Stop wasting our time obama - attack iran and remove its regime

And you, Rhodes, keep babbling your neo-con lies. You aren't calling out anyone... rest of garbage deleted

You're weak, stupid, lying trash.

I CALLED YOU OUT to show where I lied - and YOU CAN'T. YOU ARE A FUCKING DOG, WHITE BREAD TRASH who cannot defend their comments.

Fuck you, you have been exposed as a fraud and liar. Totally exposed, with nothing to back up your claims - NOTHING.
I CALLED YOU OUT to show where I lied - and YOU CAN'T.
I called you out and all you did was run away, like the little big-mouth pussy, that you are!

Attacking Iran would put us in a direct military confrontation with Russia and that could lead to the end of all life on planet earth.

You neocons need to shut your fucking, war-mongering, asshole mouths!
If we attacked Iran OR Syria with boots on the ground and combat troops at the ready, Russia would be on us like white on rice.

Putin is looking for a reason, and Russia is already allied with Syria and Iran.
If we attacked Iran OR Syria with boots on the ground and combat troops at the ready, Russia would be on us like white on rice. Putin is looking for a reason, and Russia is already allied with Syria and Iran.

Putin is a dog (not unlike the weak liar jakey in this thread); all bluster with nothing, absolutely NOTHING to back it up.

Russia has no economy, and the little it has is being crushed by the low oil prices. The same idiot anti-western trash who attack the US for its wars against small, weak countries like iraq never mention how every country russia attacks like Chechnya and Ukraine are not major powers. Russia's army is garbage, and they have no money to build one.

As for defending iran if it was attacked, not gonna happen. Russia did not stand by iran when the UNSC was passing at least 7 resolutions against it regarding its illegal nuclear weapons program or its illegal transfer of weapons to terrorist groups.
Too many Iranians in the White House.

Starting with Senior Advisor to Hussein..... Iranian born Valerie Jarrett.

Hell will freeze over before Muslim Barack attacks Iran.

I hope so. Who in the hell wants a war, oh wait the Zionist. Why doesn't Israel go it alone, since they want it so bad, were fighting Syria for you Zionist, what more do you want, we also did Iraq for you Zionist. Time to fight your own battles.
We are not attacking Iran.

Eventually we might. Some day there is going to be an attack on Saudi Arabia because in the Islamic world---they who control
the black rock ----control the UMMAH. Iran is very ambitious
in this regard and is planting Hezbollah allies---funded and trained thruout the middle east. Of course Turkey has the same ambition----it is the pathway to the RESTORATION OF THE OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. It is that war which the USA will be unable to avoid just as the USA could not avoid world war II.
Islamo Nazi sluts will still shriek We DONE IT FOR DA
We are already attacking Iran, we are sanctioning them to death, just like we did with Iraq, weaken them , cause unrest within, then create a real false flag and then bang , hit them. Isn't that the way it works?
We are already attacking Iran, we are sanctioning them to death, just like we did with Iraq, weaken them , cause unrest within, then create a real false flag and then bang , hit them. Isn't that the way it works?

It is the propagandaist theory well used for more than 100 years by the islamo Nazi pigs------you are nothing new Penelope---you are into the old time religion of islamo Nazi shit. Now in which book of Talmud Bavli did you read that ? Have you ever bothered to have a thought of your own ?
For those who are confused. In order to find out how "it works"------visit some methadone clinics or really seedy
bars. Such places harbor many geniuses on the level of
Penelope. By listening to the brilliant conversation by
those with burnt out brains------you will learn "HOW IT WORKS"
We are already attacking Iran, we are sanctioning them to death, just like we did with Iraq, weaken them , cause unrest within, then create a real false flag and then bang , hit them. Isn't that the way it works?

It is the propagandaist theory well used for more than 100 years by the islamo Nazi pigs------you are nothing new Penelope---you are into the old time religion of islamo Nazi shit. Now in which book of Talmud Bavli did you read that ? Have you ever bothered to have a thought of your own ?

Surely you were around in the 90's and watched how we strangled Iraq, I mean even M. Albright admitted it. I bet you'd join Pegida in Germany right now, anti Islam immigration begun by a man called Lutz Bachmam.
We are already attacking Iran, we are sanctioning them to death, just like we did with Iraq, weaken them , cause unrest within, then create a real false flag and then bang , hit them. Isn't that the way it works?

It is the propagandaist theory well used for more than 100 years by the islamo Nazi pigs------you are nothing new Penelope---you are into the old time religion of islamo Nazi shit. Now in which book of Talmud Bavli did you read that ? Have you ever bothered to have a thought of your own ?

Surely you were around in the 90's and watched how we strangled Iraq, I mean even M. Albright admitted it. I bet you'd join Pegida in Germany right now, anti Islam immigration begun by a man called Lutz Bachmam.

Keep betting-----I do not know a person Pegida in Germany,
or Lutz Bachmam I do know that M. Albright commented
that she supported sanctions of Iraq but did not say "I support strangling Iraq" -----I do know that you danced with
delight on the dead bodies of tens of thousands murdered
by your beloved Baathist pig SADAAM-------very early in
his career---to delight sluts like you-----way back ----I believe
in the 70s ----he excuted jews in public by hanging them
from the neck----in public ---completely naked----is that
the EROTIC EXPERIENCE FOR YOU---that claimed your
filthy little islamo Nazi heart.. Well----I do know you do not
like to hear about "jews...jews...jews". Your beloved also
purged the Iraqi political world of all those who opposed him
very easily-----HE HAD THEM SHOT. I did not like him
even then Did I ever tell you about the sleazy greasy pig
he sent to the USA----in the 1960s -----for the purpose of
encouraging terrorism------but sheer coincidence I ran into the
pig circa 1964 at the world's fair----I was a child----but recognized him for what he was -------back then----M. T, Mehdi------it's a secret-----My husband also ran into the
greasy pig in the 1990s His death in 1998 was a GOOD THING. Well---someday more will be "outed"----he died
of a heart attack-----of course he was treated at BELLEVUE---by a ZIONIST
Why should we attack Iran?

Obama needs to invade Canada

:link:----I believe
in the 70s ----he excuted jews in public by hanging them
from the neck----in public ---completely naked----

:link:----I believe
in the 70s ----he excuted jews in public by hanging them
from the neck----in public ---completely naked----


you don't know how to google? this stuff was reported in
"Newsweek" in the 1980s ------I have no idea if it shows up
on the net------islamo Nazi pigs like to hack things off----
google "early career" of Sadaam Hussein ----Nazi sow.
Btw-----where did you hide the bitch murdering slut HAYAT?

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