Strategies for Debate #2


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

In the first debate Romney was aggressive and Obama was relatively passive. I think it's fair to say that, by most accounts, Romney "won" the first debate (yes, I know, some here are pretending to disagree, we'll make them the exception).

So what happens in the next debate?

Obama will almost assuredly come out more aggressive. What I'm wondering is whether Romney, anticipating that, will change his style - maybe switching to a more demure, "presidential" approach, something like that. Surely his team knows that Obama will come out swinging, I can't imagine they aren't planning an overall strategy.

Thoughts, guesses?

And maybe we can keep this conversation thoughtful and mature, just for a refreshing change?

One thing is certain Romney cannot fake expertise in foreign policy as he faked concern for the 47%.
Obama will bring his Lebron, is what I've read.
But it's hard to be aggressive without seeming like a jerk. Romney pulled it off. I doubt Obama has the savvy to do that.
The real aggressive one is going to be the moderator, who is of course in the tank for Obama.
One thing is certain Romney cannot fake expertise in foreign policy as he faked concern for the 47%.

He doesnt need to. He knows 10 times as much as Obama about foreign policy. Obama's policies are disaster. Let's see him defend the handling of the Libyan embassy incident, much less the whole Arab Spring deal.
One thing is certain Romney cannot fake expertise in foreign policy as he faked concern for the 47%.

He doesnt need to. He knows 10 times as much as Obama about foreign policy. Obama's policies are disaster. Let's see him defend the handling of the Libyan embassy incident, much less the whole Arab Spring deal.

Being a saber rattling, diplomatic retard only works for the republican base.
Romney needs to be cool. Make Obama look angry. Itll hit his likability.
The problem with obama getting aggressive is that he is either on or off. I don't think he is capable of being "somewhat aggressive" without coming off as angry.
Romney came out somewhat aggressive and handled it like he was in control. When obama does the aggressive thing, he comes off more like Jeremiah Wright than the President of the United States.
Romney needs to be cool. Make Obama look angry. Itll hit his likability.

That's my guess. But he'd have to walk a fine line, not to let Obama take control. I'd be surprised to see Romney come out as aggressive, though.


I dunno. I expect to see Romney all over Obama on Libya, the Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood
The town hall format is a potential minefield for Romney, we will get to see how he deals with an unpredictable situation.
I think Obama intentionally tubed the first debate so the pundits can say he did much better in the second one.

"He's back in the game!" they'll all say.
Romney needs to be cool. Make Obama look angry. Itll hit his likability.

That's my guess. But he'd have to walk a fine line, not to let Obama take control. I'd be surprised to see Romney come out as aggressive, though.


I dunno. I expect to see Romney all over Obama on Libya, the Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood

If that happens, then we're in for a real barn-burner. I think some other posts here are right, Obama needs to watch it, not to come off as too angry. He already looked annoyed in the first debate.

One thing is certain Romney cannot fake expertise in foreign policy as he faked concern for the 47%.

He doesnt need to. He knows 10 times as much as Obama about foreign policy. Obama's policies are disaster. Let's see him defend the handling of the Libyan embassy incident, much less the whole Arab Spring deal.

Being a saber rattling, diplomatic retard only works for the republican base.

Havent you learned anything yet? When Romney appears as what he has always been, and it is the polar opposite of what the liberal types paint him, he surges in the polls.
The best way to help Romney is keep repeating lies like that before the debate.
Romney needs to be cool. Make Obama look angry. Itll hit his likability.

That's my guess. But he'd have to walk a fine line, not to let Obama take control. I'd be surprised to see Romney come out as aggressive, though.


I dunno. I expect to see Romney all over Obama on Libya, the Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood

He definitely should attack him hard on those things. Try to make Obama mad. If Obama gets mad, Romney wins.
The problem with obama getting aggressive is that he is either on or off. I don't think he is capable of being "somewhat aggressive" without coming off as angry.
Romney came out somewhat aggressive and handled it like he was in control. When obama does the aggressive thing, he comes off more like Jeremiah Wright than the President of the United States.

That's because he's an angry community organizer and never was Preasidential material to begin with. obama is the biggest joke on decent hard working Americans we've ever had played on us. People, epxecially white people, who vote for obama in this coming election should be arrested, tried for treason and executed for their obvious hatred for what America once stood for.
Romney needs to be cool. Make Obama look angry. Itll hit his likability.

That's my guess. But he'd have to walk a fine line, not to let Obama take control. I'd be surprised to see Romney come out as aggressive, though.


I dunno. I expect to see Romney all over Obama on Libya, the Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood

It could get very ugly. Does obama have the self control necessary to not get "uppity"?
This time Romney is certain to be asked about immigration reform, ruh-roh.
The second debate is perfect for obama. It's a town hall format which is his best vehicle. It's about foreign policy which should be his best subject. In theory obama should be able to walk all over Romney.

obama's worst enemy is obama. He is still not preparing. Even though he blames Kerry for his poor performance, he won't replace him. obama, in obama's mind, cannot make a mistake. If he buckles down to some serious study he will admit to doing a poor job the first time. If he replaces Kerry, he will have to admit that he made a mistake in choosing him the first time. obama should have replaced Biden as VP, but since obama never makes a mistake, he couldn't do that.

obama is going to be back out there against someone who is very well prepared and has an enormous amount of ammunition. obama will rely on campaign speeches just like he did last time. He knows his advantages and will rely on those. I expect obama to be bellicose, argumentative without substance, and trying to re-do the last debate.

Unless obama can explain the Libyan cover up and why he engineered the murder of Ambassador Stevens he is going to lose. If obama's answers to his obvious failures is to blame everyone but himself and gets as hysterical in the debate as he is on the campaign trail he will lose even though the second debate could not be better for him.

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