued. To save America from the ideology of liberalism,it needs to be ‘defeated’ by rescuing liberals.

Liberals are not deliberately attempting to destroy America.

Conservatives have been told that liberals are deliberatelydestroying the country. This makes no sense. Why would liberals deliberately destroy the country they also must live in? There simply must be a deeper reason for their destructive attitudes and policies – and there is. The destruction is a result of their own panicked reactions to their own ingrained paranoia. A liberal’s whole world revolves around a foundation of paranoid delusion.
There is help for the radical left who again have gone MIA


Deprogramming Liberalism

A conservative’s challenge is not victory over liberalism.

The real challenge is that liberals desperately need help. Until now conservatives have singularly focused on winning a match of ideas with liberals – and if that was the only criteria, conservatism would have won long ago. But conservatives are losing because that is not the real battle. Liberals care little about a game of matching ideas because they are engaged in a fulltime war with their own inherent fears, dragging the country down like a drowning man who pulls others below the surface with him. Liberals don’t need to be defeated – they need to berescued. To save America from the ideology of liberalism,it needs to be ‘defeated’ by rescuing liberals.

Liberals are not deliberately attempting to destroy America.

Conservatives have been told that liberals are deliberatelydestroying the country. This makes no sense. Why would liberals deliberately destroy the country they also must live in? There simply must be a deeper reason for their destructive attitudes and policies – and there is. The destruction is a result of their own panicked reactions to their own ingrained paranoia. A liberal’s whole world revolves around a foundation of paranoid delusion.

I disagree with the author.

dimocrap filth ARE trying to destroy America. I don't mean burn it down or bomb it or poison it -- I mean destroy it as we know it and, after the anarchy, after the society melts down and the support systems we've set up are overwhelmed --

scum of the earth dimocrap filth move in and take over. the Lying Cocksucker in Chief and the entire dimocrap party is following the path laid out in the Cloward-Piven strategy.

The Issue is Never the issue.

David Horowitz A Modern Machiavelli 2 Lyrics Genius

The issue is revolution
Shit like this happens every day on multiple occasions with ISIS and in Islam in general.

Reaction from dimocrap scum? Silence.

Pamela Geller tries to draw attention to the scum in the cult called Islam and dimocrap filth are all over her, blaming her for the deaths of two jihadi goat-fuckers in Garland.

People...... dimocrap scum don't care about women.

dimocrap scum don't care about Blacks, the working man or anything else other than their own power.

But, those groups are STUPID enough to keep buying into their lies.

And oh........ ISIS sends a special shout-out of thanks to the Lying Cocksucker in Chief -- Without whose cowardice, none of this would be possible.

ISIS Forced Sex Slave To Marry 20 Fighters And Have Corrective ‘Restoring Virginity’ Surgery Each Time


Via Daily Mail:

An Islamic State terrorist group forced a sex slave to marry 20 fighters and even made her undergo surgery each time to restore her virginity, a United Nations official said.

The group paraded and traded Syrian and Iraqi girls in ‘slave bazaars’ before the victims were shipped to other provinces, it was claimed.
Zainab Bangura, special envoy on sexual violence in conflict, travelled to five countries and interviewed dozens of women and young girls who had survived brutal sexual abuse.

She said the girls were routinely stripped naked before being categorized and shipped off.
‘Women and girls are at risk and under assault at every point in their lives,’ she said.

Keep reading…

Some on the left don't mind "competing" with the Right by learning to appreciate modern women being their modern selves in modern times.
Articles Gay Marriage A Trojan Horse Movement

Gay Marriage: A Trojan Horse Movement
By James Simpson
The Left doesn’t care about gay rights, any more than they care about civil rights, welfare rights, minority rights, animal rights or any other “rights.” According to the Left, “the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.” The various “rights” the Left has aggressively promoted over the years are merely vehicles to advance the Left’s power.

Consider: the welfare “rights” movement, founded by the notorious socialists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, was not established to guarantee welfare to the poor. As they said, their purpose was to pack the welfare rolls with so many beneficiaries that the government would collapse of its own weight. In the ensuing riots, they hoped policy makers would be driven to accept their socialist solution. In short, they sought anarchy, using a militant poor as their foot soldiers. They couldn’t care less what happened to the poor in prosecuting this agenda, and they said so. Doubt me? Just look at the status of the poor today. There are more people on welfare than at any time in history. And the crime and degeneracy that accompany it are epidemic.

Look at our country today. With manufactured crisis Strategist-in-Chief Obama, we are almost there, and Cloward and Piven’s intellectual descendants were out in force in Ferguson. The communist agitators seeking “social justice” for Michael Brown burned down much of the neighborhood. Do black lives matter to them? Apparently not. And they have even said so. The issue is not the issue.
Articles Gay Marriage A Trojan Horse Movement

Gay Marriage: A Trojan Horse Movement
By James Simpson
The Left doesn’t care about gay rights, any more than they care about civil rights, welfare rights, minority rights, animal rights or any other “rights.” According to the Left, “the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution.” The various “rights” the Left has aggressively promoted over the years are merely vehicles to advance the Left’s power.

Consider: the welfare “rights” movement, founded by the notorious socialists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, was not established to guarantee welfare to the poor. As they said, their purpose was to pack the welfare rolls with so many beneficiaries that the government would collapse of its own weight. In the ensuing riots, they hoped policy makers would be driven to accept their socialist solution. In short, they sought anarchy, using a militant poor as their foot soldiers. They couldn’t care less what happened to the poor in prosecuting this agenda, and they said so. Doubt me? Just look at the status of the poor today. There are more people on welfare than at any time in history. And the crime and degeneracy that accompany it are epidemic.

Look at our country today. With manufactured crisis Strategist-in-Chief Obama, we are almost there, and Cloward and Piven’s intellectual descendants were out in force in Ferguson. The communist agitators seeking “social justice” for Michael Brown burned down much of the neighborhood. Do black lives matter to them? Apparently not. And they have even said so. The issue is not the issue.
It isn't the fault of the Left that the Right are just a bunch of communists and don't know it; some on the left are practicing being better poets, for just such a contingency.
Liberals don't have ethics. That's all the study confirmed. They are most guilty of what they say they are fighting.
This seems to be a study on both liberals and conservatives and the findings indicate that everyone is politically biased in their moral judgements. It's also important to note that this is a study where a small sample of college age students were used, not a representative sample of Americans. A more enlightening study would one where people are tested to find who is more susceptible to dubious moral judgements of authority figures.
[QUOTE="NYcarbineer, post: 11362537, member: 18701"]The importance of what?

just what i thought, you are too stupid to understand the OP.., did you read it ? do you need help ? if so contact any Conservative first grader, i am certain any one of them can explain it to you. :up:

It would be murder to throw an innocent person in front a trolley, not matter what the rationale. So the only correct answer is no, I wouldn't throw anyone.

The individual answers to this question varies obviously.

This thread is about the differences between liberals and conservatives revealed by looked at their answers as a group.

It appears that race matters to liberals more than to conservatives.

It also appears that national loyalty does not.

Show us in the study what the amount of variation was between the liberals and conservatives.

Oh, and btw, they based the liberal/conservative measurements by self-identification, which is an inaccurate measure.[/QUOTE]

So none of you really know what the study found?

lol. What a shock.
This seems to be a study on both liberals and conservatives and the findings indicate that everyone is politically biased in their moral judgements. It's also important to note that this is a study where a small sample of college age students were used, not a representative sample of Americans. A more enlightening study would one where people are tested to find who is more susceptible to dubious moral judgements of authority figures.

No, it showed that liberals were racist in their moral judgements, and that conservatives were pro-American.

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