Study: Kids of Parents in Same-sex Relationships Fare Worse as Adults

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
A new study finds that adult children of parents in same-sex relationships fare worse socially, psychologically and physically than people raised in other family arrangements.

The study surveyed nearly 3,000 U.S. adults, ages 18 to 39, about their upbringing and their lives today, asking questions about factors such as income, relationship stability, mental health and history of sexual abuse. Of the 3,000 respondents, 73 reported that their father had engaged in a same-sex relationship and 163 reported that their mother had done so.

People who reported that their mother or father had a same-sex relationship at some point were different than children raised by their biological, still-married parents in 25 of the study's 40 measures. And most of the time, they fared worse. The children of parents who at some point had a same-sex partner were more likely to be on welfare, have a history of depression, have less education and report a history of sexual abuse, the study found.

Children of Parents with Same-sex Partners Fare Worse, Study Says - ABC News
Over a 35 year period, I formed hundreds of same sex families and had an opportunity to watch the chidren of these families grow into adults.

Children raised in a same sex two parent family suffer from the same kinds of dysfunctions and psychological problems as any child raised in a single parent, single sex household. They have problems forming relationships with the opposite sex, have parenting problems of their own, difficulties in making close friends of their own gender. These kinds of problems go largely unnoticed because dysfunction is the new normal. Dysfunction and difficulties with interpersonal relationships became the majority with the rise in divorce, cohabitation without marriage and abandonment. The children of same sex families just add additional numbers, they don't change the numbers.

Where single sex two parent families are successful, they are successful for the same reasons, that a single parent is successful. Some opposite sex third party has stepped in to fill the void. A grandmother, aunt, or good female friend balances out the all-male household. Sometimes it's the child's biological mother. Or, a grandfather, uncle or male friend assists in raising the children.

Children need appropriate role models of the opposite sex. Boys learn how to treat women from the way their fathers treat their mothers. A boy raised by two gay males will never see the interaction between men and women. A girl raised by a single mother with a succession of boyfriends will never experience how men should treat women.

Our instruction in interpersonal relationships today comes exclusively from television and movies. At arms length. Not in the home. Since what children see is never real, always dramatized and controlled, they literally have no choice but to be dysfunctional adults who go on to have dysfunctional children of their own.
A new study finds that adult children of parents in same-sex relationships fare worse socially, psychologically and physically than people raised in other family arrangements.

The study surveyed nearly 3,000 U.S. adults, ages 18 to 39, about their upbringing and their lives today, asking questions about factors such as income, relationship stability, mental health and history of sexual abuse. Of the 3,000 respondents, 73 reported that their father had engaged in a same-sex relationship and 163 reported that their mother had done so.

People who reported that their mother or father had a same-sex relationship at some point were different than children raised by their biological, still-married parents in 25 of the study's 40 measures. And most of the time, they fared worse. The children of parents who at some point had a same-sex partner were more likely to be on welfare, have a history of depression, have less education and report a history of sexual abuse, the study found.

Children of Parents with Same-sex Partners Fare Worse, Study Says - ABC News

How inconvenient for the left.

Society needs: more marriage, at younger ages. Less divorce. More children. The best family is a father, mother and children. All the same race.

No miscegenation. Less divorce. No gay marriage.

Keep it traditional and watch your society straighten itself out.

All the bullshit we deal with... so much comes from the modern lefty lies about how "suffocating" and "boring" traditional family life is. But the truth is that traditional families are nature's own best formula for the best societies.

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