Study: 1.8 million dead people registered to vote!


There's a problem with keeping the registration of voters up to date, without doubt.

AGain, this is not a GOP or DEM problem, this is an AMERICAN problem.

There's a problem with keeping the registration of voters up to date, without doubt.

AGain, this is not a GOP or DEM problem, this is an AMERICAN problem.

And the sure fire way to fix it is to keep cutting state budgets. Know what I keep pushing to the side because I'm too busy working on Voter Registration? The death report from the vital records office. Since we've gone from having four people doing my job to just one, me, deaths aren't high on my priority list.

There's a problem with keeping the registration of voters up to date, without doubt.

AGain, this is not a GOP or DEM problem, this is an AMERICAN problem.

And the sure fire way to fix it is to keep cutting state budgets. Know what I keep pushing to the side because I'm too busy working on Voter Registration? The death report from the vital records office. Since we've gone from having four people doing my job to just one, me, deaths aren't high on my priority list.
Same situation in Florida. Purging rolls takes work hours. And work forces have been stagnant or reduced in this area of Florida.
i have to admit the last thing i'm gonna think about if a loved one dies is calling the state and cancelling their voting rights. the states are gonna have to become more efficient in cleaning up the records (which takes tax money if we want it done).
i have to admit the last thing i'm gonna think about if a loved one dies is calling the state and cancelling their voting rights. the states are gonna have to become more efficient in cleaning up the records (which takes tax money if we want it done).

There's a problem with keeping the registration of voters up to date, without doubt.

AGain, this is not a GOP or DEM problem, this is an AMERICAN problem.

And the sure fire way to fix it is to keep cutting state budgets. Know what I keep pushing to the side because I'm too busy working on Voter Registration? The death report from the vital records office. Since we've gone from having four people doing my job to just one, me, deaths aren't high on my priority list.
Same situation in Florida. Purging rolls takes work hours. And work forces have been stagnant or reduced in this area of Florida.

I don't doubt that is the same problem everywhere.

And it's not just that we don't have time to process the death reports from the county vital records office. That list only contains people that have died in the county. If someone dies outside the county we aren't notified until a family member sees fit to do it. They usually don't bother until they get a jury summons for the deceased individual. Nobody thinks to notify the registrar when their family member dies until months or years later when they get something in the mail.
Registrations expire if not renewed in Florida. That should help remove deceased voters.
Registrations expire if not renewed in Florida. That should help remove deceased voters.

How often must a voter renew? Does their registration actually get cancelled or do they just fall into an inactive status?

We make the voter inactive if they haven't voted in a set number of Federal elections. (CA)
Yeah, but did they vote? Sounds more like system failures.

Pew Center on the States says it believes outdated systems fail to keep pace with basic life changes.

From your link.

Well here in the little ole State of Wa. an extra thousand votes then voters in common place. Even the States top man, said it was normal.

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