Stonewalling techniques by the 'most transparent administration in history'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Obama administration continues to claim to be the most transparent in history, but they are the worst at stonewalling and hiding information. Never have so many IG's complained about the serious lack of information being released. The failure to release requested documents is unprecedented. Investigators can't do their jobs because the administration refuses to cooperate. While the administration claims that the many scandals surrounding them are phony, they go to great lengths to prevent them from being properly investigated. Then they wonder why people keep pressing for answers. It's not good enough to simply take their word, which is what they are asking us to do. Documents need to be released to IGs so they can get to the truth. Apparently, the administration would rather deal with accusations of hypocrisy than deal with the consequences of the truth coming out. That is telling.
I figured the libs would at least claim that Boooosh did it, too, and that excuses Obama. Or they just don't care what Obama does because of blind adoration.

No president has prevented the release of information to this extent. It's a new record.

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