Study: Obama’s Bad Economy Helps Kill Almost 500,000 Middle-Age White People


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I thought the obongo plan was going to help you live longer...
Study: Obama’s Bad Economy Helps Kill Almost 500,000 Middle-Age White People

by Warner Todd Huston2 Nov 2015

The death rates for middle-aged whites in America is increasing, reversing a decades-long decline, says a new released analysis of national statistics.

So many middle-aged whites are succumbing to drug overdoses and are ending their lives in suicide that the numbers are high enough to reverse decades of falling death-rates, according to the study by a husband-and-wife team of Princeton economists.

The cause in the rise in drug deaths and suicides remains unclear, but it is likely a result of the downwardly spiraling economy and troubled job market in which millions of Americans are trapped, according to Angus Deaton, a professor of economics at Princeton University, and his wife, Anne Case.

Deaton’s work revealed that since the 1970s the death-rate for middle-aged whites has been declining at about 2 percent per year. But for 2013–the last year for which statistics are available–the death rates for that sector increased by half a percent for the first time.

The rates, Deaton said, caused the pair to start “falling off our chairs because of what we found.”

NPR reported that the “mortality rate among whites ages 45 to 54 had increased by a half-percent a year from 381.5 per 100,000 in 1999 to 415.4 in 2013.”

Deaton and Case calculated that during this uptick in deaths, 488,500 Americans had died that wouldn’t have if the 2 percent downward trend had continued.

The researchers also found that this downward trend is not being repeated in similar groups in other countries. Only whites in the U.S. are dying at an increased rate.


Death Rates for Middle Aged Whites On The Rise in Failing Obama Economy
I really don't understand how Breitbart made this about Obama, this study commenced in 1999 and as everyone is well aware the 9/11 event, Iraq, jobs, incomes, anthrax, college tuition escalation, the recession, and dozens of other events coupled together made middle age white men sick. Duh.
That's been the muslim anti-American commie bastard's plan all along. Kill off as many white people as possible.
I really don't understand how Breitbart made this about Obama, this study commenced in 1999 and as everyone is well aware the 9/11 event, Iraq, jobs, incomes, anthrax, college tuition escalation, the recession, and dozens of other events coupled together made middle age white men sick. Duh.

It's this year's "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE OF EBOLA BECAUSE OBAMA!!!!" panic.

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