Stop hiding democrats


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
What is it about democrat politicians? It seems that many of them want to hide from the American people. I've tried to email my congresswoman over and over again with no response. If you do not support her and her Ideas you can just go jump in the lake as far as she is concerned. Talk about taxation without representation.
Today I went to Allen West’s webpage and found that even though I’m not in his district I could still contact him and leave a comment. When I went to Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s webpage I could not leave a comment for her because I’m not in her district.
This led me to do some homework; I found that republican congress men and women are far more willing to hear from folks outside of their district than democrats.
Why do democrats feel the need to hide? Maybe it’s because most of them are gerrymandered Idiots. Can’t wait until 2012
We'd have more Democrats if Republicans would stop suppressing their voting rights.

What are you talking about? the last suppression of voting rights was in 2008 when the black panthers stood outside a polling place and intimidated voters. Obama's justice department, the most politicized in history, quashed the investigation into it, giving no reason.
We'd have more Democrats if Republicans would stop suppressing their voting rights.

What are you talking about? the last suppression of voting rights was in 2008 when the black panthers stood outside a polling place and intimidated voters. Obama's justice department, the most politicized in history, quashed the investigation into it, giving no reason.
sure....the new black panthers standing in front of a PRIMARILY BLACK voting district, scared the voters and kept them from voting..... is that what you are implying...they kept blacks from voting?:cuckoo:
We'd have more Democrats if Republicans would stop suppressing their voting rights.

What are you talking about? the last suppression of voting rights was in 2008 when the black panthers stood outside a polling place and intimidated voters. Obama's justice department, the most politicized in history, quashed the investigation into it, giving no reason.
sure....the new black panthers standing in front of a PRIMARILY BLACK voting district, scared the voters and kept them from voting..... is that what you are implying...they kept blacks from voting?

Yaaaaaaa surrrrrrre - they were intimidating BLACK voters. :lol: Get a clue moron.
What are you talking about? the last suppression of voting rights was in 2008 when the black panthers stood outside a polling place and intimidated voters. Obama's justice department, the most politicized in history, quashed the investigation into it, giving no reason.
sure....the new black panthers standing in front of a PRIMARILY BLACK voting district, scared the voters and kept them from voting..... is that what you are implying...they kept blacks from voting?

Yaaaaaaa surrrrrrre - they were intimidating BLACK voters. :lol: Get a clue moron.
you are being the moron and are clueless....the new black panthers were supposedly protecting the black people in a black district...they were not standing in front of some pearly white voting district....but the CONS, made a big deal out of the situation...a mountain out of a molehill and LIED and tried to claim what you are claiming....when this is simply not true....

Not that i agree with some of them supposedly having billy clubs....but the voting district and voting booth they were in front of, WAS a black district, and the blacks were not in the least intimidated by them....the new black panthers were supposedly protecting them.
sure....the new black panthers standing in front of a PRIMARILY BLACK voting district, scared the voters and kept them from voting..... is that what you are implying...they kept blacks from voting?

Yaaaaaaa surrrrrrre - they were intimidating BLACK voters. :lol: Get a clue moron.
you are being the moron and are clueless....the new black panthers were supposedly protecting the black people in a black district...they were not standing in front of some pearly white voting district....but the CONS, made a big deal out of the situation...a mountain out of a molehill and LIED and tried to claim what you are claiming....when this is simply not true....

Not that i agree with some of them supposedly having billy clubs....but the voting district and voting booth they were in front of, WAS a black district, and the blacks were not in the least intimidated by them....the new black panthers were supposedly protecting them.

Next he will bring up Eric Holder's handling of the case while conveniently leaving out the fact that the Bush DOJ made the call not to pursue criminal charges against those guys.
What is it about democrat politicians? It seems that many of them want to hide from the American people. I've tried to email my congresswoman over and over again with no response. If you do not support her and her Ideas you can just go jump in the lake as far as she is concerned.
Soooooooooo.....if you can read her mind....why would you bother with emails????

Get a clue, idiot Careforall (from wiki):

The conduct for which members of the New Black Panther Party were accused of voter intimidation took place on Election Day in November 2008, at a polling station in a predominantly African-American, Democratic voting district of Philadelphia.[1] Two members of the New Black Panther party, Minister King Samir Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson, stood in front of the entrance to the polling station in uniforms that have been described as military or paramilitary.[2][3][4] Minister King Shabazz carried a billy club, and is reported to have pointed it at voters while both men shouted racial slurs,[5] including phrases such as "white devil" and "you're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."[6

No complaints were filed by voters about the incident, although poll watchers witnessed some voters approach the polls and then turn away, apparently in response to the New Black Panther Party members.[

The Department of Justice became aware of the incident on Election Day and started an inquiry. Under the Bush administration, a criminal investigation into the incident was started, but later dropped.[10][11] Instead, in January 2009, less than two weeks before the Bush administration left office, the civil rights division of the Department of Justice filed a civil suit under the voting rights act against four defendants, namely, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Jerry Jackson, NBPP chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, and the NBPP itself. The lawsuit accused them of using uniforms, racial insults and a weapon to intimidate voters and those who were there to assist them.[2] Four career attorneys, Spencer Fisher, Christian Adams, Robert Popper and Christopher Coates signed the memo that supported the case against the four defendants.[12][10] The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later.

In April 2009 Bartie Bull, a former civil rights lawyer who was serving as a poll watcher at the polling station where the incident occurred, submitted an affidavit at Justice's request supporting the lawsuit, stating that he considered it to have been the most severe instance of voter intimidation he had ever encountered.[2][5]

When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the career attorneys' move to pursue a default judgment against the defendants was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King who was acting Assistant Attorney General and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.[10][12][3]

Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez testified that even though none of the defendants responded to the charges, the Justice Department still had a continuing legal and ethical obligation to ensure that any relief sought was consistent with the law and supported by the evidence. A decision was then made to dismiss the charges against NBPP chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, the NBPP and Jerry Jackson. The charge against Minister King Samir Shabazz, the individual who was seen brandishing a nightstick, was maintained but narrowed. The original charge against Minister King Samir Shabazz sought an injunction prohibiting acts of intimidation anywhere in the United States, but the charge was narrowed to apply only within the City of Philadelphia. The Justice Department then sought and obtained a default judgment against King Samir Shabazz. The injunction would prohibit Shabazz from displaying a weapon within 100 feet of a Philadelphia polling place for the next three years.[10]
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We'd have more Democrats if Republicans would stop suppressing their voting rights.

This sentence contradicts itself. There'd be more Democrats if Republicans would stop suppressing Democrats voting rights?

It's how out of touch the Democrats are. So many fought and died to get and keep our right to vote. Blacks went through slavery and Jim Crow laws, suffrage was ended after decades of struggle. Iraqis and Afganis get blown up in lines to vote. Most of the world still has a narrow choice or none at all.

Yet to Democrats, half an hour at the DMV to get a free ID is just massively too hard. Is not letting someone who of their own choices chooses to be that lazy really that big a loss at the polls? I'm trying to be indignant, but it's not working.
We'd have more Democrats if Republicans would stop suppressing their voting rights.

This sentence contradicts itself. There'd be more Democrats if Republicans would stop suppressing Democrats voting rights?

It's how out of touch the Democrats are. So many fought and died to get and keep our right to vote. Blacks went through slavery and Jim Crow laws, suffrage was ended after decades of struggle. Iraqis and Afganis get blown up in lines to vote. Most of the world still has a narrow choice or none at all.

Yet to Democrats, half an hour at the DMV to get a free ID is just massively too hard. Is not letting someone who of their own choices chooses to be that lazy really that big a loss at the polls? I'm trying to be indignant, but it's not working.

Well, I have to admit, a half an hour at the DMV can seem like an eternity.


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