Straw poll - what would it take for you to support military action against NK

Our primary concern should be regime change.
You plan on removing the Real Power Behind the Throne - the Chinese?

No, I meant getting rid of the Trump administration.
Going to re-elect his ass.
Finally a Real Man in the White House.
Well almost.
Getting closer to what we need in the White House. Not going to allow it to go backwards by voting in a pansy ass Liberal.
would that crazy fat fuck have to actually bomb Seoul or Japan? I don't want a war; but this situation is scary still hopeful that there is a way out; but at best we are back to 1960s - 90s style MAD

Look fool, if a company was bilking innocent people of thousands of dollars our government would JUMP to stop it. If another country was cutting off our trade, our government would JUMP to stop it, but now here's a guy building H-bombs and ICBMs given technology from Iran, China and Russia, OSTENSIBLY threatening that his aim is to destroy us, and we are now within his reach and we sit on our hands? You think he will be any better after he is a threat to the world? Why is it that Vladimir says it's a no win situation and that the best thing is to keep talking after DECADES of talking has already led to this?

Japan can be defended. South Korea has let themselves be made the open victims to the North like siting ducks. Their shooting a rocket over Japan was an act of war. The USA can simply not just keep sitting around and do nothing much longer against international pressure, it is not THEY who are being threatened! Kim must be taken out or his military bases and facilities be utterly destroyed in one quick massive bombing. If some of the S. Koreans get hurt, well, they are just another Armenia. They have had decades to plan for this! We should wait until the next Korean festival where all of Kim's soldiers and tanks and missiles, all of their generals and Kim himself are all in that big open square celebrating how great they are and turn all of the fuckers into glass beads. Game over. Message sent.
One of Ding Dong's missiles will go haywire and hit Japan....and that's curtains for the fat little fuck. We don't have to NUKE the zipperheads.....half a dozen MOABS and a couple hundred cruise missiles will suffice.

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