Straight Men & Women: What would you do....?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
......if a homosexual made a pass at you? asked you out, flirted with you etc.?

How do you think you would handle it? or
If it HAS happened to you, how did you handle it?
I've heard men talk saying if a homosexual tried to hit on them they would punch them.
To me, that is homophobic behavior. Why would you want to hit them?

What is someone was more aggressive and kiss you or grabbed your butt?
Is hitting someone even in that circumstance warranted? If not, what would be an appropriate reaction?
I suppose it would depend on the level of persistence. A simple, no thank you, works in most insistences. If they kept harping on it then it is fine getting rude with a person that isn't willing to accept no for an answer. I get hit on by straight women from time to time. I am not offended but flattered for the most part.
I have been hit on before, but not by a total stranger (2 times with friends).

Only ONCE and it was at a strip bar and of the dancers kissed me on the cheek and flirted with me. My boyfriend (now husband) and his friend were totally jealous. I didn't mind to be honest, it was flattering :)
Straight women everywhere are laughing.

I'm slow bode.. why?
That men would even have to puzzle over something straight women are always dealing with.

Queers should only go after other queers. They have the scarlet letter of :gay: and a strange dialect


Yeah, you hear it whenever you go to Louisiana.

And the other 52 states too

Straight women everywhere are laughing.

I'm slow bode.. why?
That men would even have to puzzle over something straight women are always dealing with.

Queers should only go after other queers. They have the scarlet letter of :gay: and a strange dialect


Would you hit a guy if he grabbed your butt?

Very likely... and then call the police

I would be flattered, but disappointed it wasn't a woman hitting on me.
I have a story about this kind of situation. My cousin was a member of a Pearl Jam tribute band, so my ex and I went to a local bar/club to watch him and his band play. They were pretty popular at the time locally, so the place was packed and it was loud. We started talking to this lady who was sitting next to us and had some drinks. Then, she said something, and I couldn't hear her, so I moved in close to hear her, and she stuck her tongue in my ear!!! I just pulled away from her and was surprised and kind of grossed out. I don't really enjoy wet willies. :lol: Later on, when I told me ex about that, he said that she did it to him too! Lol. She was then trying to talk us into coming over to her house afterwards, but we declined. She was kind of strange, her name was "Breeze" and she was from Tennessee. Probably a conservative Christian republican. :wink_2:
I have a story about this kind of situation. My cousin was a member of a Pearl Jam tribute band, so my ex and I went to a local bar/club to watch him and his band play. They were pretty popular at the time locally, so the place was packed and it was loud. We started talking to this lady who was sitting next to us and had some drinks. Then, she said something, and I couldn't hear her, so I moved in close to hear her, and she stuck her tongue in my ear!!! I just pulled away from her and was surprised and kind of grossed out. I don't really enjoy wet willies. :lol: Later on, when I told me ex about that, he said that she did it to him too! Lol. She was then trying to talk us into coming over to her house afterwards, but we declined. She was kind of strange, her name was "Breeze" and she was from Tennessee. Probably a conservative Christian republican. :wink_2:

Wow...from hello to wet willy. Bold move, Breeze. Bold move. I wonder how often that has worked for her in the past, if any?

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